
1. Trigger

Trigger是指硬件触发器:A debugger can use hardware triggers to halt a hart when a certain event occurs.

2. Trigger Module

Triggers can:

a. cause a breakpoint exception, entry into Debug Mode,

b. or a trace action without having to execute a special instruction.

This makes them invaluable when debugging code from ROM.

They can trigger:

a. on execution of instructions at a given memory address,

b. or on the address/data in loads/stores.

These are all features that can be useful without having the Debug Module present, so the Trigger Module is broken out as a separate piece that can be implemented separately.



3. 实例1

A. (补)tselect=0:选择第0个触发器;

B. 写tdata1寄存器,其中:

a. type=2:The trigger is an address/data match trigger;



b. action=1:Enter Debug Mode. (Only supported when the trigger's dmode is 1.)

c. dmode=1:根据b的要求,dmode应该为1,其意义为:

d. match=0:Matches when the value equals tdata2;就是说与tdata2中的值进行匹配;

e. m=s=u=1:触发器在M/S/U模式下触发:

f. execute=1:When set, the trigger fires on the virtual address or opcode of an instruction that is executed. 对执行的指令地址或者指令码进行匹配;结合上面的配置,即指令地址或指令码等于tdata2中的值时,触发器触发;

g. tdata1=0x105c是指低16位的值:



a) type=2;

b) dmode=1;



这一位值为0,意义为:The action for this trigger will be taken just before the instruction that triggered it is executed, but after all preceding instructions are committed.

C. tdata2=0x80001234:待匹配的指令地址为0x80001234;

4. 实例2


A. 相较于实例1匹配指令地址,这里匹配的是读内存地址:load=1;

B. 相较于实例1中指令执行前触发,这里在读内存之后触发:timing=1:

5. 实例3

这里实例中使用了两个触发器:Trigger 0和Trigger 1.

1) Trigger 0

实现Enter Debug Mode right before a write to an address greater than 0x80007c80:

a. timing=0:在指令执行前触发;

b. match=2:大于0x80007c80:Matches when the value is greater than (unsigned) or equal to tdata2.

c. store=1:匹配a write to an address;

d. tdata2=0x80007c80:保存待匹配的内存地址;

2) Trigger 1

实现Enter Debug Mode right before a write to an address less than 0x80007c80:

a. timing=0;

b. match=3:Matches when the value is less than (unsigned) tdata2;

c. store=1;

d. tdata2=0x80007cf0:注意这里不是0x80007cef,因为要求是包括0x80007cef这个地址,而匹配时是排除tdata2这个地址,所以只能把要求的地址加1之后存入tdata2;

6. 实例4

a. timing=0:在指令执行前触发;

b. store=1:匹配一个写内存操作;

c. match=1:


a. XLEN=32, XLEN-1=31;

b. 0x81237fff中最低的0位是第15位:

c. 所以M=31-15=16;也就是说匹配tdata2的高16位;

d. 也就是把要写的内存地址的高16位与tdata2的高16位进行匹配,那么可以触发的内存地址的范围即是:0x81230000-0x8123ffff;

7. 实例5


a. timing=1:表示读操作完成之后触发;

b. load=1:表示匹配的是读内存操作;

c. chain=1:表示两个trigger组合使用:While this trigger does not match, it prevents the trigger with the next index from matching.

1) Trigger 1


A. match=4:Matches when the lower half of the value equals the lower half of tdata2 after the lower half of the value is ANDed with the upper half of tdata2.

a. 首先把待匹配值的低一半V与tdata2的高一半相与:V & 0xfff0;

b. 然后把结果与tdata2的低一半相比较,即(V & 0xfff0) =? 0x3090;

c. 如果相等则触发;效果是匹配的内存地址的低一半是0x3090-0x309f;

B. chain=1:这里只匹配了低一半的地址,还有高一半的地址需要匹配,需要与Trigger 2组合使用;

2) Trigger 2


A. match=5:Matches when the upper half of the value equals the lower half of tdata2 after the upper half of the value is ANDed with the upper half of tdata2.

a. 首先把待匹配值的高一半V与tdata2的高一半相与:V & 0xefff;

b. 然后把结果与tdata2的低一半相比较,即(V & 0xefff) =? 0x8675;

c. 如果相等则触发;效果是匹配的内存地址的高一半是0x8675-0x9675;

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