DraftSight HotFix 2017R3热修复补丁下载。DraftSight,一个非常好用的2D制图软件,由开发商3DS公司(达索系统集团)推出。通过本软件,用户可以轻松创建、编辑和查看DWG文件。

      DraftSight HotFix 2017R3热修复补丁说明:

这是一个非常关键的热修复补丁。2012 至 2017 期间下载 DraftSight 的所有客户 必须安装此热修复补丁,以避免从 2017 年 3 月 1 日开始出现使用中断。


Dear DraftSight Users,
It has come to the attention of the DraftSight team that, due to an expired certificate, Windows* 32
& 64-bit versions of DraftSight released from 2012 to 2017 will not launch and/or will stop running
as of March 1, 2017. However, we are making available a critical hotfix to resolve this issue before
that date.
To avoid usage interruption, please make sure to immediately download and install this critical
hotfix, which can be found on the main product download page (
The affected releases are as follows:
Version (Windows 32 & 64 bit) Release Date
DraftSight 2017 SP0 November 2016
DraftSight 2016 SP2 July 2016
DraftSight 2016 SP1 April 2016
DraftSight 2016 SP0 February 2016
DraftSight 2015 SP3 June 2015
DraftSight 2015 SP2 April 2015
DraftSight 2015 SP1 February 2015
DraftSight 2015 SP0 October 2014
DraftSight V1R5.2 July 2014
DraftSight V1R5.1 April 2014
DraftSight V1R5.0 January 2014
DraftSight V1R4.0 October 2013
DraftSight V1R3.2 July 2013
DraftSight V1R3.1 January 2013
DraftSight V1R3.0 November 2012
We apologize for any inconvenience and continue to be fully committed to providing the highest
quality of software solutions for our growing community of DraftSight users.
Thank you,
The DraftSight Team
*Note: Mac and Linux versions of DraftSight (Free and Beta only) do not require this hotfix as they are not affected by the
expired certificate.

DraftSight Offers Services for Every Kind of User.

For users who want to get the most out of DraftSight, services are available for commercial, education, and individual users. For details on each service or to purchase support today, please visit the DraftSight Services page.

See the End User License Agreement.

DraftSight uninstallation instructions.

Click here to read the DraftSight 2017 SP1 System Requirements.

*Standalone license. Activation required.

Windows Users: DraftSight 2017 is unsupported on Windows XP and Vista. Please make sure to select the correct version for your operating system, as 32bit will not install on 64bit machines, and vice versa. If you aren't sure whether you are running 32bit or 64bit, or you received an error while installing for Windows,click here to view our support post in the DraftSight community.

Mac Users: DraftSight is unsupported on Mac 32bit machines.

Linux Users: DraftSight is unsupported on Linux 32bit machines.

Method #1 => Critical Hotfix .exe Installation Instructions
1. Save your work and close the DraftSight application.
2. Double-click on the hotfix file “DraftSight_HotFix_2017R.exe”. The WinZip Self-Extractor
appears on the screen.
3. Click Unzip, then click OK in the confirmation box.
4. Click Yes to continue installation.
5. Click OK to complete installation.
6. It is recommended to reboot the system after installing the hotfix.

Method #2 => Multi-Machine Silent Install Option
(Note: step #2 can be scripted by the local IT team as needed)
1. After extracting the HotFix contents,
2. run from an administrative command prompt:
<extracted folder>\hotfix.exe /s /k

Method #3 => Windows XP for Manual Replacement of the DDKERNEL.dll File Instructions
1. Make sure you have downloaded the newest version of the hotfix. The file name is
2. Start > Control Panel > Add or Remove Programs.
3. Wait for you list of programs to load, select DraftSight, and click on 'Click here for support
4. A Support Info dialog will display and indicate a product version number.
Remember or copy your version number.
5. Open Windows Explorer, after extracting the HotFix contents navigate to
6. There are three files in this folder: a folder named Files, hotfix.exe, and hotfix.ini. Right click
on hotfix.ini and choose Open with...
7. In the Open With dialog, choose Notepad and click OK.
The hotfix.ini file opens in Notepad.
8. In Notepad, go to Edit > Find..., enter your version number from step 4, and click on Find
9. Your version number should highlight. Look a line or two above that selection to identify the
release name. Remember or copy your release name.
(For this step, it does not matter if the x64 or the x86 release is found.)
10. Go back to Windows Explorer and navigate to C:\swdist\DraftSightHotfix\Files folder.
Note: There are 30 folders in this location.
11. Find the x86 folder that matches with the release name from step 9 and open that folder.
12. Copy the DDKERNEL.dll file that is in this folder.
13. Open a new Windows Explorer window and navigate to C:\Program Files\Dassault
Systemes\DraftSight\bin (or your custom location if you chose a different location during
14. Paste the DDKERNEL.dll file from step 11 and replace the existing version of that file.
DraftSight should now startup correctly.


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