create table ware_retail_part --创建一个描述商品零售的数据表
id integer primary key,--销售编号
retail_date date,--销售日期
ware_name varchar2(50)--商品名称
partition by range(retail_date)
partition par_01 values less than(to_date('2011-04-01','yyyy-mm-dd')) tablespace TBSP_1,
partition par_02 values less than(to_date('2011-07-01','yyyy-mm-dd')) tablespace TBSP_1,
partition par_03 values less than(to_date('2011-10-01','yyyy-mm-dd')) tablespace TBSP_2,
partition par_04 values less than(to_date('2012-01-01','yyyy-mm-dd')) tablespace TBSP_2
create table ware_retail_part2 --创建一个描述商品零售的数据表
id integer primary key,--销售编号
retail_date date,--销售日期
ware_name varchar2(50)--商品名称
partition by range(id,retail_date)--按照销售序号和销售日期分区
partition par_01 values less than(10000,to_date('2011-12-01','yyyy-mm-dd')) tablespace TBSP_1,
partition par_02 values less than(20000,to_date('2012-12-01','yyyy-mm-dd')) tablespace TBSP_1,
partition par_03 values less than(maxvalue,maxvalue) tablespace TBSP_2
create table ware_retail_part3 --创建一个描述商品零售的数据表
id integer primary key,--销售编号
retail_date date,--销售日期
ware_name varchar2(50)--商品名称
partition by hash(id)
partition par_01 tablespace TBSP_1,
partition par_02 tablespace TBSP_2
create table person
id number primary key,
name varchar2(20),
sex varchar2(2)
partition by hash(id)
partitions 2
store in(tbsp_1,tbsp_2);
create table goods
id number,
goodname varchar2(50)
storage(initial 2048k)
partition by hash(id)
partition par1 tablespace tbsp_1,
partition par2 tablespace tbsp_2
create table clients
id integer primary key,
name varchar2(50),
province varchar2(20)
partition by list(province)
partition shandong values('山东省'),
partition guangdong values('广东省'),
partition yunnan values('云南省')
 create table person2                     --创建以一个描述个人信息的表
id number primary key, --个人的编号
name varchar2(20), --姓名
sex varchar2(2) --性别
partition by range(id)--以id作为分区键创建范围分区
subpartition by hash(name)--以name列作为分区键创建hash子分区
subpartitions 2 store in(tbsp_1,tbsp_2)--hash子分区公有两个,分别存储在两个不同的命名空间中
partition par1 values less than(5000),--范围分区,id小于5000
partition par2 values less than(10000),--范围分区,id小于10000
partition par3 values less than(maxvalue)--范围分区,id不小于10000
create table saleRecord
id number primary key, --编号
goodsname varchar2(50),--商品名称
saledate date,--销售日期
quantity number--销售量
partition by range(saledate)
interval (numtoyminterval(1,'year'))
partition par_fist values less than (to_date('2012-01-01','yyyy-mm-dd'))
alter table clients
add partition hebei values('河北省')
storage(initial 10K next 20k) tablespace tbsp_1
create table sales--创建一个销售记录表
id number primary key,--记录编号
goodsname varchar2(10),--商品名
saledate date--销售日期
partition by range(saledate)--按照日期分区
partition part_sea1 values less than(to_date('2011-04-01','yyyy-mm-dd')) tablespace tbsp_1,
partition part_sea2 values less than(to_date('2011-07-01','yyyy-mm-dd')) tablespace tbsp_2,
partition part_sea3 values less than(to_date('2011-10-01','yyyy-mm-dd')) tablespace tbsp_1,
partition part_sea4 values less than(to_date('2012-01-01','yyyy-mm-dd')) tablespace tbsp_2
); --创建局部索引
create index index_3_4 on sales(saledate)
partition part_seal tablespace tbsp_1,
partition part_sea2 tablespace tbsp_2,
partition part_sea3 tablespace tbsp_1,
partition part_sea4 tablespace tbsp_2
); --并入分区
alter table sales merge partitions part_sea3,part_sea4 into partition part_sea4; --重建局部索引
alter table sales modify partition part_sea4 rebuild unusable local indexes;

create tablespace ts_1 datafile 'D:\OracleFiles\OracleData\ts1.dbf'
size 10m
extent management local autoallocate;
create tablespace ts_2 datafile 'D:\OracleFiles\OracleData\ts2.dbf'
size 10m
extent management local autoallocate;
create tablespace ts_3 datafile 'D:\OracleFiles\OracleData\ts3.dbf'
size 10m
extent management local autoallocate; --创建分区表
create table studentgrade
id number primary key,--记录id
name varchar2(10),--学生名称
subject varchar2(10),--学科
grade number --成绩
partition by range(grade)
partition par_nopass values less than(60) tablespace ts_1,
partition par_pass values less than(70) tablespace ts_2,
partition par_good values less than(maxvalue) tablespace ts_3
); --创建本地索引分区
create index grade_index on studentgrade(grade)
partition p1 tablespace ts_1,
partition p2 tablespace ts_2,
partition p3 tablespace ts_3
); --查询所创建的索引分区信息
select partition_name,tablespace_name from dba_ind_partitions where index_name = 'GRADE_INDEX';
create index index_SalePrice on Books(SalePrice)
global partition by range(SalePrice)
partition p1 values less than (30),
partition p2 values less than (50),
partition p3 values less than (maxvalue)
create index index_ISBN on books(ISBN)
global partition by hash(ISBN);
alter index index_saleprice rename partition p3 to p_new;
 create table Books_Sale                        --图书销售表
id integer primary key, --编号
quantity number, --销售数量
book_name varchar2(50), --名称
publisher varchar2(50) --出版社
partition by list(publisher) --以publisher 列为分区键创建列表分区
partition A values('A省出版社'), --A省份
partition B values('B省出版社'), --B省份
partition C values('C省出版社') --C省份
create index grade_index on Books_Sale(publisher)
local --根据表分区创建本地索引分区
partition p1 tablespace users,
partition p2 tablespace users,
partition p3 tablespace users


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