准备工作,下载RegexKitLite 软件包,解压后有2个文件,需要加载到project中。
然后还要加载framework libicucore.dylib ,因为RegexKitLite是调用这个里面的API,苹果规定过不能使用私有的api和没有发布的api。实际上RegexKitLite对NSString做了扩展,目前只支持NSString,对我来说也够了...
基本使用的例子(更多信息参看 官方文档)
- NSString *searchString = @ "This is neat." ;
- NSString *regexString = @"(//w+)//s+(//w+)//s+(//w+)" ;
- NSRange matchedRange = NSMakeRange(NSNotFound, 0UL);
- NSError *error = NULL;
- matchedRange = [searchString rangeOfRegex:regexString options:RKLNoOptions inRange:searchRange capture:2L error:&error];
- NSLog(@"matchedRange: %@" , NSStringFromRange(matchedRange));
- // 2008-03-18 03:51:16.530 test[51583:813] matchedRange: {5, 2},//匹配到‘is‘
- NSString *matchedString = [searchString substringWithRange:matchedRange];
- NSLog(@"matchedString: '%@'" , matchedString);
- // 2008-03-18 03:51:16.532 test[51583:813] matchedString: 'is' //生成子字符串
- NSString *searchString = @"This is neat.";
- NSString *regexString = @"(//w+)//s+(//w+)//s+(//w+)";
- NSRange matchedRange = NSMakeRange(NSNotFound, 0UL);
- NSError *error = NULL;
- matchedRange = [searchString rangeOfRegex:regexString options:RKLNoOptions inRange:searchRange capture:2L error:&error];
- NSLog(@"matchedRange: %@", NSStringFromRange(matchedRange));
- // 2008-03-18 03:51:16.530 test[51583:813] matchedRange: {5, 2},//匹配到‘is‘
- NSString *matchedString = [searchString substringWithRange:matchedRange];
- NSLog(@"matchedString: '%@'", matchedString);
- // 2008-03-18 03:51:16.532 test[51583:813] matchedString: 'is' //生成子字符串
- NSString *searchString = @ "This is neat." ;
- NSString *regexString = @"(//w+)//s+(//w+)//s+(//w+)" ;
- NSString *matchedString = [searchString stringByMatching:regexString capture:2L];
- NSLog(@"matchedString: '%@'" , matchedString);
- // 2008-03-18 03:53:42.949 test[51583:813] matchedString: 'is'
- NSString *searchString = @"This is neat.";
- NSString *regexString = @"(//w+)//s+(//w+)//s+(//w+)";
- NSString *matchedString = [searchString stringByMatching:regexString capture:2L];
- NSLog(@"matchedString: '%@'", matchedString);
- // 2008-03-18 03:53:42.949 test[51583:813] matchedString: 'is'
- NSString *searchString = @ "This is neat." ;
- NSString *regexString = @"//b(//w+)//b" ;
- NSString *replaceWithString = @"{$1}" ;
- NSString *replacedString = NULL;
- replacedString = [searchString stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfRegex:regexString withString:replaceWithString];
- //NSMutableString可以直接替换,并返回替换的次数
- NSLog(@"replaced string: '%@'" , replacedString);
- // 2008-07-01 19:03:03.195 test[68775:813] replaced string: '{This} {is} {neat}.'
- NSMutableString *mutableString = [NSMutableString stringWithString:@"This is neat." ];
- NSString *regexString = @"//b(//w+)//b" ;
- NSString *replaceWithString = @"{$1}" ;
- NSUInteger replacedCount = 0UL;
- replacedCount = [mutableString replaceOccurrencesOfRegex:regexString withString:replaceWithString];
- NSLog(@"count: %lu string: '%@'" , (u_long)replacedCount, mutableString);
- // 2008-07-01 21:25:43.433 test[69689:813] count: 3 string: '{This} {is} {neat}.'
- NSString *searchString = @"This is neat.";
- NSString *regexString = @"//b(//w+)//b";
- NSString *replaceWithString = @"{$1}";
- NSString *replacedString = NULL;
- replacedString = [searchString stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfRegex:regexString withString:replaceWithString];
- //NSMutableString可以直接替换,并返回替换的次数
- NSLog(@"replaced string: '%@'", replacedString);
- // 2008-07-01 19:03:03.195 test[68775:813] replaced string: '{This} {is} {neat}.'
- NSMutableString *mutableString = [NSMutableString stringWithString:@"This is neat."];
- NSString *regexString = @"//b(//w+)//b";
- NSString *replaceWithString = @"{$1}";
- NSUInteger replacedCount = 0UL;
- replacedCount = [mutableString replaceOccurrencesOfRegex:regexString withString:replaceWithString];
- NSLog(@"count: %lu string: '%@'", (u_long)replacedCount, mutableString);
- // 2008-07-01 21:25:43.433 test[69689:813] count: 3 string: '{This} {is} {neat}.'
- NSString *searchString = @ "This is neat." ;
- NSString *regexString = @"//s+" ;
- NSArray *splitArray = NULL;
- splitArray = [searchString componentsSeparatedByRegex:regexString];
- // splitArray == { @"This", @"is", @"neat." }
- NSLog(@"splitArray: %@" , splitArray);
- NSString *searchString = @"This is neat.";
- NSString *regexString = @"//s+";
- NSArray *splitArray = NULL;
- splitArray = [searchString componentsSeparatedByRegex:regexString];
- // splitArray == { @"This", @"is", @"neat." }
- NSLog(@"splitArray: %@", splitArray);
5.返回所有匹配的字符串数组,这个例子中虽然有多个括号,但是 componentsMatchedByRegex不管
- NSString *searchString = @ "$10.23, $1024.42, $3099" ;
- NSString *regexString = @"//$((//d+)(?://.(//d+)|//.?))" ;
- NSArray *matchArray = NULL;
- matchArray = [searchString componentsMatchedByRegex:regexString];
- // matchArray == { @"$10.23", @"$1024.42", @"$3099" };
- NSLog(@"matchArray: %@" , matchArray);
- 6.返回所有匹配的字符串数组处理所有的括号
- NSString *searchString = @"$10.23, $1024.42, $3099" ;
- NSString *regexString = @"//$((//d+)(?://.(//d+)|//.?))" ;
- NSArray *capturesArray = NULL;
- capturesArray = [searchString arrayOfCaptureComponentsMatchedByRegex:regexString];
- /* capturesArray ==
- [NSArray arrayWithObjects:
- [NSArray arrayWithObjects: @"$10.23", @"10.23", @"10", @"23", NULL],
- [NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"$1024.42", @"1024.42", @"1024", @"42", NULL],
- [NSArray arrayWithObjects: @"$3099", @"3099", @"3099", @"", NULL],
- NULL];
- */
- NSLog(@"capturesArray: %@" , capturesArray);
- 输出结果:
- shell% ./capturesArray↵
- 2009-05-06 03:25:46.852 capturesArray[69981:10b] capturesArray: (
- (
- "$10.23" ,
- "10.23" ,
- 10,
- 23
- ),
- (
- "$1024.42" ,
- "1024.42" ,
- 1024,
- 42
- ),
- (
- "$3099" ,
- 3099,
- 3099,
- ""
- )
- )
- NSString *searchString = @"$10.23, $1024.42, $3099";
- NSString *regexString = @"//$((//d+)(?://.(//d+)|//.?))";
- NSArray *matchArray = NULL;
- matchArray = [searchString componentsMatchedByRegex:regexString];
- // matchArray == { @"$10.23", @"$1024.42", @"$3099" };
- NSLog(@"matchArray: %@", matchArray);
- 6.返回所有匹配的字符串数组处理所有的括号
- NSString *searchString = @"$10.23, $1024.42, $3099";
- NSString *regexString = @"//$((//d+)(?://.(//d+)|//.?))";
- NSArray *capturesArray = NULL;
- capturesArray = [searchString arrayOfCaptureComponentsMatchedByRegex:regexString];
- /* capturesArray ==
- [NSArray arrayWithObjects:
- [NSArray arrayWithObjects: @"$10.23", @"10.23", @"10", @"23", NULL],
- [NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"$1024.42", @"1024.42", @"1024", @"42", NULL],
- [NSArray arrayWithObjects: @"$3099", @"3099", @"3099", @"", NULL],
- NULL];
- */
- NSLog(@"capturesArray: %@", capturesArray);
- 输出结果:
- shell% ./capturesArray↵
- 2009-05-06 03:25:46.852 capturesArray[69981:10b] capturesArray: (
- (
- "$10.23",
- "10.23",
- 10,
- 23
- ),
- (
- "$1024.42",
- "1024.42",
- 1024,
- 42
- ),
- (
- "$3099",
- 3099,
- 3099,
- ""
- )
- )
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