




Editor Default Resources

Editor scripts can make use of asset files loaded on-demand using the EditorGUIUtility.Load function. This function will look for the asset files in a folder called Editor Default Resources which should be placed directly within the Assets folder.


Unity's "Gizmos" allow you to add graphics to the scene view to help visualise design details that are otherwise invisible. The Gizmos.DrawIcon function places an icon in the scene to act as a marker for a special object or position. The image file used to draw this icon must be placed in a folder called Gizmos in order to be located by the DrawIcon function.


各种插件,包括C/C ++的本地插件,需要用到

[DllImport ("PluginName")]

float FooPluginFunction ();



Standard Assets and Pro Standard assets

When you import a standard asset package (menu: Assets > Import Package) the assets are placed in a folder called Standard Assets or Pro Standard Assets if the package is available only with a Pro licence. As well as containing the assets, these folders also have an effect on script compilation order; see the page on Special Folders and Script Compilation Order for further details.




For webplayer builds, Unity lets you supply a custom host page to deliver the player. The host page is supplied in the form of a template that can incorporate specific information from the project such as its name. These templates must be placed in a folder called WebPlayerTemplates to be available to Unity; see the page aboutUsing Web Player templates for further details. It is also worth noting that any scripts placed in the WebPlayerTemplates folder will not be ignored by the compiler. Placing script files here can be a useful temporary way to stop them from being compiled, say if they contain incomplete code that will prevent the game running.

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