A lot of online courses for coding skills are available nowadays, both free and non-free. I will collect this kind of websites (ever spent some hours on each one) here.

1. Coursera: Free


A nice MOOC website for various courses, some coding lessons also.

2. codecademy: Free


A coding course website on web programming. I have completed some lessons on it. All courses are interactive and contain pieces of code to each task.

3. Treehouse: Non-free


This is the first one I paid some $$ to learn, though still on a free-trial plan until next month. It has some course other than coding, both design and business, such as how to be a freelancer.

4 codeschool : Non-free


Another non-free coding course website with lesson in more content of programming.

5 Microsoft Virtual Academy: Free


Trainings on Microsoft technologies.

6 imooc(慕课网): free


7. codewar: free

Learning coding online的更多相关文章

  1. How do I learn machine learning?

    https://www.quora.com/How-do-I-learn-machine-learning-1?redirected_qid=6578644   How Can I Learn X? ...

  2. PredNet --- Deep Predictive coding networks for video prediction and unsupervised learning --- 论文笔记

    PredNet --- Deep Predictive coding networks for video prediction and unsupervised learning   ICLR 20 ...

  3. Representation Learning with Contrastive Predictive Coding

    目录 概 主要内容 从具有序的数据讲起 Contrastive Predictive Coding (CPC) 图片构建序 Den Oord A V, Li Y, Vinyals O, et al. ...

  4. Machine learning吴恩达第二周coding作业(选做)

    1.Feature Normalization: 归一化的处理 function [X_norm, mu, sigma] = featureNormalize(X) %FEATURENORMALIZE ...

  5. Machine learning 吴恩达第二周coding作业(必做题)

    1.warmUpExercise: function A = warmUpExercise() %WARMUPEXERCISE Example function in octave % A = WAR ...

  6. machine learning in coding(python):使用贪心搜索【进行特征选择】

    print "Performing greedy feature selection..." score_hist = [] N = 10 good_features = set( ...

  7. Programming Learning - Based on Project

    Today when taking a bath I got a good idea that it is an efficient and interesting way to learn a ne ...

  8. Dictionary Learning(字典学习、稀疏表示以及其他)

    第一部分 字典学习以及稀疏表示的概要 字典学习(Dictionary Learning)和稀疏表示(Sparse Representation)在学术界的正式称谓应该是稀疏字典学习(Sparse Di ...

  9. paper 124:【转载】无监督特征学习——Unsupervised feature learning and deep learning

    来源:http://blog.csdn.net/abcjennifer/article/details/7804962 无监督学习近年来很热,先后应用于computer vision, audio c ...


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