投行的码工 Dead-end job
发信人: icestonesy (无忧), 信区: Quant
标 题: 投行的码工怎么样?
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat May 16 23:25:00 2015, 美东)
, JPM, Morgan Stanley有区别吗?哪个好点?谢谢啦。
猎头说VP base能到170k+, 不知道bonus有多少。不过更感兴趣的是里面的工作环境,
除非low latency,否则bonus可以忽略了
bonus 20%-30%
钱少活多离家远,再加上dead end career
career方面没啥追求,就想找个work life balance还行,薪水又不错的地方。由于半
Dead-end job
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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A dead-end job is a pejorative term describing a job in which there is little or no chance of progressing and succeeding into a higher paid position. Such work is usually regarded as unskilled and the phrase usually applies to those working as shelf stackers, cleaners, call center agents, clerks, or in other menial jobs where the pay is low, and the hours are long. By the same token, positions not regarded as menial may nonetheless qualify as dead-end jobs and forms of underemployment. A specialized employee working in a small firm in an underdeveloped local market, for example, might have few opportunities for advancement within the company while simultaneously facing a dearth of opportunities outside it. Most dead-end jobs offer little to no transferable skills and "trap" workers. Dead-end jobs are not limited to menial retail or fast food roles; professional positions in call centers, loss-mitigation underwriting, administrative and clerical work often trap the workers in jobs that offer almost no advancement potential. [1] [2] [3] Another common indicator of a dead-end job is the risk of it being made obsolete by automation.[4]
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