在Nuget引用 Castle.DynamicProxy 和 Newtonsoft.Json 这个



using Castle.Core.Interceptor;
using Castle.DynamicProxy;
using ConsoleApplication1.test;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Text; namespace ConsoleApplication2.AOP
class Class5
static void Main(string[] args)
ProxyGenerator generator = new ProxyGenerator();//代理
CallingLogInterceptor interceptor = new CallingLogInterceptor();//定义 拦截器
Class5_test1 entity = generator.CreateClassProxy<Class5_test1>(interceptor);
//SensorRecordService entity = generator.CreateClassProxy<SensorRecordService>(interceptor); DateTime beforDT1 = DateTime.Now;//开始时间
//entity.DealWithSensorRecord(74619, 75705);
catch (Exception ex)
MethodOperationInfo.Show(); TimeSpan ts1 = DateTime.Now.Subtract(beforDT1);
Console.WriteLine($"总耗时:{ts1.TotalSeconds.ToString()}秒 或 {ts1.TotalMinutes.ToString("f3")}分");
} }
public class Class5_test1
public virtual void test1()
System.Threading.Thread.Sleep( * );
int num = ;
for (int i = ; i < ; i++)
num += ;
test1(, );
test1(, "");
public virtual void test1(int i)
public virtual void test1(int i, int j)
public virtual void test1(int i, string j)
} //拦截器
public class CallingLogInterceptor : IInterceptor
private DateTime dt { get; set; }
private TimeSpan ts { get; set; } //方法执行前
private void PreProceed(IInvocation invocation)
dt = DateTime.Now;
private void PostProceed(IInvocation invocation)
ts = DateTime.Now - dt;
//Console.Write($"类名:{invocation.TargetType} 方法名:{invocation.Method.Name} 耗时:{ts.TotalMilliseconds}毫秒\r\n"); var arr = invocation.Arguments; MethodOperationInfo.Add(invocation, ts.TotalMilliseconds);
public void Intercept(IInvocation invocation)
} public class MethodOperationInfo
public string NameSpaceName { get; set; }
public string ClassName { get; set; }
public string MethodName { get; set; }
public string Parameters { get; set; }
public double TotalMilliseconds { get; set; }
public int Num { get; set; } public static List<MethodOperationInfo> list = new List<MethodOperationInfo>();
public static void Add(IInvocation invocation, double TotalMilliseconds)
string Parameters = "";
if ((invocation.Arguments != null) && (invocation.Arguments.Length > ))
Parameters = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(invocation.Arguments);
} string MethodName = GetMethodNameHavePara(invocation.Method);
list.Add(new MethodOperationInfo
MethodName = MethodName,
Parameters = Parameters,
TotalMilliseconds = TotalMilliseconds,
Num =
} public static string GetMethodNameHavePara(MethodInfo mInfo)
string str = "";
//str += GetSameLenString(mInfo.ReflectedType.FullName, 50);//类名(含命名空间) var pInfos = mInfo.GetParameters();
str += mInfo.Name;
str += "(";
for (int j = ; j < pInfos.Length; j++)
var p = pInfos[j];
string pTypeName = $"{p.ParameterType.ToString()}, ";
if (p.ParameterType.IsGenericType && (p.ParameterType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(Nullable<>)))
pTypeName = $"{Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(p.ParameterType).Name}?, ";
str += pTypeName;
str = str.TrimEnd(' ').TrimEnd(',');
str += ")"; return str;
public static string GetSameLenString(object obj, int len, bool afterFill = true)
string name = obj.ToString();
int count = len - name.Length; if (afterFill)
for (int i = ; i < count; i++)
name += " ";
return name; }
string value = "";
for (int i = ; i < count; i++)
value += " ";
value += name;
return value;
} public static void Show()
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); //方法耗时统计
Dictionary<string, MethodOperationInfo> dic = new Dictionary<string, MethodOperationInfo>();
for (int i = ; i < list.Count; i++)
Console.WriteLine($"处理数据-当前行:{list.Count - i}");
var item = list[i];
string MethodName = item.MethodName;
double TotalMilliseconds = item.TotalMilliseconds; if (dic.ContainsKey(MethodName))
dic[MethodName].TotalMilliseconds += TotalMilliseconds;
dic[MethodName].Num += ;
dic.Add(MethodName, new MethodOperationInfo
MethodName = MethodName,
TotalMilliseconds = TotalMilliseconds,
Num =
} //日志
string str = "";
double Total_Milliseconds = ;
foreach (var item in dic)
Total_Milliseconds += item.Value.TotalMilliseconds;
str += $"方法:{GetSameLenString(item.Key, 80)} ";
str += $"次数:{GetSameLenString(item.Value.Num, 10)} ";
str += $"耗时:{GetSameLenString(item.Value.TotalMilliseconds, 10, false) }毫秒 ";
str += $"\r\n";
str += "\r\n";
str += "\r\n";
str += $"总耗时:{Total_Milliseconds}毫秒 ";
str += $"{Total_Milliseconds / 1000}秒 ";
str += $"{(Total_Milliseconds / 1000 / 60).ToString("f2")}分钟 ";
str += $"当前时间:{DateTime.Now} ";
str += "\r\n";
str += "\r\n";
str += "\r\n";
sb.Append(str); //每个方法 每次的 单独耗时
for (int i = ; i < list.Count; i++)
Console.WriteLine($"处理数据-当前行:{list.Count - i}");
var item = list[i];
sb.Append($"方法:{GetSameLenString(item.MethodName, 80)} ");
sb.Append($"次数:{GetSameLenString(item.Num, 10)} ");
sb.Append($"耗时:{GetSameLenString(item.TotalMilliseconds, 10, false) }毫秒 ");
sb.Append($"参数:{GetSameLenString(item.Parameters, 50)} ");
} System.IO.File.WriteAllText("1.txt", sb.ToString());
} public static void Show2()
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
Dictionary<string, MethodOperationInfo> dic = new Dictionary<string, MethodOperationInfo>(); for (int i = ; i < list.Count; i++)
Console.WriteLine($"处理数据-当前行:{list.Count - i}");
var item = list[i]; //每个方法每次的耗时
sb.Append($"方法:{GetSameLenString(item.MethodName, 80)} ");
sb.Append($"次数:{GetSameLenString(item.Num, 10)} ");
sb.Append($"耗时:{GetSameLenString(item.TotalMilliseconds, 10, false) }毫秒 ");
sb.Append($"参数:{GetSameLenString(item.Parameters, 50)} ");
sb.Append($"\r\n"); //每个方法的总耗时
string MethodName = item.MethodName;
double TotalMilliseconds = item.TotalMilliseconds;
if (dic.ContainsKey(MethodName))
dic[MethodName].TotalMilliseconds += TotalMilliseconds;
dic[MethodName].Num += ;
dic.Add(MethodName, new MethodOperationInfo
MethodName = MethodName,
TotalMilliseconds = TotalMilliseconds,
Num =
} //日志
string str = "";
double Total_Milliseconds = ;
str += "《每个方法的总耗时》\r\n";
foreach (var item in dic)
Total_Milliseconds += item.Value.TotalMilliseconds;
str += $"方法:{GetSameLenString(item.Key, 80)} ";
str += $"次数:{GetSameLenString(item.Value.Num, 10)} ";
str += $"耗时:{GetSameLenString(item.Value.TotalMilliseconds, 10, false) }毫秒 ";
str += $"\r\n";
str += "\r\n";
str += $"《总耗时》:{Total_Milliseconds}毫秒 ";
str += $"{Total_Milliseconds / 1000}秒 ";
str += $"{(Total_Milliseconds / 1000 / 60).ToString("f2")}分钟 ";
str += $"当前时间:{DateTime.Now} ";
str += "\r\n\r\n"; str += "《每个方法每次的耗时》\r\n";
sb.Insert(, str); System.IO.File.WriteAllText("1.txt", sb.ToString());
} #region old //public class MethodOperationInfo
// public string ClassName { get; set; }
// public string MethodName { get; set; }
// public double TotalMilliseconds { get; set; }
// public int Num { get; set; } // public static Dictionary<string, MethodOperationInfo> dic = new Dictionary<string, MethodOperationInfo>();
// public static void Add(string MethodName, double TotalMilliseconds)
// {
// if (dic.ContainsKey(MethodName))
// {
// dic[MethodName].TotalMilliseconds += TotalMilliseconds;
// dic[MethodName].Num += 1;
// }
// else
// {
// dic.Add(MethodName, new MethodOperationInfo
// {
// MethodName = MethodName,
// TotalMilliseconds = TotalMilliseconds,
// Num = 1
// });
// }
// }
// public static void Add(MethodInfo mInfo, double TotalMilliseconds)
// {
// string MethodName = GetMethodNameHavePara(mInfo);
// if (dic.ContainsKey(MethodName))
// {
// dic[MethodName].TotalMilliseconds += TotalMilliseconds;
// dic[MethodName].Num += 1;
// }
// else
// {
// dic.Add(MethodName, new MethodOperationInfo
// {
// MethodName = MethodName,
// TotalMilliseconds = TotalMilliseconds,
// Num = 1
// });
// }
// }
// public static void Add(IInvocation invocation, double TotalMilliseconds)
// {
// string MethodName = GetMethodNameHavePara(invocation.Method);
// if (dic.ContainsKey(MethodName))
// {
// dic[MethodName].TotalMilliseconds += TotalMilliseconds;
// dic[MethodName].Num += 1;
// }
// else
// {
// dic.Add(MethodName, new MethodOperationInfo
// {
// MethodName = MethodName,
// TotalMilliseconds = TotalMilliseconds,
// Num = 1
// });
// }
// } // public static string GetMethodNameHavePara(MethodInfo mInfo)
// {
// string str = "";
// //str += GetSameLenString(mInfo.ReflectedType.FullName, 50);//类名(含命名空间) // var pInfos = mInfo.GetParameters();
// str += mInfo.Name;
// str += "(";
// for (int j = 0; j < pInfos.Length; j++)
// {
// var p = pInfos[j];
// string pTypeName = $"{p.ParameterType.ToString()}, ";
// if (p.ParameterType.IsGenericType && (p.ParameterType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(Nullable<>)))
// {
// pTypeName = $"{Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(p.ParameterType).Name}?, ";
// }
// str += pTypeName;
// }
// str = str.TrimEnd(' ').TrimEnd(',');
// str += ")"; // return str;
// }
// public static string GetSameLenString(object obj, int len, bool afterFill = true)
// {
// string name = obj.ToString();
// int count = len - name.Length; // if (afterFill)
// {
// for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
// {
// name += " ";
// }
// return name; // }
// else
// {
// string value = "";
// for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
// {
// value += " ";
// }
// value += name;
// return value;
// }
// } // public static void Show()
// {
// string str = "";
// double TotalMilliseconds = 0; // foreach (var item in dic)
// {
// TotalMilliseconds += item.Value.TotalMilliseconds;
// str += $"方法:{GetSameLenString(item.Key, 80)} ";
// str += $"次数:{GetSameLenString(item.Value.Num, 10)} ";
// str += $"耗时:{GetSameLenString(item.Value.TotalMilliseconds, 10, false) }毫秒 ";
// str += $"\r\n";
// } // str += "\r\n";
// str += "\r\n";
// str += $"总耗时:{TotalMilliseconds}毫秒 ";
// str += $"{TotalMilliseconds / 1000}秒 ";
// str += $"{(TotalMilliseconds / 1000 / 60).ToString("f2")}分钟 ";
// str += $"当前时间:{DateTime.Now} ";
// str += "\r\n"; // System.IO.File.WriteAllText("1.txt", str); // Console.WriteLine("--------------------------\r\n\r\n");
// Console.WriteLine(str);
// } //}



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