[MVC4-基礎] 連動DropDownList - 使用jQuery、JSON
二、View (Index.cshtml)
@model IEnumerable<LES.Models.Repair> @{
ViewBag.Title = "Index";
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function () {
$(".DropDownList").append("<option value='Value'>請選擇</option>"); //預設都加入「請選擇」
$(".DropDownList").change(function () {
$(this).attr("disabled", true); //取出元素ID
var id = $(this).attr('id'); //根據選中的元素執行相對應的動作
switch (id) {
case "dept": {
$(function () {
$.getJSON("/Repair/GetDeviceType?dept=" + dept.value, null, function (data) {//向Controller取得GetDeviceType資料 $.each(data, function (i, itemvalue) {//循環加入item $("#deviceType").append( $("<option></option>").val(itemvalue.Value).html(itemvalue.Text)) });
} case "deviceType": {
$(function () {
$.getJSON("/Repair/GetDeviceId?dept=" + dept.value + "&type=" + deviceType.value, null, function (data) {//向Controller取得GetDeviceId資料 $.each(data, function (i, itemvalue) {//循環加入item $("#deviceId").append( $("<option></option>").val(itemvalue.Value).html(itemvalue.Text)) });
} });
}); $(function () {
$.getJSON("/Repair/GetDept", null, function (data) {//向Controller取得GetDept資料 $.each(data, function (i, itemvalue) {//循環加入item $("#dept").append( $("<option></option>").val(itemvalue.Value).html(itemvalue.Text)) });
</script> <h2>維修申請單</h2> <p> @Html.Label("dept","申請部門")
<select class="DropDownList" id="dept" name="dept"></select>
<br /> @Html.Label("deviceType","設備類型")
<select class="DropDownList" id="deviceType" name="deviceType"></select>
<br /> </p>
三、Controller (RepairController.cs)
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.Entity;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Mvc;
using LES.Models;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.Configuration; namespace LES.Controllers
public class RepairController : Controller
string ErpString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["ERPConnection"].ConnectionString; //
// GET: /Repair/ public ActionResult Index()
{ SqlConnection DbErp = new SqlConnection(ErpString); //創建資料庫連線
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("select dep,name from dept",DbErp); //輸入SQL命令
DbErp.Open(); //開啟資料庫連線 var reader = cmd.ExecuteReader(); //取出結果集 List<SelectListItem> depts = new List<SelectListItem>(); while(reader.Read()){ //逐筆讀出資料寫入List
//(0)=dep ; (1)=name
depts.Add(new SelectListItem { Text = reader.GetString(), Value = reader.GetString()});
} DbErp.Close(); //關閉資料庫連線 ViewBag.DeptType = depts; return View();
} // GET: /Repair/GetDept
public JsonResult GetDept()
SqlConnection DbErp = new SqlConnection(ErpString); //創建資料庫連線
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("select dep,name from dept", DbErp); //輸入SQL命令
DbErp.Open(); //開啟資料庫連線 var reader = cmd.ExecuteReader(); //取出結果集 List<SelectListItem> depts = new List<SelectListItem>(); while (reader.Read())
{ //逐筆讀出資料寫入List
//(0)=dep ; (1)=name
depts.Add(new SelectListItem { Text = reader.GetString(), Value = reader.GetString() });
} DbErp.Close(); //關閉資料庫連線 return this.Json(depts, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
} // GET: /Repair/GetDeviceType?dept=部門代號
public JsonResult GetDeviceType(string dept)
SqlConnection DbErp = new SqlConnection(ErpString); //創建資料庫連線
DbErp.Open(); //開啟資料庫連線
SqlCommand cmd = DbErp.CreateCommand(); //創建命令物件
cmd.CommandText = "select distinct name from mf_fx where dep = @dept"; //SQL語句
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("dept", dept); //加入@dept參數 var reader = cmd.ExecuteReader(); //取出結果集 List<SelectListItem> types = new List<SelectListItem>(); while (reader.Read())
{ //逐筆讀出資料寫入List
types.Add(new SelectListItem { Text = reader.GetString(), Value = reader.GetString() });
} DbErp.Close(); //關閉資料庫連線 return this.Json(types, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
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