Parameter Name | Type | Description |
filter | Filter | 用于确定事件是否应由此Appender处理的筛选器。使用CompositeFilter可以使用多个筛选器。 |
layout | Layout | Layout用于格式化日志事件。如果未提供Layout,则将使用默认的模式布局“%m%n”。 |
follow | Boolean | Appender是否接受在配置后通过System.setOut或System.setErr重新分配的System.out或System.err。请注意,follow属性不能用于windows上的Jansi。不能与direct一起使用。 |
direct | Boolean | 直接写入java.io.FieldDebug,并绕过java.lang.System.out./err。当输出被重定向到文件或其他进程时,可以放弃高达10倍的性能提升。不能与Windows上的Jansi一起使用。不能与follow一起使用。输出不尊重 java.lang.System.setOut()/.setErr(),可能会与多线程应用程序中的java.lang.System.out./err的其他输出纠缠在一起。从2.6.2开始。请注意,这是一个新的添加,到目前为止,它只在linux和windows上使用oracle jvm进行了测试。 |
name | String | Appender的名字 |
ignoreExceptions | Boolean | 默认值为true,导致在将事件附加到内部日志中时遇到异常,然后将其忽略。当设置为false时,异常将传播到调用方。在将此附加程序包装为FailoverAppender时,必须将此设置为false。 |
target | String |
A typical Console configuration might look like:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Configuration status="warn" name="MyApp" packages="">
<Console name="STDOUT" target="SYSTEM_OUT">
<PatternLayout pattern="%m%n"/>
<Root level="error">
<AppenderRef ref="STDOUT"/>
Parameter Name | Type | Description |
append | boolean | When true - the default, records will be appended to the end of the file. When set to false, the file will be cleared before new records are written. |
bufferedIO | boolean | When true - the default, records will be written to a buffer and the data will be written to disk when the buffer is full or, if immediateFlush is set, when the record is written. File locking cannot be used with bufferedIO. Performance tests have shown that using buffered I/O significantly improves performance, even if immediateFlush is enabled. |
bufferSize | int | When bufferedIO is true, this is the buffer size, the default is 8192 bytes. |
createOnDemand | boolean | The appender creates the file on-demand. The appender only creates the file when a log event passes all filters and is routed to this appender. Defaults to false. |
filter | Filter | A Filter to determine if the event should be handled by this Appender. More than one Filter may be used by using a CompositeFilter. |
fileName | String | The name of the file to write to. If the file, or any of its parent directories, do not exist, they will be created. |
immediateFlush | boolean |
When set to true - the default, each write will be followed by a flush. This will guarantee the data is written to disk but could impact performance. Flushing after every write is only useful when using this appender with synchronous loggers. Asynchronous loggers and appenders will automatically flush at the end of a batch of events, even if immediateFlush is set to false. This also guarantees the data is written to disk but is more efficient. |
layout | Layout | The Layout to use to format the LogEvent. If no layout is supplied the default pattern layout of "%m%n" will be used. |
locking | boolean | When set to true, I/O operations will occur only while the file lock is held allowing FileAppenders in multiple JVMs and potentially multiple hosts to write to the same file simultaneously. This will significantly impact performance so should be used carefully. Furthermore, on many systems the file lock is "advisory" meaning that other applications can perform operations on the file without acquiring a lock. The default value is false. |
name | String | The name of the Appender. |
ignoreExceptions | boolean | The default is true, causing exceptions encountered while appending events to be internally logged and then ignored. When set to false exceptions will be propagated to the caller, instead. You must set this to false when wrapping this Appender in aFailoverAppender. |
filePermissions | String |
File attribute permissions in POSIX format to apply whenever the file is created. Underlying files system shall support POSIX file attribute view. Examples: rw------- or rw-rw-rw- etc... |
fileOwner | String |
File owner to define whenever the file is created. Changing file's owner may be restricted for security reason and Operation not permitted IOException thrown. Only processes with an effective user ID equal to the user ID of the file or with appropriate privileges may change the ownership of a file if _POSIX_CHOWN_RESTRICTED is in effect for path. Underlying files system shall support file owner attribute view. |
fileGroup | String |
File group to define whenever the file is created. Underlying files system shall support POSIX file attribute view. |
Here is a sample File configuration:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Configuration status="warn" name="MyApp" packages="">
<File name="MyFile" fileName="logs/app.log">
<Pattern>%d %p %c{1.} [%t] %m%n</Pattern>
<Root level="error">
<AppenderRef ref="MyFile"/>
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