256张图512x512,每张对应的Y为0~255 每4x4对应的是同一颜色区域 横坐标 U 纵坐标V
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <string.h>
- typedef void Void;
- typedef bool Bool;
- typedef int Int;
- typedef unsigned char UChar;
- typedef UChar Pel; ///< 16-bit pixel type
- class TComPicYuv
- {
- private:
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // YUV buffer
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Pel* m_apiPicBufY; ///< Buffer (including margin)
- Pel* m_apiPicBufU;
- Pel* m_apiPicBufV;
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Parameter for general YUV buffer usage
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Int m_iPicWidth; ///< Width of picture
- Int m_iPicHeight; ///< Height of picture
- public:
- TComPicYuv ();
- virtual ~TComPicYuv();
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Memory management
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Bool create ( Int iPicWidth, Int iPicHeight );
- Void destroy ();
- Void setYuv (Pel pixelY,Pel pixelU,Pel pixelV);
- Void setPixel (int posX, int posY, int width, Pel pixelY,Pel pixelU,Pel pixelV);
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Get information of picture
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Pel* getPicBufY () { return m_apiPicBufY ; }
- Pel* getPicBufU () { return m_apiPicBufU ; }
- Pel* getPicBufV () { return m_apiPicBufV ; }
- Int getWidth () { return m_iPicWidth; }
- Int getHeight () { return m_iPicHeight; }
- Int getStride () { return m_iPicWidth ; }
- Int getCStride () { return (m_iPicWidth >> 1); }
- TComPicYuv::TComPicYuv()
- {
- m_apiPicBufY = NULL; // Buffer (including margin)
- m_apiPicBufU = NULL;
- m_apiPicBufV = NULL;
- }
- TComPicYuv::~TComPicYuv()
- {
- }
- Bool TComPicYuv::create( Int iPicWidth, Int iPicHeight )
- {
- m_iPicWidth = iPicWidth;
- m_iPicHeight = iPicHeight;
- m_apiPicBufY = (Pel*)malloc(m_iPicWidth * m_iPicHeight * sizeof(Pel));
- m_apiPicBufU = (Pel*)malloc((m_iPicWidth >>1) * (m_iPicHeight>>1) * sizeof(Pel));
- m_apiPicBufV = (Pel*)malloc((m_iPicWidth >>1) * (m_iPicHeight>>1) * sizeof(Pel));
- return true;
- }
- Void TComPicYuv::destroy()
- {
- if( m_apiPicBufY ){ free( m_apiPicBufY ); m_apiPicBufY = NULL; }
- if( m_apiPicBufU ){ free( m_apiPicBufU ); m_apiPicBufU = NULL; }
- if( m_apiPicBufV ){ free( m_apiPicBufV ); m_apiPicBufV = NULL; }
- }
- Void TComPicYuv::setYuv(Pel pixelY,Pel pixelU,Pel pixelV)
- {
- if( m_apiPicBufY ){ memset(m_apiPicBufY, pixelY,m_iPicWidth * m_iPicHeight * sizeof(Pel)) ; }
- if( m_apiPicBufU ){ memset(m_apiPicBufU, pixelU,(m_iPicWidth >>1) * (m_iPicHeight>>1) * sizeof(Pel)) ; }
- if( m_apiPicBufV ){ memset(m_apiPicBufV, pixelV,(m_iPicWidth >>1) * (m_iPicHeight>>1) * sizeof(Pel)) ; }
- }
- Void TComPicYuv::setPixel(int posX, int posY, int width, Pel pixelY,Pel pixelU,Pel pixelV)
- {
- Pel *Y = m_apiPicBufY + posY*m_iPicWidth+posX;
- for(int h = 0; h<width; h++)
- {
- for(int w = 0; w<width;w++)
- {
- Y[h*m_iPicWidth + w] = pixelY;
- }
- }
- Pel *U = m_apiPicBufU + (posY>>1)*(m_iPicWidth>>1)+(posX>>1);
- Pel *V = m_apiPicBufV + (posY>>1)*(m_iPicWidth>>1)+(posX>>1);
- for(int h = 0; h<(width>>1); h++)
- {
- for(int w = 0; w<(width>>1);w++)
- {
- U[h*(m_iPicWidth>>1) + w] = pixelU;
- V[h*(m_iPicWidth>>1) + w] = pixelV;
- }
- }
- }
- int main()
- {
- TComPicYuv *frame = new TComPicYuv;
- TComPicYuv *clourMap = new TComPicYuv;
- frame->create(8,8);
- clourMap->create(512,512);
- FILE *FrameFile = fopen("D:\\clourFrame_8x8.yuv","wb");
- FILE *clourFile = fopen("D:\\clourMap_512x512.yuv","wb");
- for(int Y = 0; Y<256; Y++)
- {
- for(int U = 0; U<256; U++)
- {
- for(int V = 0; V<256; V++)
- {
- frame->setYuv((Pel)Y,(Pel)U,(Pel)V);
- fwrite(frame->getPicBufY(),1,frame->getWidth()*frame->getHeight(),FrameFile);
- fwrite(frame->getPicBufU(),1,(frame->getWidth()*frame->getHeight())>>2,FrameFile);
- fwrite(frame->getPicBufV(),1,(frame->getWidth()*frame->getHeight())>>2,FrameFile);
- int count = Y*256*256 + U*256 + V;
- if(count%1000000==0)
- {
- printf("=");
- }
- }
- }
- }
- for(int Y = 0; Y<256; Y++)
- {
- for(int U = 0; U<256; U++)
- {
- for(int V = 0; V<256; V++)
- {
- clourMap->setPixel(U*2,V*2,2,Y,U,V);
- }
- }
- fwrite(clourMap->getPicBufY(),1,clourMap->getWidth()*clourMap->getHeight(),clourFile);
- fwrite(clourMap->getPicBufU(),1,(clourMap->getWidth()*clourMap->getHeight())>>2,clourFile);
- fwrite(clourMap->getPicBufV(),1,(clourMap->getWidth()*clourMap->getHeight())>>2,clourFile);
- printf("*");
- }
- fclose(clourFile);
- fclose(FrameFile);
- frame->destroy();
- clourMap->destroy();
- }
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