ADJ-GRADED 勉强的;不情愿的If you are reluctant to do something, you are unwilling to do it and hesitate before doing it, or do it slowly and without enthusiasm.

Mr Spero was reluctant to ask for help...


DJ 海洋的;海生的;海产的Marine is used to describe things relating to the sea or to the animals and plants that live in the sea.

...breeding grounds for marine life.


VERB (通常指用手)挤压,捏If you squeeze something, you press it firmly, usually with your hands.

He squeezed her arm reassuringly...


N-COUNT 葬礼;丧礼A funeral is the ceremony that is held when the body of someone who has died is buried or cremated.

His funeral will be on Thursday at Blackburn Cathedral...


N-COUNT 小事;琐事;无价值的东西A trifle is something that is considered to have little importance, value, or significance.

He had no money to spare on trifles...


N-COUNT 游说团体;活动集团A lobby is a group of people who represent a particular organization or campaign, and try to persuade a government or council to help or support them.

Agricultural interests are some of the most powerful lobbies in Washington...


He set up this lobby of independent producers.


ADJ-GRADED (光线)昏暗的,暗淡的Dim light is not bright.

She stood waiting, in the dim light...



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  9. vab set dim

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