Least significant byte (LSB) Most significant byte (MSB)

Big-endian machines store the most-significant byte at the lowest-numbered address, with the other bytes following in decreasing order of significance. Little-endian machines store multi-byte numbers in the opposite order: from least-significant to most-significant.

Internet diagram is big-endian.  STM32 ARM-CM3 is little-endian.



uint8_t IsBigEndian(void)
volatile uint32_t temp = 0x0a0b0c0d;
return (*((uint8_t*)(&temp))) == 0x0a;
} void EndianTest(void)
if (IsBigEndian() == )
std::cout << "it is a big-endian" << std::endl;
std::cout << "it is a little-endian" << std::endl; }

从调试也可以看出内存地址和值, 注意0x0a是most-significant byte。


在TCP/IP里有一系列的函数用于字节的转换如htons (covert host byte to network byte short 16bit), htonl (convert host byte to network byte long 32bit), ntohs (network byte to host byte short 16bit), ntohl (convert network byte to host byte long 32bit). 当你设计通讯协议时,这些函数你就要自己实现了。


Problem Description

The field reports show that panel will lockup and then reboot while doing security port scan by nmap.

Root Cause

After analysis, this problem happens at all panel versions, standalone/networking panel, and happens at other scanning tools (e.g. Tenable Nessus).

The investigation shows that, the problem was caused by unaligned data access during TCP timestamps option parsing in Linux kernel. The reason can be summarized below:

1)      The ARMv5 or earlier MCU (likes panel MCU S3C44B0X ARM7TDMI is belong to ARMv4T), who had limited abilities to access memory that was not aligned on a word (four byte) boundary. According to S3C44B0 datasheet (see page 89 Address Alignment), the MCU is going to ABORT mode which cause the system crash.

2)      In Linux TCP option parsing, the handling did not consider the data unaligned in timestamp option, but TCP options are not guaranteed to be aligned at all.

According to the Linux debug output information when TCP package with timestamps options: The timestamps hold address (register: R8) is 0x0DB074E2, which is not multiple 4(word), the Linux kernel error information is: Unhandled fault: alignment exception (13).

1)      TCP package by nmap

2)      Linux debug output


The solution is get word value byte one byte when the address is unaligned, which is come from official Linux kernel patch (see appendix). The change is only applied for TCP/IP option parsing and without side effect. The solution had been successfully verified by prototype.

Purpose: for field panels, firmware upgraded is the recommended solution if the panel was be connected to internet or corporate network, and it is not need to upgrade firmware if the panel was not be connected to network.


The patch is come from Linux official, the link is https://archive.org/details/git-history-of-linux.


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