Undeclared identifier:XXX
_Stream | ADODB_TLB |
akTop, akLeft, akRight, akBottom | Controls |
Application (the variable not a type) | Forms |
Beep | SysUtils or Windows (different functions) |
CN_BASE | Controls |
CoInitialize | ActiveX |
CopyFile | Windows |
CoUnInitialize | ActiveX |
CreateComObject | ComObj |
CreateOleObject | ComObj |
Date | SysUtils |
DeleteFile | SysUtils or Windows (different versions) |
DispatchInvokeError | ComObj |
DWORD | Windows |
EDatabaseError | DB |
EncodeDateTime | DateUtils |
EnumWindows | Windows |
EOleError | ComObj |
EOleException | ComObj |
EOleSysError | ComObj |
Exception | SysUtils |
ExtractFileName | SysUtils |
FileExists | SysUtils |
FileOpen | SysUtils |
FILETIME | Windows |
FindFirst | SysUtils |
FindFirstFile | Windows |
FindWindow | Windows |
FlushFileBuffers | Windows |
fmOpenRead | SysUtils |
fmShareDenyWrite | SysUtils |
Format | SysUtils |
FormatDateTime | SysUtils |
FreeAndNil | SysUtils |
fsBold | Graphics |
ftWideString | DB |
ftString | DB |
GetCurrentProcessId | Windows |
GetEnvironmentVariable | SysUtils or Windows (different versions) |
GetFileAttributes | Windows |
GetFileVersionInfoSize | Windows |
GetWindowLong | Windows |
GetStdHandle | Windows |
HDC | Windows |
HFont | Windows |
IID_IWebBrowser2 | SHDocVw or SHDocVw_TLB |
IMessage | CDO_TLB |
InternetClosehandle | WinInet |
InternetOpenUrl | WinInet |
InternetReadFile | WinInet |
IntToHex | SysUtils |
IntToStr | SysUtils |
IOleCommandTarget | ActiveX |
IOleContainer | ActiveX |
IPersistStreamInit | ActiveX |
IsSameDay | DateUtils |
IStream | ActiveX |
IWebBrowser2 | SHDocVw or SHDocVw_TLB |
LockWindowUpdate | Windows |
Log10 | Math |
LowerCase | SysUtils |
LPSTR | Windows |
MAX_PATH | Windows |
MessageBox | Windows |
MessageDlg | Dialogs |
MB_YESNO, MB_OK etc | Windows |
MinutesBetween | DateUtils |
Now | SysUtils |
OleInitialize | ActiveX |
OleUninitialize | ActiveX |
PItemIDList | ShlObj |
POleCmd | ActiveX |
POleCmdText | ActiveX |
PostMessage | Windows |
PosX | StrUtils |
QueryHighPerformanceCounter | Windows |
QueryPerformanceCounter | Windows |
ReverseString | StrUtils |
RoundTo | Math |
SendMessage | Windows |
SetForegroundWindow | Windows |
ShellExecute | ShellAPI |
ShellExecuteEx | ShellAPI |
SHGetFileInfo | ShellAPI |
ShowMessage | Dialogs |
Sleep | SysUtils |
StrAlloc | SysUtils |
StrPas | SysUtils |
StrToDate | SysUtils |
StrToInt | SysUtils |
StrToIntDef | SysUtils |
TAdoConnection | ADODB |
TAdoQuery | ADODB |
TAlign | Controls |
TAlignment | Classes |
TAnchors | Controls |
TBitmap | Graphics |
TBlobStream | DBTables |
TCanvas | Graphics |
TClientSocket | ScktComp |
TComboBox | StdCtrls |
TComponent | Classes |
TControl | Controls or QControls |
TCriticalSection | SyncObjs |
TField | DB |
TFieldType | DB |
TFileName | SysUtils |
TFileStream | Classes |
TForm | Forms |
TFrame | Forms |
TGroupBox | StdCtrls |
TIID | ActiveX |
TIniFile | IniFiles |
TJPEGImage | Jpeg |
TLabel | StdCtrls |
TList | Classes |
TMemo | StdCtrls |
TMemoryStream | Classes |
TMouseButton | Controls |
TNofityEvent | Classes |
TObjectList | Contnrs |
TOSVersionInfo | Windows |
TPanel | ExtCtrls |
TPoint | Types |
TProcessEntry32 | TlHelp32 |
TProgressBar | ComCtrls or QComCtrls |
TRadioButton | StdCtrls |
TRadioGroup | ExtCtrls |
TRect | Types |
TRegistry | Registry |
Trim | SysUtils |
TRoundToRange | Math |
TSearchRec | SysUtils |
TSize | Windows |
TSocketAddrIn | Winsock |
TStaticText | StdCtrls |
TStream | Classes |
TStringList | Classes |
TStrings | Classes |
TStringStream | Classes |
TSystemTime | Windows |
TTable | DBTables |
TTabSheet | ComCtrls |
TThread | Classes |
TTreeNode | ComCtrls |
TWebBrowser | SHDocVw or SHDocVw_TLB |
TWinSocketStream | ScktComp |
TWMCommand | Messages |
Unassigned | Variants |
VarArrayCreate | Variants |
VarArrayOf | Variants |
VirtualProtect | Windows |
WM_USER | Messages |
YearOf | DateUtils |
TDBXPropertyNames |
DBXCommon |
TIdTCPConnection | IdTCPConnection |
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