
<view class="head" style="flex-direction:row;">
<image class="icon" src="/resources/joyrun.png" mode="aspectFill"/>
<button class="run-button" bindtap="openLocation">打开位置</button>
<button class="run-button" bindtap="starRun">开始跑步</button>
<button class="run-button" bindtap="stopRun">暂停跑步</button>
</view> <view class="mainView">
style="width: 100%; height: 375px;"
</map> </view>

secondStep: run.wxss

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thirdStep: run.json

"navigationBarTitleText": "跑步计时器"

fourStep: run.js

var countTooGetLocation = 0;
var total_micro_second = 0;
var starRun = 0;
var totalSecond = 0;
var oriMeters = 0.0;
/* 毫秒级倒计时 */
function count_down(that) { if (starRun == 0) {
} if (countTooGetLocation >= 100) {
var time = date_format(total_micro_second);
} if (countTooGetLocation >= 5000) { //1000为1s
countTooGetLocation = 0;
} setTimeout(function(){
countTooGetLocation += 10;
total_micro_second += 10;
} // 时间格式化输出,如03:25:19 86。每10ms都会调用一次
function date_format(micro_second) {
// 秒数
var second = Math.floor(micro_second / 1000);
// 小时位
var hr = Math.floor(second / 3600);
// 分钟位
var min = fill_zero_prefix(Math.floor((second - hr * 3600) / 60));
// 秒位
var sec = fill_zero_prefix((second - hr * 3600 - min * 60));// equal to => var sec = second % 60; return hr + ":" + min + ":" + sec + " ";
} function getDistance(lat1, lng1, lat2, lng2) {
var dis = 0;
var radLat1 = toRadians(lat1);
var radLat2 = toRadians(lat2);
var deltaLat = radLat1 - radLat2;
var deltaLng = toRadians(lng1) - toRadians(lng2);
var dis = 2 * Math.asin(Math.sqrt(Math.pow(Math.sin(deltaLat / 2), 2) + Math.cos(radLat1) * Math.cos(radLat2) * Math.pow(Math.sin(deltaLng / 2), 2)));
return dis * 6378137; function toRadians(d) { return d * Math.PI / 180;}
} function fill_zero_prefix(num) {
return num < 10 ? "0" + num : num
} //****************************************************************************************
//**************************************************************************************** Page({
data: {
clock: '',
latitude: 0,
longitude: 0,
markers: [],
covers: [],
meters: 0.00,
time: "0:00:00"
}, //****************************
// 页面初始化 options为页面跳转所带来的参数
openLocation:function (){
type: 'gcj02', // 默认为 wgs84 返回 gps 坐标,gcj02 返回可用于 wx.openLocation 的坐标
success: function(res){
latitude: res.latitude, // 纬度,范围为-90~90,负数表示南纬
longitude: res.longitude, // 经度,范围为-180~180,负数表示西经
scale: 28, // 缩放比例
}, //****************************
starRun :function () {
if (starRun == 1) {
starRun = 1;
}, //****************************
stopRun:function () {
starRun = 0;
}, //****************************
updateTime:function (time) { var data =;
data.time = time; = data;
this.setData ({
time : time,
}) }, //****************************
getLocation:function () {
var that = this
wx.getLocation({ type: 'gcj02', // 默认为 wgs84 返回 gps 坐标,gcj02 返回可用于 wx.openLocation 的坐标
success: function(res){
console.log(res) //make datas
var newCover = {
latitude: res.latitude,
longitude: res.longitude,
iconPath: '/resources/redPoint.png',
var oriCovers =; console.log("oriMeters----------")
var len = oriCovers.length;
var lastCover;
if (len == 0) {
len = oriCovers.length;
var lastCover = oriCovers[len-1]; console.log("oriCovers----------")
console.log(oriCovers,len); var newMeters = getDistance(lastCover.latitude,lastCover.longitude,res.latitude,res.longitude)/1000; if (newMeters < 0.0015){
newMeters = 0.0;
} oriMeters = oriMeters + newMeters;
console.log(newMeters); var meters = new Number(oriMeters);
var showMeters = meters.toFixed(2); oriCovers.push(newCover); that.setData({
latitude: res.latitude,
longitude: res.longitude,
markers: [],
covers: oriCovers,
} })


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