May 29. 2018 Week 22nd Tuesday
Nothing is more terrible than ignorance in action.
In today's digital age, we can run very fast if we have enough information about what we are doing and have deep understanding about the potential problems.
However, if not, then our ignorance would just make us run into a number of problems.
Remember, ignorance is never bliss, information is always important, and action is always required for success.
You do not find the happy life, you make it.
From Camilla Eyring Kimball.
If you are not happy, stop complaining and strive for making some changes in your life to create your own happiness.
Think about those who are completely happy, what personal features do they have?
Maybe they consider that anything other than happiness just is not acceptable, and they always make great sacrifices and work very hard until they reach the level of happiness they strive for.
Actually, once you start searching for the answers to a happy life, it all comes down to identifying what it is that you want, formulating a plan to get there and then working hard until you reach your desired goals.
In most cases, it has nothing to do with luck.
As Thomas Jefferson had ever said: ' I am a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work, the more I have of it.'
Quite right. So, if we feel unhappy, maybe we owe it to ourselves to make some changes, and life is too short to delay any longer.
Let's do it, let our dreams come true.
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