
Implement skippable functionality using VAST creatives

Ad Exchange supports skippable ads that use VAST 2.0 (via a custom in-line skippable tracking element in the XML) or VAST 3.0 with built-in skippable ad tracking functionality. When a skippable ad is served, the publisher player reads the response and displays a skippable button, if the ad has been correctly implemented as skippable.

To render an in-stream video creative as skippable:

VAST 2.0: Creatives must include at least one Tracking node under Ad/Inline/Extensions/Extension/CustomTracking, with the attribute event="skip". The content of the node should be a CDATA-wrapped URI that the video player will ping if and when the user clicks the skip button.

 <Tracking event="skip">
  <![ CDATA[
  JH9hkli899hif989KUH73lkpO ]]>

VAST 3.0: Creatives only need to include the skip event, not the custom tracking extension. Also, the skipOffsetattribute on the linear element must be set to 00:00:05.


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