[Oracle]如何为数据库设置Event(eg: ORA-00235)

■ When you use SPFILE,

Setting procedure:

1. Check the current event setting status:

SQL> show parameter event;

2. Add an event and set it up:

If there is no existing event, it is set as follows:
SQL> alter system set event = '235 errorstack (3) systemstate (10)' scope = spfile;

If there is an existing event, add it and set it as follows:
For example, if there is already an event of "902 errorstack (3) systemstate (10)" as a result of the above "1"
SQL> alter system set event = '902 errorstack (3) systemstate (10): 235 errorstack (3) systemstate (10)' scope = spfile;

3. Just to be sure, I will get a backup of SPFILE:

Example of execution:
SQL> create pfile = '/ home / oracle / pfile.ora' from spfile;

4. Restart the database.

To disable it:

1. Delete event 235:

If there is no existing event, it is set as follows:
SQL> alter system set event = '' scope = spfile;

If there is an existing event, restore the original value:
For example, if there is already an event "902 errorstack (3) systemstate (10)" before this event setting,
SQL> alter system set event = '902 errorstack (3) systemstate (10)' scope = spfile;

2. Restart the database. In case

■ When you use PFILE,

Setting procedure:

1. Check the line related to "*. Event" with the cat command in the contents of PFILE.

2. Add and configure event 235:

If there is no existing event, please modify it as follows:
*. Event = '235 errorstack (3) systemstate (10)'

The existing event will be appended and set as follows:
For example, if the event of *. Event = '902 errorstack (3) systemstate (10)' already exists as a result of the above "1"
In some cases,
*. Event = '902 errorstack (3) systemstate (10): 235 errorstack (3) systemstate (10)'

3. Restart the database.

To disable it:

1. Correct the line related to "*. Event" to the contents of PFILE.

If there is no existing event, it is set as follows:
*. Event = ''

If there is an existing event, restore the original value:
For example, if there is already an event of *. Event = '902 errorstack (3) systemstate (10)' before this event setting,
*. Event = '902 errorstack (3) systemstate (10)'

2. Restart the database.

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