1、Timer timer = new Timer(); 创建时间管理器 参数(float time, TimeUnit timeUnit,bool ignoreTimeScale = false, bool autoStart = true) time:时间值、timeUnit 时间单位(帧率、秒、厘秒、毫秒)、ignoreTimeScale 忽略时间缩放(可以使游戏暂停更容易实现)、autoStart 自动开始计时

2、timer.loop = true; // 循环          timer.Finished +=method;  // 回调函数     timer.Pause(); // 暂停

using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

namespace Epitome
    public delegate void FinishedHandler();

public class Timer
        TimerManager.TimerState timer;

public bool Running { get { return timer.Running; } }

public bool Paused { get { return timer.Paused; } }

public bool Loop
            set { timer.HasRepeat = value; }
            get { return timer.HasRepeat; }

public event FinishedHandler Finished;

public Timer(float time, TimeUnit timeUnit,bool ignoreTimeScale = false, bool autoStart = true)
            timer = TimerManager.Instance.CreateTimer(time, timeUnit, ignoreTimeScale);
            timer.Finished += TimerFinished;
            if (autoStart) timer.Start();

public void Start() { timer.Start(); }

public void Stop() { timer.Stop(); }

public void Pause() { timer.Pause(); }

public void UnPause() { timer.UnPause(); }

public void TimerFinished()
            FinishedHandler handler = Finished;
            if (handler != null)

public enum TimeUnit
        FrameRate, // 帧率
        Second, // 秒
        CentiSecond, // 厘秒:是一秒的百分之一(0.01秒)
        MilliSecond, // 毫秒:是一秒的千分之一(0.001秒)

public class TimerManager : MonoSingleton<TimerManager>
        public class TimerState
            bool running;
            bool paused;
            bool stopped;

public bool Running { get { return running; } }

public bool Paused { get { return paused; } }

public event FinishedHandler Finished;

private TimeUnit timeUnit;

private float delayTime; // 延迟时间
            private float attackTime; // 启动时间
            private  float currentTime; // 当前时间

public bool HasRepeat; // 一直重复

public bool ignoreTimeScale { get; private set; } // 忽略时间缩放

public TimerState(float time, TimeUnit unit, bool ignore)
                timeUnit = unit;
                ignoreTimeScale = ignore;

delayTime = time;


private void ResetState()
                switch (timeUnit)
                    case TimeUnit.FrameRate:
                        currentTime = 0.0f;
                    case TimeUnit.Second:
                    case TimeUnit.CentiSecond:
                    case TimeUnit.MilliSecond:
                        if (!ignoreTimeScale) currentTime = 0.0f;
                        else currentTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;

attackTime = delayTime + currentTime;

public void UpdateTime(float time)
                time = ignoreTimeScale ? time - currentTime : time;

if (running)
                    if (paused) return;

switch (timeUnit)
                        case TimeUnit.FrameRate:
                            currentTime += 1;
                        case TimeUnit.Second:
                            currentTime += time;
                        case TimeUnit.CentiSecond:
                            currentTime += time * 100;
                        case TimeUnit.MilliSecond:
                            currentTime += time * 1000;

if (currentTime >= attackTime)
                        if (HasRepeat)

FinishedHandler handle = Finished;
                        if (handle != null)

public void Start()
                running = true;

public void Stop()
                stopped = true;
                running = false;

public void Pause()
                paused = true;

public void UnPause()
                paused = false;

private List<TimerState> timerList = new List<TimerState>();

private void Update()
            for (int i = 0; i < timerList.Count ; i++)
                timerList[i].UpdateTime(timerList[i].ignoreTimeScale ? Time.realtimeSinceStartup : Time.deltaTime);

public TimerState CreateTimer(float time, TimeUnit timeUnit,bool ignoreTimeScale)
            TimerState newTimer = new TimerState(time, timeUnit, ignoreTimeScale);
            return newTimer;

public void ClearTimer() { }
        public void ClearAllTimer() { }


public class text : MonoBehaviour {

// Use this for initialization
    void Start () {
        Time.timeScale = 3;

Timer timer = new Timer(1, TimeUnit.Second); //第三个参数是否忽略时间缩放带来的影响
        timer.Loop = true; // 设置可循环
        timer.Finished += rw; 

private void rw()


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