Insert into a Cyclic Sorted List
Given a node from a cyclic linked list which has been sorted, write a function to insert a value into the list such that it remains a cyclic sorted list. The given node can be any single node in the list. (increasing sorted)
We need to consider the following three cases:
1. pre->val <=x<=current->val:
insert between prev and current.
2. x is the maximum or minimum value in the list:
Insert before the head.
3. Traverses back to the starting point:
Insert before the starting point.
// aNode是引用,当aNode为空时,返回结点的指针
void insert(Node*& aNode, int x)
if (!aNode)
aNode = new Node(x);
aNode->next = aNode;
} Node* p = aNode;
Node* prev = NULL;
prev = p;
p = p->next;
if (x <= p->data && x >= prev->data)
if ((prev->data > p->data) && (x < p->data || x > pre->data))
} while (p != aNode); Node* newNode = new Node(x);
newNode->next = p;
prev->next = newNode;
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