• 域名批量解析,快速确认域名的存活性及IP地址,脚本中包含了具体的用法和简要说明
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
# python3.6 from socket import gethostbyname
import argparse def domain_ip(openfile,out1,out2,out3):
with open(openfile, 'r') as f:
for line in f.readlines():
host = gethostbyname(line.strip('\n')) # 域名反解析得到的IP
except Exception as e:
with open(out1, 'a+') as ERR: # A-domain-ERR.txt 解析出错域名统计
ERR.write(line.strip() + '\n')
with open(out2, 'a+') as r: # A-domain-ip.txt 里面存储的是批量解析后的结果,输出域名
r.write(line.strip('\n') + ' '+ host +"\n") # 显示有ip绑定的域名,用空格隔开
re = line.strip('\n')
if host.strip() != "":
if host.strip()!= "":
if host.strip() != "":
if host.strip() != "":
with open(out3,"a+") as f:
#f.write(line.strip()+" " + host.strip()+"\n")
pass if __name__== "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="2020.07.28 python 3.6 domain_1.0")
parser.add_argument('-f'.strip(),'--filename'.strip(), help='eg:-f domains.txt')# 需要解析的域名列表信息
parser.add_argument('-o'.strip(),'--outfile1'.strip(), default="A-domain-ERR.txt",help='eg:-o A-domain-ERR.txt ')# 输出解析失败的域名信息
parser.add_argument('-r'.strip(),'--outfile2'.strip(), default="A-domain-ip.txt",help='eg:-r A-domain-ip.txt ')#输出解析成功的域名及ip信息
parser.add_argument('-a'.strip(), '--outfile3'.strip(), default="A-lists.txt",help='eg:-a A-lists.txt ')#输出A记录列表
args = parser.parse_args()
if (args.filename and args.outfile1 and args.outfile2 and args.outfile3):
domain_ip(args.filename, args.outfile1,args.outfile2,args.outfile3)

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