从 https://earthexplorer.usgs.gov/ 下载高程数据



using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine; public class mapMeshCreate : MonoBehaviour {
private Texture textureGray;//灰度图
private Texture textureSatellite;//卫星影像贴图
private int tGrayWidth = 0, tGrayHeight = 0;//灰度图的宽和高
private bool bCreate = false;//是否完成创建
private List<GameObject> meshList;//mesh集合
private Texture2D texture2dGray;
public float zScale = 100;//高度参数 [Tooltip("传入mesh使用的材质")]
public Material meshMaterial; void Start()
StartCoroutine(loadImage("T1.jpg", (t) => textureGray = t));
StartCoroutine(loadImage("T2.png", (t) => textureSatellite = t));
meshList = new List<GameObject>();
} void Update()
if (textureGray != null && textureSatellite != null)
if (bCreate == false)
tGrayWidth = textureGray.width;
tGrayHeight = textureGray.height;
meshMaterial.mainTexture = textureSatellite;//设置材质贴图
int xNum = 1 + tGrayWidth / 250;//x方向mesh个数
int zNum = 1 + tGrayHeight / 250; //z方向mesh个数
texture2dGray = (Texture2D)textureGray;
for (int i = 0; i < xNum; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < zNum; j++)
if (i < xNum - 1 && j < zNum - 1)
createMesh("meshX" + i.ToString() + "Z" + j.ToString(), 251, 251,
i * new Vector3(2500, 0, 0) + j * new Vector3(0, 0, 2500),
(i + 1) * new Vector3(2500, 0, 0) + (j + 1) * new Vector3(0, 0, 2500) + new Vector3(10, 0, 10),
i * new Vector2(250, 0) + j * new Vector2(0, 250),
(i + 1) * new Vector2(250, 0) + (j + 1) * new Vector2(0, 250) + new Vector2(1, 1),i,j,tGrayWidth,tGrayHeight));
else if (i == xNum - 1 && j < zNum - 1)
meshList.Add(createMesh("meshX" + i.ToString() + "Z" + j.ToString(), tGrayWidth % 250, 251,
i * new Vector3(2500, 0, 0) + j * new Vector3(0, 0, 2500),
i * new Vector3(2500, 0, 0) + new Vector3(10 * (tGrayWidth % 250), 0, 10) + (j + 1) * new Vector3(0, 0, 2500),
i * new Vector2(250, 0) + j * new Vector2(0, 250),
i * new Vector2(250, 0) + new Vector2(tGrayWidth % 250, 1) + (j + 1) * new Vector2(0, 250),i,j, tGrayWidth, tGrayHeight));
else if (i < xNum - 1 && j == zNum - 1)
meshList.Add(createMesh("meshX" + i.ToString() + "Z" + j.ToString(), 251, tGrayHeight % 250,
i * new Vector3(2500, 0, 0) + j * new Vector3(0, 0, 2500),
(i + 1) * new Vector3(2500, 0, 0) + j * new Vector3(0, 0, 2500) + new Vector3(10, 0, 10 * (tGrayHeight % 250)),
i * new Vector2(250, 0) + j * new Vector2(0, 250),
(i + 1) * new Vector2(250, 0) + j * new Vector2(0, 150) + new Vector2(1, tGrayHeight % 250),i,j, tGrayWidth, tGrayHeight));
else if (i == xNum - 1 && j == zNum - 1)
meshList.Add(createMesh("meshX" + i.ToString() + "Z" + j.ToString(), tGrayWidth % 250, tGrayHeight % 250,
i * new Vector3(2500, 0, 0) + j * new Vector3(0, 0, 2500),
i * new Vector3(2500, 0, 0) + j * new Vector3(0, 0, 2500) + new Vector3(10 * (tGrayWidth % 250), 0, 10 * (tGrayHeight % 250)),
i * new Vector2(250, 0) + j * new Vector2(0, 250),
i * new Vector2(250, 0) + j * new Vector2(0, 250) + new Vector2(tGrayWidth % 250, tGrayHeight % 250),i,j, tGrayWidth, tGrayHeight));
bCreate = true;
} //加载图片
IEnumerator loadImage(string imagePath, System.Action<Texture> action)
WWW www = new WWW("file://" + Application.streamingAssetsPath + "/" + imagePath);
yield return www;
if (www.error == null)
} /// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="meshName">mesh名称</param>
/// <param name="row">行数</param>
/// <param name="col">列数</param>
/// <param name="minPoint">最小点位置</param>
/// <param name="maxPoint">最大点位置</param>
/// <param name="minImgPosition">最小点灰度图位置</param>
/// <param name="maxImgPosition">最大点灰度图位置</param>
/// <param name="xWidthIndex">横向索引</param>
/// <param name="zHeightIndex">纵向索引</param>
/// <param name="width">横向总宽度</param>
/// <param name="height">纵向总高度</param>
/// <returns></returns>
/// private GameObject createMesh(string meshName, int row, int col, Vector3 minPoint, Vector3 maxPoint, Vector2 minImgPosition, Vector2 maxImgPosition,int xWidthIndex,int zHeightIndex,int width,int height)
GameObject meshObject = new GameObject(meshName); int verticeNum = row * col;
Vector3[] vertices = new Vector3[verticeNum];//顶点数组大小
int[] triangles = new int[verticeNum * 3 * 2];//三角集合数组,保存顶点索引
// Vector3[] normals = new Vector3[verticeNum];//顶点法线数组大小
Vector2[] uvs = new Vector2[verticeNum];
float rowF = (float)row;
float colF = (float)col;
Vector3 xStep = new Vector3((maxPoint.x - minPoint.x) / rowF, 0, 0);
Vector3 zSetp = new Vector3(0, 0, (maxPoint.z - minPoint.z) / colF);
int k = 0; for (int i = 0; i < row; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < col; j++)
float tempZ = texture2dGray.GetPixel((int)minImgPosition.x + i, (int)minImgPosition.y + j).grayscale;
vertices[i + j * row] = minPoint + xStep * i + zSetp * j + new Vector3(0, tempZ * zScale, 0); // uvs[i + j * row] = new Vector2((float)i / rowF, (float)j / colF);
uvs[i + j * row] = new Vector2((float)(i+ xWidthIndex*250) / width, (float)(j+zHeightIndex*250) / height); if (j < col - 1 && i < row - 1)
triangles[k++] = j * row + i;
triangles[k++] = j * row + i + row;
triangles[k++] = j * row + i + 1; triangles[k++] = j * row + i + row;
triangles[k++] = j * row + i + row + 1;
triangles[k++] = j * row + i + 1;
Mesh mesh = new Mesh();
mesh.vertices = vertices;
mesh.triangles = triangles;
// mesh.normals = normals;
mesh.uv = uvs;
meshObject.GetComponent<MeshFilter>().mesh = mesh;
meshObject.GetComponent<MeshRenderer>().material = meshMaterial; return meshObject;



本文链接 https://www.cnblogs.com/gucheng/p/10951918.html

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