

NoFuser v1.1 - Beta
Deobfuscator for vanilla Confuser v1.8 & v1.9.
By: RazorX

NoFuser.exe <confused_program.exe> <switches>
Alternately, input files by dragging and dropping onto NoFuser executable.

- Confuser v1.9
- r78612-r79642 (Source) [ Feb 14, 2013 -> July 16, 2013 ]
- r78377 (Released) [ Jan 28, 2013 ]
- r76934 (Released) [ Oct 03, 2012 ]
- r76656 (Released) [ Sep 08, 2012 ]
- r76542 (Released) [ Sep 01, 2012 ]
- r76509 (Released) [ Aug 30, 2012 ]
- Release [ Jun 23, 2012 ]

- Confuser v1.8
- Release [ May 31, 2012 ]

--output=[PATH] / -o=[PATH] -> Output directory.
Default: NoFuser_Output
--symbol-renamer=[OPTION] / -sr=[OPTION] -> How to rename symbols.
d4d = d4dot Engine (Default)
internal = Internal Engine.
--force-confuser-v1_9 / -fc1_9 -> Force detection of Confuser v1.9.
Default: False
--force-confuser-v1_8 / -fc1_8 -> Force detection of Confuser v1.8.
Default: False
--skip-missing-assembly-references / -smar -> Skip missing assembly references.
Default: False
--credits / -creds -> Credits menu.
--help / --? -> Help menu.

- Fixed minor typographical errors.
- Fixed CIL error with property overrides.
- Fixed error where PE subsystem wouldn't be set correctly.
- Fixed error where skipping assembly references wouldn't register.
- Fixed issue where resource decrypter would take too long to process.
- Improved unpacker to work on more targets.
- Improved output folder handling.
- Improved file I/O error handling.
- Improved minor cleanup.
- Improved minor speed optimizations.
- Improved assembly resolver to include "Reference Assemblies" folder.
- Improved file queuing system and native file handling.
- Updated support for lastest Confuser v1.9 source build (r79642).
- Updated NoFuser to not exit via drag-and-drop file operations.
- Updated credits and other nomenclature.

- Initial release

Bugs / Limitations
- Confuser unpacker isn't fully complete.





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