
typedef enum
Bartlett = ,


*file WindowFunction.h
*author Vincent Cui
*e-mail whcui1987@163.com
*version 0.3
*data 31-Oct-2014
*brief 各种窗函数的C语言实现
#define _WINDOWFUNCTION_H_ #include "GeneralConfig.h" #define BESSELI_K_LENGTH 10 #define FLATTOPWIN_A0 0.215578995
#define FLATTOPWIN_A1 0.41663158
#define FLATTOPWIN_A2 0.277263158
#define FLATTOPWIN_A3 0.083578947
#define FLATTOPWIN_A4 0.006947368 #define NUTTALL_A0 0.3635819
#define NUTTALL_A1 0.4891775
#define NUTTALL_A2 0.1365995
#define NUTTALL_A3 0.0106411 #define BLACKMANHARRIS_A0 0.35875
#define BLACKMANHARRIS_A1 0.48829
#define BLACKMANHARRIS_A2 0.14128
#define BLACKMANHARRIS_A3 0.01168 dspErrorStatus taylorWin(dspUint_16 N, dspUint_16 nbar, dspDouble sll, dspDouble **w);
dspErrorStatus triangularWin(dspUint_16 N, dspDouble **w);
dspErrorStatus tukeyWin(dspUint_16 N, dspDouble r, dspDouble **w);
dspErrorStatus bartlettWin(dspUint_16 N, dspDouble **w);
dspErrorStatus bartLettHannWin(dspUint_16 N, dspDouble **w);
dspErrorStatus blackManWin(dspUint_16 N, dspDouble **w);
dspErrorStatus blackManHarrisWin(dspUint_16 N, dspDouble **w);
dspErrorStatus bohmanWin(dspUint_16 N, dspDouble **w);
dspErrorStatus chebyshevWin(dspUint_16 N, dspDouble r, dspDouble **w);
dspErrorStatus flatTopWin(dspUint_16 N, dspDouble **w);
dspErrorStatus gaussianWin(dspUint_16 N, dspDouble alpha, dspDouble **w);
dspErrorStatus hammingWin(dspUint_16 N, dspDouble **w);
dspErrorStatus hannWin(dspUint_16 N, dspDouble **w);
dspErrorStatus kaiserWin(dspUint_16 N, dspDouble beta, dspDouble **w);
dspErrorStatus nuttalWin(dspUint_16 N, dspDouble **w);
dspErrorStatus parzenWin(dspUint_16 N, dspDouble **w);
dspErrorStatus rectangularWin(dspUint_16 N, dspDouble **w); #endif


*file WindowFunction.c
*author Vincent Cui
*e-mail whcui1987@163.com
*version 0.3
*data 31-Oct-2014
*brief 各种窗函数的C语言实现
*/ #include "WindowFunction.h"
#include "GeneralConfig.h"
#include "MathReplenish.h"
#include "math.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h> /*函数名:taylorWin
* 调用示例:ret = taylorWin(99, 4, 40, &w); 注意此处的40是正数 表示-40dB
dspErrorStatus taylorWin(dspUint_16 N, dspUint_16 nbar, dspDouble sll, dspDouble **w)
dspDouble A;
dspDouble *retDspDouble;
dspDouble *sf;
dspDouble *result;
dspDouble alpha,beta,theta;
dspUint_16 i,j; /*A = R cosh(PI, A) = R*/
A = (dspDouble)acosh(pow((dspDouble)10.0,(dspDouble)sll/20.0)) / PI;
A = A * A; /*开出存放系数的空间*/
retDspDouble = (dspDouble *)malloc(sizeof(dspDouble) * (nbar - ));
if(retDspDouble == NULL)
return DSP_ERROR;
sf = retDspDouble; /*开出存放系数的空间*/
retDspDouble = (dspDouble *)malloc(sizeof(dspDouble) * N);
if(retDspDouble == NULL)
return DSP_ERROR;
result = retDspDouble; alpha = prod(, , (nbar - ));
alpha *= alpha;
beta = (dspDouble)nbar / sqrt( A + pow((nbar - 0.5), ) );
for(i = ; i <= (nbar - ); i++)
*(sf + i - ) = prod(,,(nbar - + i)) * prod(,,(nbar - - i));
theta = ;
for(j = ; j <= (nbar - ); j++)
theta *= - (dspDouble)(i * i) / ( beta * beta * ( A + (j - 0.5) * (j - 0.5)) );
*(sf + i - ) = alpha * (dspDouble)theta / (*(sf + i - ));
} /*奇数阶*/
if((N % ) == )
for(i = ; i < N; i++)
alpha = ;
for(j = ; j <= (nbar - ); j++)
alpha += (*(sf + j - )) * cos( * PI * j * (dspDouble)(i - ((N-)/))/N );
*(result + i) = + * alpha;
for(i = ; i < N; i++)
alpha = ;
for(j = ; j <= (nbar - ); j++)
alpha += (*(sf + j - )) * cos( PI * j * (dspDouble)( * (i - (N/)) + ) / N );
*(result + i) = + * alpha; }
*w = result;
free(sf); return DSP_SUCESS; } /*
* 调用示例:ret = triangularWin(99, &w);
dspErrorStatus triangularWin(dspUint_16 N, dspDouble **w)
dspDouble *ptr;
dspUint_16 i; ptr = (dspDouble *)malloc(N * sizeof(dspDouble));
if(ptr == NULL)
return DSP_ERROR; /*阶数为奇*/
if((N % ) == )
for(i = ; i < ((N - )/); i++)
*(ptr + i) = * (dspDouble)(i + ) / (N + );
for(i = ((N - )/); i < N; i++)
*(ptr + i) = * (dspDouble)(N - i) / (N + );
for(i = ; i < (N/); i++)
*(ptr + i) = (i + i + ) * (dspDouble) / N;
for(i = (N/); i < N; i++)
*(ptr + i) = *(ptr + N - - i);
*w = ptr; return DSP_SUCESS;
} /*
* 调用示例:ret = tukeyWin(99, 0.5, &w);
dspErrorStatus tukeyWin(dspUint_16 N, dspDouble r, dspDouble **w)
dspErrorStatus retErrorStatus;
dspUint_16 index;
dspDouble *x,*result,*retPtr;
dspDouble alpha; retErrorStatus = linSpace(, , N, &x);
if(retErrorStatus == DSP_ERROR)
return DSP_ERROR; result = (dspDouble *)malloc(N * sizeof(dspDouble));
if(result == NULL)
return DSP_ERROR; /*r <= 0 就是矩形窗*/
if(r <= )
retErrorStatus = rectangularWin(N, &retPtr);
if(retErrorStatus == DSP_ERROR)
return DSP_ERROR;
memcpy(result, retPtr, ( N * sizeof(dspDouble)));
/*r >= 1 就是汉宁窗*/
else if(r >= )
retErrorStatus = hannWin(N, &retPtr);
if(retErrorStatus == DSP_ERROR)
return DSP_ERROR;
memcpy(result, retPtr, ( N * sizeof(dspDouble)));
for(index = ; index < N; index++)
alpha = *(x + index);
if(alpha < (r/))
*(result + index) = (dspDouble)( + cos( * PI * (dspDouble)(alpha - (dspDouble)r/)/r))/;
else if((alpha >= (r/)) && (alpha <( - r/)))
*(result + index) = ;
*(result + index) = (dspDouble)( + cos( * PI * (dspDouble)(alpha - + (dspDouble)r/)/r))/;
} }
} free(x); *w = result; return DSP_SUCESS; } /*
* 调用示例:ret = bartlettWin(99, &w);
dspErrorStatus bartlettWin(dspUint_16 N, dspDouble **w)
dspDouble *ret;
dspUint_16 n; ret = (dspDouble *)malloc(N * sizeof(dspDouble));
if(ret == NULL)
return DSP_ERROR; for(n = ; n < ( N - ) / ; n++)
*(ret + n) = * (dspDouble)n / (N - );
} for(n = ( N - ) / ; n < N; n++)
*(ret + n) = - * (dspDouble)n / (( N - ));
} *w = ret; return DSP_SUCESS;
} /*
* 调用示例:ret = bartLettHannWin(99, &w);
dspErrorStatus bartLettHannWin(dspUint_16 N, dspDouble **w)
dspUint_16 n;
dspDouble *ret; ret = (dspDouble *)malloc(N * sizeof(dspDouble));
if(ret == NULL)
return DSP_ERROR;
if(( N % ) == )
for(n = ; n < N; n++)
*(ret + n) = 0.62 - 0.48 * myAbs( ( (dspDouble)n / ( N - ) ) - 0.5 ) + 0.38 * cos( * PI * ( ((dspDouble)n / ( N - ) ) - 0.5 ) );
for(n = ; n < (N-)/; n++)
*(ret + n) = *(ret + N - - n);
for(n = ; n < N; n++)
*(ret + n) = 0.62 - 0.48 * myAbs( ( (dspDouble)n / ( N - ) ) - 0.5 ) + 0.38 * cos( * PI * ( ((dspDouble)n / ( N - ) ) - 0.5 ) );
for(n = ; n < N/; n++)
*(ret + n) = *(ret + N - - n);
} *w = ret; return DSP_SUCESS; } /*
* 调用示例:ret = blackManWin(99, &w);
dspErrorStatus blackManWin(dspUint_16 N, dspDouble **w)
dspUint_16 n;
dspDouble *ret;
ret = (dspDouble *)malloc(N * sizeof(dspDouble));
if(ret == NULL)
return DSP_ERROR; for(n = ; n < N; n++)
*(ret + n) = 0.42 - 0.5 * cos( * PI * (dspDouble)n / ( N - )) + 0.08 * cos( * PI * ( dspDouble )n / ( N - ) );
} *w = ret; return DSP_SUCESS;
} /*
* 调用示例:ret = blackManHarrisWin(99, &w);
* minimum 4-term Blackman-harris window -- From Matlab
dspErrorStatus blackManHarrisWin(dspUint_16 N, dspDouble **w)
dspUint_16 n;
dspDouble *ret; ret = (dspDouble *)malloc(N * sizeof(dspDouble));
if(ret == NULL)
return DSP_ERROR; for(n = ; n < N; n++)
*(ret + n) = BLACKMANHARRIS_A0 - BLACKMANHARRIS_A1 * cos( * PI * (dspDouble)n / (N) ) + \
BLACKMANHARRIS_A2 * cos( * PI * (dspDouble)n/ (N) ) - \
BLACKMANHARRIS_A3 * cos( * PI * (dspDouble)n/ (N) );
} *w = ret; return DSP_SUCESS;
} /*
* 调用示例:ret = bohmanWin(99, &w);
dspErrorStatus bohmanWin(dspUint_16 N, dspDouble **w)
dspUint_16 n;
dspDouble *ret;
dspDouble x;
ret = (dspDouble *)malloc(N * sizeof(dspDouble));
if(ret == NULL)
return DSP_ERROR; for(n = ; n < N; n++)
x = - + n * (dspDouble) / ( N - ) ;
x = x >= ? x : ( x * ( - ) );
*(ret + n) = ( - x ) * cos( PI * x) + (dspDouble)( / PI) * sin( PI * x);
} *w = ret; return DSP_SUCESS;
} /*
* 调用示例:ret = chebyshevWin(99,100, &w);
dspErrorStatus chebyshevWin(dspUint_16 N, dspDouble r, dspDouble **w)
dspUint_16 n,index;
dspDouble *ret;
dspDouble x, alpha, beta, theta, gama; ret = (dspDouble *)malloc(N * sizeof(dspDouble));
if(ret == NULL)
return DSP_ERROR; /*10^(r/20)*/
theta = pow((dspDouble), (dspDouble)(myAbs(r)/));
beta = pow(cosh(acosh(theta)/(N - )),);
alpha = - (dspDouble) / beta; if((N % ) == )
for( n = ; n < ( N + ) / ; n++ )
gama = ;
for(index = ; index < n; index++)
x = index * (dspDouble)( N - - * n + index) /(( n - index ) * (n + -index));
gama = gama * alpha * x + ;
*(ret + n) = (N - ) * alpha * gama;
} theta = *( ret + (N - )/ );
*ret = ; for(n = ; n < ( N + ) / ; n++ )
*(ret + n) = (dspDouble)(*(ret + n)) / theta;
} /*填充另一半*/
for(; n < N; n++)
*(ret + n) = ret[N - n - ];
for( n = ; n < ( N + ) / ; n++ )
gama = ;
for(index = ; index < n; index++)
x = index * (dspDouble)( N - - * n + index) /(( n - index ) * (n + -index));
gama = gama * alpha * x + ;
*(ret + n) = (N - ) * alpha * gama;
} theta = *( ret + (N/) - );
*ret = ; for(n = ; n < ( N + ) / ; n++ )
*(ret + n) = (dspDouble)(*(ret + n)) / theta;
} /*填充另一半*/
for(; n < N; n++)
*(ret + n) = ret[N - n - ];
} *w = ret; return DSP_SUCESS;
} /*
* 调用示例:ret = flatTopWin(99, &w);
dspErrorStatus flatTopWin(dspUint_16 N, dspDouble **w)
dspUint_16 n;
dspDouble *ret;
ret = (dspDouble *)malloc(N * sizeof(dspDouble));
if(ret == NULL)
return DSP_ERROR; for(n = ; n < N; n++)
*(ret + n) = FLATTOPWIN_A0 - FLATTOPWIN_A1 * cos( * PI * (dspDouble)n / (N - )) +\
FLATTOPWIN_A2 * cos( * PI * (dspDouble)n / (N - )) -\
FLATTOPWIN_A3 * cos( * PI * (dspDouble)n / (N - )) +\
FLATTOPWIN_A4 * cos( * PI * (dspDouble)n / (N - ));
} *w = ret; return DSP_SUCESS;
} /*
* 调用示例:ret = gaussianWin(99,2.5, &w);
dspErrorStatus gaussianWin(dspUint_16 N, dspDouble alpha, dspDouble **w)
dspUint_16 n;
dspDouble k, beta, theta;
dspDouble *ret; ret = (dspDouble *)malloc(N * sizeof(dspDouble));
if(ret == NULL)
return DSP_ERROR; for(n =; n < N; n++)
if((N % ) == )
k = n - (N - )/;
beta = * alpha * (dspDouble)k / (N - );
k = n - (N)/;
beta = * alpha * (dspDouble)k / (N - );
} theta = pow(beta, );
*(ret + n) = exp((-) * (dspDouble)theta / );
} *w = ret; return DSP_SUCESS;
} /*
* 调用示例:ret = hammingWin(99, &w);
dspErrorStatus hammingWin(dspUint_16 N, dspDouble **w)
dspUint_16 n;
dspDouble *ret;
ret = (dspDouble *)malloc(N * sizeof(dspDouble));
if(ret == NULL)
return DSP_ERROR; for(n = ; n < N; n++)
*(ret + n) = 0.54 - 0.46 * cos ( * PI * ( dspDouble )n / ( N - ) );
} *w = ret; return DSP_SUCESS;
} /*
* 调用示例:ret = hannWin(99, &w);
dspErrorStatus hannWin(dspUint_16 N, dspDouble **w)
dspUint_16 n;
dspDouble *ret;
ret = (dspDouble *)malloc(N * sizeof(dspDouble));
if(ret == NULL)
return DSP_ERROR; for(n = ; n < N; n++)
*(ret + n) = 0.5 * ( - cos( * PI * (dspDouble)n / (N - )));
} *w = ret; return DSP_SUCESS;
} /*
* 调用示例:ret = kaiserWin(99, 5, &w);
dspErrorStatus kaiserWin(dspUint_16 N, dspDouble beta, dspDouble **w)
dspUint_16 n;
dspDouble *ret;
dspDouble theta; ret = (dspDouble *)malloc(N * sizeof(dspDouble));
if(ret == NULL)
return DSP_ERROR; for(n = ; n < N; n++)
theta = beta * sqrt( - pow( ( ( * (dspDouble)n/(N -)) - ), ) );
*(ret + n) = (dspDouble)besseli(, theta, BESSELI_K_LENGTH) / besseli(, beta, BESSELI_K_LENGTH);
} *w = ret; return DSP_SUCESS;
} /*
* 调用示例:ret = nuttalWin(99, &w);
dspErrorStatus nuttalWin(dspUint_16 N, dspDouble **w)
dspUint_16 n;
dspDouble *ret; ret = (dspDouble *)malloc(N * sizeof(dspDouble));
if(ret == NULL)
return DSP_ERROR; for(n = ; n < N; n++)
*(ret + n) =NUTTALL_A0 - NUTTALL_A1 * cos( * PI * (dspDouble)n / (N - )) +\
NUTTALL_A2 * cos( * PI * (dspDouble)n / (N - )) -\
NUTTALL_A3 * cos( * PI * (dspDouble)n / (N - )); } *w = ret; return DSP_SUCESS;
} /*
* 调用示例:ret = parzenWin(99, &w);
dspErrorStatus parzenWin(dspUint_16 N, dspDouble **w)
dspUint_16 n;
dspDouble *ret;
dspDouble alpha,k; ret = (dspDouble *)malloc(N * sizeof(dspDouble));
if(ret == NULL)
return DSP_ERROR; if(( N % ) == )
for(n = ; n < N; n++)
k = n - (N - ) / ;
alpha = * (dspDouble)myAbs(k) / N;
if(myAbs(k) <= (N - ) / )
*(ret + n) = - * pow(alpha,) + * pow(alpha, );
*(ret + n) = * pow( ( - alpha), );
} }
for(n = ; n < N; n++)
k = n - (N - ) / ;
alpha = * (dspDouble)myAbs(k) / N;
if(myAbs(k) <= (dspDouble)(N -) / )
*(ret + n) = - * pow(alpha,) + * pow(alpha, );
*(ret + n) = * pow( ( - alpha), );
} }
} *w = ret; return DSP_SUCESS;
} /*
* 调用示例:ret = rectangularWin(99, &w);
dspErrorStatus rectangularWin(dspUint_16 N, dspDouble **w)
dspUint_16 n;
dspDouble *ret; ret = (dspDouble *)malloc(N * sizeof(dspDouble));
if(ret == NULL)
return DSP_ERROR; for(n = ; n < N; n++)
*(ret + n) = ;
} *w = ret; return DSP_SUCESS;




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