

On a plane there are n points with integer coordinates points[i] = [xi, yi]. Your task is to find the minimum time in seconds to visit all points.

You can move according to the next rules:

  • In one second always you can either move vertically, horizontally by one unit or diagonally (it means to move one unit vertically and one unit horizontally in one second).
  • You have to visit the points in the same order as they appear in the arra

翻译:给定一个平面,有n个点,坐标表示为 [xi,yi],你需要求出一个最小的访问时间,你的访问方式必须是以顺序去访问所有的点。每一秒钟你可以水平或者垂直移动一步或者对角移动一步。


Input : points = [[1,1],[3,4],[-1,0]]

output :7

因为 :[1,1] -> [2,2] -> [3,3] -> [3,4] -> [2,3] -> [1,2] -> [0,1] -> [-1,0]





class Solution {
int minTimeToVisitAllPoints(vector<vector<int>>& points) {  
int ans = 0;   //距离的绝对值
for(int i = 1; i < points.size(); i++) {   
ans += max(abs(points[i][1] - points[i - 1][1]), abs(points[i][0] - points[i - 1][0]));    //求出发点和目的点的xy值的差,比如例子里,x为3-1=2,y为4-1=3。这两个值相同的部分(2) 就是对角的步数,多出来的(1)就是水平或者垂直的移动,因此我们取两者的最大值3,是本次的距离。
return ans;

sub:这里要注意就是 “points.size()” 这个是vector的一个成员函数 .size()其返回的是unsighed int,所以注意不要越界。

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