fatal error: concurrent map read and map write
package main func main() {
Map := make(map[int]int) for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
go writeMap(Map, i, i)
go readMap(Map, i)
} } func readMap(Map map[int]int, key int) int {
return Map[key]
} func writeMap(Map map[int]int, key int, value int) {
Map[key] = value
package main func main() {
Map := make(map[int]int) for i := 0; i < 100000; i++ {
go writeMap(Map, i, i)
go readMap(Map, i)
} } func readMap(Map map[int]int, key int) int {
return Map[key]
} func writeMap(Map map[int]int, key int, value int) {
Map[key] = value
Maps are not safe for concurrent use: it's not defined what happens when you read and write to them simultaneously. If you need to read from and write to a map from concurrently executing goroutines, the accesses must be mediated by some kind of synchronization mechanism. One common way to protect maps is with sync.RWMutex.
go FAQ解释如下:
After long discussion it was decided that the typical use of maps did not require safe access from multiple goroutines, and in those cases where it did, the map was probably part of some larger data structure or computation that was already synchronized. Therefore requiring that all map operations grab a mutex would slow down most programs and add safety to few. This was not an easy decision, however, since it means uncontrolled map access can crash the program.
package main import "sync" type SafeMap struct {
Map map[int]int
} func main() {
safeMap := newSafeMap(10) for i := 0; i < 100000; i++ {
go safeMap.writeMap(i, i)
go safeMap.readMap(i)
} } func newSafeMap(size int) *SafeMap {
sm := new(SafeMap)
sm.Map = make(map[int]int)
return sm } func (sm *SafeMap) readMap(key int) int {
value := sm.Map[key]
return value
} func (sm *SafeMap) writeMap(key int, value int) {
sm.Map[key] = value
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