17 多校1 Add More Zero 水题
Nowadays, he is preparing a thought-provoking problem on a specific type of supercomputer which has ability to support calculations of integers between 0 and (2m−1) (inclusive).
As a young man born with ten fingers, he loves the powers of 10 so much, which results in his eccentricity that he always ranges integers he would like to use from 1 to 10k (inclusive).
For the sake of processing, all integers he would use possibly in this interesting problem ought to be as computable as this supercomputer could.
Given the positive integer m, your task is to determine maximum possible integer k that is suitable for the specific supercomputer.
using namespace std; const double p=log(10.0)/log(2.0); int main()
int t=,m;
printf("Case #%d: %d\n",t++,int(m/p));
return ;
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