* @brief 画圆角矩形
* @param origin 矩形开始点
* @param destination 矩形结束点
* @param radius 圆角半径
* @param segments 圆角等份数,等份越多,圆角越平滑
* @param bFill 是否填充
* @param color 填充颜色
* @attention
void DrawPrimitivesTest::ccDrawRoundRect( Point origin, Point destination, float radius, unsigned int segments, bool bFill, Color4F color)
//算出1/4圆 const float coef = 0.5f * (float)M_PI / segments;
Point * vertices = new Point[segments + ];
Point * thisVertices = vertices;
for(unsigned int i = ; i <= segments; ++i, ++thisVertices)
float rads = (segments - i)*coef;
thisVertices->x = (int)(radius * sinf(rads));
thisVertices->y = (int)(radius * cosf(rads));
Point tagCenter;
float minX = MIN(origin.x, destination.x);
float maxX = MAX(origin.x, destination.x);
float minY = MIN(origin.y, destination.y);
float maxY = MAX(origin.y, destination.y); unsigned int dwPolygonPtMax = (segments + ) * ;
Point * pPolygonPtArr = new Point[dwPolygonPtMax];
Point * thisPolygonPt = pPolygonPtArr;
int aa = ;
tagCenter.x = minX + radius;
tagCenter.y = maxY - radius;
thisVertices = vertices;
for(unsigned int i = ; i <= segments; ++i, ++thisPolygonPt, ++thisVertices)
thisPolygonPt->x = tagCenter.x - thisVertices->x;
thisPolygonPt->y = tagCenter.y + thisVertices->y;
tagCenter.x = maxX - radius;
tagCenter.y = maxY - radius;
thisVertices = vertices + segments;
for(unsigned int i = ; i <= segments; ++i, ++thisPolygonPt, --thisVertices)
thisPolygonPt->x = tagCenter.x + thisVertices->x;
thisPolygonPt->y = tagCenter.y + thisVertices->y;
tagCenter.x = maxX - radius;
tagCenter.y = minY + radius;
thisVertices = vertices;
for(unsigned int i = ; i <= segments; ++i, ++thisPolygonPt, ++thisVertices)
thisPolygonPt->x = tagCenter.x + thisVertices->x;
thisPolygonPt->y = tagCenter.y - thisVertices->y;
tagCenter.x = minX + radius;
tagCenter.y = minY + radius;
thisVertices = vertices + segments;
for(unsigned int i = ; i <= segments; ++i, ++thisPolygonPt, --thisVertices)
thisPolygonPt->x = tagCenter.x - thisVertices->x;
thisPolygonPt->y = tagCenter.y - thisVertices->y;
} if(bFill){
DrawPrimitives::drawSolidPoly(pPolygonPtArr, dwPolygonPtMax, color);
DrawPrimitives::setDrawColor4F(color.r, color.g, color.b, color.a);
DrawPrimitives::drawPoly(pPolygonPtArr, dwPolygonPtMax, true);


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