
Introduction to Fusing-Probability model:

Cause the input has two parts, one is item images, the number of images can be 1 to N, one is item description contains several words. The main idea of Fusing-Probability is predicting on these features individually, and we have two classifiers, on the image side, we use VGG16 deep learning architecture which is a convolutional neural network to produce a probability for each image, and in the description side, we use an LSTM network to train a model to classify the text features. Then I use an algorithm to put all probability vectors together, finally, we get a composite probability vector, more about the algorithm can be found here

Introduction to Multi-Task model:

The main difference between these two models is we combine all features first, and put it into a single classifier, first, I choose first 3 images and convert them into gray-scale image, the shape of an RGB image is (width,height,3) because there are three channels in an RGB image, and the shape of gray-scaled image is (width,height) there is only one channel, and I combine three gray-scaled images into one data block which has shape(width,height,3). Then, we put it in the VGG16 model, instead of getting a probability vector, we get the feature vector after the last pooling layer, now we get a feature vector from the images, on the description side, same as before ,we put the description into the LSTM model, we get text feature before the model produce a probability vector, and we combine two feature vectors. then put the vector to a classifier and get the final probability vector.

Multi-Task model architecture:

Fusing-Probability model architecture:


I test two architectures on the same data set. the data set has 10 classes:











And the data set contains 5487 items, the Fusing-Probability model gets 93.87% accuracy, the Multi-Task model gets 93.38% accuracy, I have several figures to show the difference between two architectures.

1.  Items that model predict successfully and the probability distribution.

Fusing-Probability                                                                                                             Multi-Task

2. Items that model doesn't predict success and the probability distribution.

Fusing-Probability                                                                                                             Multi-Task

3. Fraction map of the accuracy on each class.

Fusing-Probability                                                                                                             Multi-Task

4.Curve figure.

Fusing-Probability                                                                                                             Multi-Task

5. Histogram.


Analysis of the figures:

let's look at the first couple of figures, the figure in left panel is
the histogram of the probability the Fusing-Probability model
successfully predicted, the right panel figure comes from the Multi-Task
model, most right answers have a probability greater than 0.9 in the
Multi-Task model, but in Fusing-Probability model there are some right
answers have a lower probability. From this view Multi-Task model is

Second, we can get some information from a second couple
of figures, it shows the histogram of the probability that models
predict a wrong result. The probability centralizes on about 0.5 from
the Fusing-Probability model, I need to mention that some results get a
high probability greater than 0.9, they are really wrong, the data is
not so clean and has some misclassified items. Look at the right panel,
we can't find any relationship. So, Fusing-Probability model is better.

a fraction map shows model accuracy on each class, we can find that the
desktop-memory has the lowest accuracy in both models, there are some
items really hard to say if it's a desktop memory or server memory even
for a real person. But on other classes, the Fusing-Probability model
has higher accuracy than another model, Fusing-Probability is better.

it's a couple of curve figures of right and wrong predictions, we can
easily find a reasonable threshold from the left panel, because most
wrong predictions has about 0.5 probability, we can use a threshold as 
0.63 when we use the model to divide all predictions in to certain and
not sure group, but in Multi-Task model we can't get a very meaningful
threshold. So, Fusing-Probability model is better.

5th, a couple
of histograms, the Fusing-Probability model gets higher accuracy, except
desktop-memory class, the model works fine, the reason why the Mouse
and Keyboard class have most right predictions are we have more samples
on these two sets.

Finally, we can find the Fusing-Probability model works better than Multi-Task model.

Pros & cons:

Multi-Task model:

to train, get higher probability when it predicts right,  but when we
have a very limit data set we can't do data augmentation on the data
set, because there is not a good way to produce more data on text, if we
only do data augmentation on images, the text will be more important,
the image will be useless. The model easily gets overfitting. the image
input part is a set of images, the order would not influence the result,
but this model treats the first image more important, and we can have
at most 3 images, we will lose some information if there are more than 3
images. we convert the RGB image into gray-scaled image we may miss
some important features.

Fusing-Probability model:

can do data augmentation separately because we train different models
on image input and text input, we can find a more reasonable threshold
for each class,  base on the probability fusing algorithm, we can have
any number of images, and the model won't consider the order of
images.The model has more flexibility.

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