C# Driver LINQ Tutorial
该教程涵盖了1.8版本的C#驱动中的LINQ查询。你可能已经阅读最新的C# Driver Tutorial。
using MongoDB.Driver.Linq;
var collection = database.GetCollection<TDocument>("collectionname");
var query =
from e in collection.AsQueryable<Employee>()
where e.FirstName == "John"
select e; foreach (var employee in query)
// process employees named "John"
var query =
.Where(e => e.FirstName == "John");
var result =
(from c in collection.AsQueryable<C>()
select c)
// or
var result =
var result =
(from c in collection.AsQueryable<C>()
select c)
.Any(c => c.X == 1);
// or
var result =
.Any(c => c.X == 1);
var result =
.Select(c => c.X)
.Any(x => x == 1);
Without a predicate Count just returns the number of documents in the collection.
var result =
(from c in collection.AsQueryable<C>()
select c)
// or
var result =
.Count();Count (with predicate)
With a predicate Count returns the number of documents that match the predicate.
var result =
(from c in collection.AsQueryable<C>()
select c)
.Count(c => c.X == 1);
// or
var result =
.Count(c => c.X == 1);Note that the predicate can be provided either by a where clause or as an argument to Count, so the following are equivalent to the previous query.
var result =
(from c in collection.AsQueryable<C>()
where c.X == 1
select c)
// or
var result =
.Where(c => c.X == 1)
.Count();Count with a predicate is not supported after a projection (at least not yet). So the following is not valid:
var result =
.Select(c => c.X)
.Count(x => x == 1);You can usually rewrite such a query by putting an equivalent where clause before the projection (in which case you can drop the projection).
Distinct returns the unique values of a field or property of the documents in the collection. You use a projection to identify the field or property whose distinct values you want.
var result =
(from c in collection.AsQueryable<C>()
select c.X)
// or
var result =
.Select(c => c.X)
.Distinct();The projection must select a particular field or property of the document. If the value of that field or property is represented in MongoDB as an array you can also use array indexing to select an item from the array.
var result =
(from c in collection.AsQueryable<C>()
select c.A[i])
// or
var result =
.Select(c => c.A[i])
ElementAt returns a particular document from a result set. Often you will combine this with a sort order.
var result =
(from c in collection.AsQueryable<C>()
where c.X > 0
orderby c.X
select c)
// or
var result =
.Where(c => c.X > 0)
.OrderBy(c => c.X)
.ElementAt(index);If the result set has fewer documents than index ElementAt throws an exception.
ElementAtOrDefault is just like ElementAt except that if there are fewer documents than index it returns null instead of throwing an exception.
First returns the first document from a result set. Often you will combine this with a sort order.
var result =
(from c in collection.AsQueryable<C>()
where c.X > 0
orderby c.X
select c)
// or
var result =
.Where(c => c.X > 0)
.OrderBy(c => c.X)
.First();If the result set has no documents First throws an exception.
First (with predicate)
This overload of First allows you to provide a predicate as an argument to First. This is an alternative to using a where clause.
var result =
(from c in collection.AsQueryable<C>()
orderby c.X
select c)
.First(c => c.X > 0);
// or
var result =
.OrderBy(c => c.X)
.First(c => c.X > 0);First with a predicate is not supported after a projection (at least not yet). So the following is not valid:
var result =
.OrderBy(c => c.X)
.Select(c => c.X)
.First(x => x > 0);You can usually rewrite such a query by putting an equivalent where clause before the projection.
If the result set has no documents First with a predicate throws an exception.
FirstOrDefault is just like First except that if there are no matching documents it returns nullinstead of throwing an exception.
FirstOrDefault (with predicate)
FirstOrDefault with a predicate is just like First with a predicate except that if there are no matching documents it returns null instead of throwing an exception.
Last returns the last document from a result set. Often you will combine this with a sort order.
var result =
(from c in collection.AsQueryable<C>()
where c.X > 0
orderby c.X
select c)
// or
var result =
.Where(c => c.X > 0)
.OrderBy(c => c.X)
.Last();If the result set has no documents Last throws an exception.
Last (with predicate)
This overload of Last allows you to provide a predicate as an argument to Last. This is an alternative to using a where clause.
var result =
(from c in collection.AsQueryable<C>()
orderby c.X
select c)
.Last(c => c.X > 0);
// or
var result =
.OrderBy(c => c.X)
.Last(c => c.X > 0);Last with a predicate is not supported after a projection (at least not yet). So the following is not valid:
var result =
.OrderBy(c => c.X)
.Select(c => c.X)
.Last(x => x > 0);You can usually rewrite such a query by putting an equivalent where clause before the projection.
If the result set has no documents Last throws an exception.
LastOrDefault is just like Last except that if there are no matching documents it returns nullinstead of throwing an exception.
LastOrDefault (with predicate)
LastOrDefault with a predicate is just like Last with a predicate except that if there are no matching documents it returns null instead of throwing an exception.
LongCount is just like Count except that the return value is a 64-bit integer instead of a 32-bit integer.
LongCount (with predicate)
LongCount with a predicate is just like Count with a predicate except that the return value is a 64-bit integer instead of a 32-bit integer.
Max returns the maximum value of a field or property of the documents in the collection. You use a projection to identify the field or property whose maximum value you want.
var result =
(from c in collection.AsQueryable<C>()
select c.X)
// or
var result =
.Select(c => c.X)
.Max();The projection must select a particular field or property of the document. If the value of that field or property is represented in MongoDB as an array you can also use array indexing to select an item from the array.
var result =
(from c in collection.AsQueryable<C>()
select c.A[i])
// or
var result =
.Select(c => c.A[i])
.Max();Max (with selector)
This overload of Max lets you select the field or property whose maximum value you want as an argument to Max instead of to Select.
var result =
(from c in collection.AsQueryable<C>()
select c)
.Max(c => c.X);
// or
var result =
.Max(c => c.X);Min
Min returns the minimum value of a field or property of the documents in the collection. You use a projection to identify the field or property whose minimum value you want.
var result =
(from c in collection.AsQueryable<C>()
select c.X)
// or
var result =
.Select(c => c.X)
.Min();The projection must select a particular field or property of the document. If the value of that field or property is represented in MongoDB as an array you can also use array indexing to select an item from the array.
var result =
(from c in collection.AsQueryable<C>()
select c.A[i])
// or
var result =
.Select(c => c.A[i])
.Min();Min (with selector)
This overload of Min lets you select the field or property whose minimum value you want as an argument to Min instead of to Select.
var result =
(from c in collection.AsQueryable<C>()
select c)
.Min(c => c.X);
// or
var result =
.Min(c => c.X);OfType
The OfType operator will insert a discriminator into the query in order to be more specific about choosing the correct documents.
var result =
(from c in collection.AsQueryable<C>().OfType<D>()
select c)
// or
var result =
OrderBy is used to specify an ascending sort order for the result set.
var query =
from c in collection.AsQueryable<C>()
orderby c.X
select c;
// or
var query =
.OrderBy(c => c.X);OrderByDescending
OrderByDescending is used to specify a descending sort order for the result set.
var query =
from c in collection.AsQueryable<C>()
orderby c.X descending
select c;
// or
var query =
.OrderByDescending(c => c.X);Select
Select is used to project a new result type from the matching documents. A projection must typically be the last operation (with a few exceptions like Distinct, Max and Min).
Select does not result in fewer fields being returned from the server. The entire document is pulled back and passed to the native Select method. Therefore, the projection is performed client side.
var query =
from c in collection.AsQueryable<C>()
select new { c.X, c.Y };
// or
var query =
.Select(c => new { c.X, c.Y });Single
Single returns the first and only document from a result set.
var result =
(from c in collection.AsQueryable<C>()
where c.X > 0
orderby c.X
select c)
// or
var result =
.Where(c => c.X > 0)
.OrderBy(c => c.X)
.Single();If the result set has no documents or multiple documents Single throws an exception.
Single (with predicate)
This overload of Single allows you to provide a predicate as an argument to Single . This is an alternative to using a where clause.
var result =
(from c in collection.AsQueryable<C>()
orderby c.X
select c)
.Single(c => c.X > 0);
// or
var result =
.OrderBy(c => c.X)
.Single(c => c.X > 0);Single with a predicate is not supported after a projection (at least not yet). So the following is not valid:
var result =
.OrderBy(c => c.X)
.Select(c => c.X)
.Single(x => x > 0);You can usually rewrite such a query by putting an equivalent where clause before the projection.
If the result set has no documents or multiple documents Single throws an exception.
SingleOrDefault is just like Single except that if there are no matching documents it returnsnull instead of throwing an exception.
SingleOrDefault (with predicate)
SingleOrDefault with a predicate is just like Single with a predicate except that if there are no matching documents it returns null instead of throwing an exception.
Use Skip to specify how many documents to skip from the beginning of the result set. Often you will combine Skip with a sort order.
var query =
(from c in collection.AsQueryable<C>()
orderby c.X
select c)
// or
var query =
.OrderBy(c => c.X)
Use Take to specify how many documents to return from the server. When combining Take withSkip often you will also specify a sort order.
var query =
(from c in collection.AsQueryable<C>()
orderby c.X
select c)
// or
var query =
.OrderBy(c => c.X)
ThenBy is used to specify an additional ascending sort order for the result set.
var query =
from c in collection.AsQueryable<C>()
orderby c.X, c.Y
select c;
// or
var query =
.OrderBy(c => c.X)
.ThenBy(c => c.Y);ThenByDescending
ThenByDescending is used to specify an additional descending sort order for the result set.
var query =
from c in collection.AsQueryable<C>()
orderby c.X, c.Y descending
select c;
// or
var query =
.OrderBy(c => c.X)
.ThenByDescending(c => c.Y);Where
A where clause is used to specify which documents the query should return. A where clause is a C# expression that maps the query document type to a boolean value. If the expression returns true the document “matches” the query and is included in the result set.
var query =
from c in collection.AsQueryable<C>()
where c.X > 0
select c;
// or
var query =
.Where(c => c.X > 0);Sometimes a predicate can be supplied in other places besides a where clause, and it is also possible to have multiple where clauses. When multiple predicates are involved they are combined into a single composite predicate by combining the individual predicates with the && operator.
For example, the following queries are equivalent:
var query =
(from c in collection.AsQueryable<C>()
where c.X > 0
where c.Y > 0)
.First(c.Z > 0);
// or
var query =
(from c in collection.AsQueryable<C>()
where c.X > 0 && c.Y > 0 && c.Z > 0)
Supported where clauses
This section documents the supported where clauses.
As mentioned earlier, not all C# expressions are supported as a where clause. You can use this documentation as a guide to what is supported, or you can just try an expression and see if it works (a runtime exception is thrown if the where clause is not supported).
Where clauses are typically introduced using the Where query operator, but the same expressions are supported wherever a predicate is called for. In some cases multiple where clauses and predicates will be combined, in which case they are combined with the && operator.
The 1.4 version of the C# driver requires that all where clauses that compare a field or property against a value have the constant on the right hand side. This restriction will be lifted in the next release.
&& (And operator)
Sub-expressions can be combined with the && operator to test whether all of them are true.
var query =
from c in collection.AsQueryable<C>()
where c.X > 0 && c.Y > 0
select c;
// or
var query =
.Where(c => c.X > 0 && c.Y > 0);This is translated to the following MongoDB query:
{ X : { $gt : 0 }, Y : { $gt : 0 } }
In some cases the And query can’t be flattened as shown, and the $and operator will be used. The following example matches documents where X is both a multiple of 2 and a multiple of 3:
var query =
from c in collection.AsQueryable<C>()
where (c.X % 2 == 0) && (c.X % 3 == 0)
select c;
// or
var query =
.Where(c => (c.X % 2 == 0) && (c.X % 3 == 0));This is translated to the following MongoDB query using $and:
{ $and : [{ X : { $mod : [2, 0] } }, { X : { $mod : [3, 0] } }] }
This method is used to test whether an array field or property contains any items.
var query =
from c in collection.AsQueryable<C>()
where c.A.Any()
select c;
// or
var query =
.Where(c => c.A.Any());matches any document where A has 1 or more items.
This is translated to the following MongoDB query:
{ A : { $ne : null, $not : { $size : 0 } } }
Any With Predicate
This method is used to test entries in an array. It will generate an $elemMatch condition.
var query =
from c in collection.AsQueryable<C>()
where c.A.Any(a => a.B == 1)
select c;
// or
var query =
.Where(c => c.A.Any(a => a.B == 1));This is translated to the following MongoDB query:
{ A : { $elemMatch : { B : 1 } } }
This will only function when the elements of the enumerable are serialized as a document. There is a server bug preventing this from working against primitives.
Boolean constant
This form is mostly for completeness. You will probably use it rarely. It allows a boolean constant to be used to either match or not match the document.
var query =
from c in collection.AsQueryable<C>()
where true
select c;
// or
var query =
.Where(c => true);This is translated to the following MongoDB query:
{ _id : { $exists : true } }
Which matches all documents since the _id is a mandatory field.
Boolean field or property
A boolean field or property of the document doesn’t have to be compared to true, it can just be mentioned in the where clause and there is an implied comparison to true.
var query =
from c in collection.AsQueryable<C>()
where c.B
select c;
// or
var query =
.Where(c => c.B);This is translated to the following MongoDB query:
{ B : true }
Contains (Enumerable method)
There are 2 uses for this method depending on context.
To test whether an array (or array-like) field or property contains a particular value:
var query =
from c in collection.AsQueryable<C>()
where c.A.Contains(123)
select c;
// or
var query =
.Where(c => c.A.Contains(123));This is translated to the following MongoDB query:
{ A : 123 }
This translation relies on the way array fields are treated by the MongoDB query language.
To test whether a field or property is contained in an array (or array-like) field.
var local = new [] { 1, 2, 3 }; var query =
from c in collection.AsQueryable<C>()
where local.Contains(c.A)
select c;
// or
var query =
.Where(c => local.Contains(c.A));This is translated to the following MongoDB query:
{ A : { $in : [1, 2, 3] } }
Contains (string method)
This method is used to test whether a string field or property of the document contains a particular substring.
var query =
from c in collection.AsQueryable<C>()
where c.S.Contains("abc")
select c;
// or
var query =
.Where(c => c.S.Contains("abc"));This is translated to the following MongoDB query (using regular expressions):
{ S : /abc/ }
ContainsAll (LINQ to MongoDB extension method)
This method is used to test whether an array (or array-like) field or property contains all of the provided values.
var query =
from c in collection.AsQueryable<C>()
where c.A.ContainsAll(new[] { 1, 2, 3 })
select c;
// or
var query =
.Where(c => c.A.ContainsAll(new[] { 1, 2, 3 }));This is translated to the following MongoDB query:
{ A : { $all : [1, 2, 3] } }
ContainsAny (LINQ to MongoDB extension method)
This method is used to test whether an array (or array-like) field or property contains any of the provided values.
var query =
from c in collection.AsQueryable<C>()
where c.A.ContainsAny(new[] { 1, 2, 3 })
select c;
// or
var query =
.Where(c => c.A.ContainsAny(new[] { 1, 2, 3 }));This is translated to the following MongoDB query:
{ A : { $in : [1, 2, 3] } }
Count method (array length)
This method is used to test whether an enumerable field or property has a certain count of items.
var query =
from c in collection.AsQueryable<C>()
where c.L.Count() == 3
select c;
// or
var query =
.Where(c => c.L.Count() == 3);This is translated to the following MongoDB query:
{ L : { $size: 3 } }
Count property (array length)
This property is used to test whether a list (or list-like) field or property has a certain count of items.
var query =
from c in collection.AsQueryable<C>()
where c.L.Count == 3
select c;
// or
var query =
.Where(c => c.L.Count == 3);This is translated to the following MongoDB query:
{ L : { $size: 3 } }
EndsWith (string method)
This method is used to test whether a string field or property of the document ends with a particular substring.
var query =
from c in collection.AsQueryable<C>()
where c.S.EndsWith("abc")
select c;
// or
var query =
.Where(c => c.S.EndsWith("abc"));This is translated to the following MongoDB query (using regular expressions):
{ S : /abc$/ }
enum comparisons (==, !=, <, <=, >, >=)
enum fields or properties can be compared to constants of the same enum type. The relative comparison are based on the value of the underlying integer type.
public enum E { None, A, B }; var query =
from c in collection.AsQueryable<C>()
where c.E == E.A
select c;
// or
var query =
.Where(c => c.E == E.A);This is translated to the following MongoDB query:
{ E : 1 }
The LINQ implementation takes the representation of serialized values into account, so if you have configured your class map to store enums as string values instead of integer values the MongoDB query would instead be:
{ E : "A" }
GetType (Type method)
This is exactly like the OfType method. It will generate a discriminator “and”ed with the other predicates.
var query =
from c in collection.AsQueryable<C>()
where c.GetType() == typeof(D)
select c;
// or
var query =
.Where(c => c.GetType() == typeof(D));This is translated roughly to the following MongoDB query depending on how your discriminators are created.
{ _t : "D" }
In (LINQ to MongoDB extension method)
The In method is used to test whether a field or property is equal any of a set of provided values.
var query =
from c in collection.AsQueryable<C>()
where c.X.In(new [] { 1, 2, 3 })
select c;
// or
var query =
.Where(c.X.In(new [] { 1, 2, 3 }));This is translated to the following MongoDB query:
{ X : { $in : [1, 2, 3] } }
Inject is a pseudo-method that is used to inject a lower level MongoDB query into a LINQ query. The following query looks for X values that are larger than 0 and are 64-bit integers.
var query =
from c in collection.AsQueryable<C>()
where c.X > 0 && Query.Type("X", BsonType.Int64).Inject()
select c;
// or
var query =
.Where(c => c.X > 0 && Query.Type("X", BsonType.Int64).Inject());This is translated to the following MongoDB query:
{ X : { $gt : 0, $type : 18 } }
is C# keyword
This is exactly like the OfType method. It will generate a discriminator “and”ed with the other predicates.
var query =
from c in collection.AsQueryable<C>()
where c is D && ((D)c).B == 1
select c;
// or
var query =
.Where(c => c is D && ((D)c).B == 1);This is translated to the something similar to the following, depending on how your discriminators are setup.
{ _t : "D", B : 1 }
IsMatch (regular expression method)
This method is used to test whether a string field or property matches a regular expression.
var regex = new Regex("^abc");
var query =
from c in collection.AsQueryable<C>()
where regex.IsMatch(c.S)
select c;
// or
var query =
.Where(c => regex.IsMatch(c.S));This is translated to the following MongoDB query:
{ S : /^abc/ }
You can also use the static IsMatch method.
var query =
from c in collection.AsQueryable<C>()
where Regex.IsMatch(c.S, "^abc")
select c;
// or
var query =
.Where(c => Regex.IsMatch(c.S, "^abc"));This is translated to the following MongoDB query:
{ S : /^abc/ }
Length (array length)
This method is used to test whether an array (or array-like) field or property has a certain count of items.
var query =
from c in collection.AsQueryable<C>()
where c.A.Length == 3
select c;
// or
var query =
.Where(c => c.A.Length == 3);This is translated to the following MongoDB query:
{ A : { $size: 3 } }
% (Mod operator)
This operator is used to test the result of the mod operator against a field or property of the document. The following query matches all the documents where X is odd.
var query =
from c in collection.AsQueryable<C>()
where c.X % 2 == 1
select c;
// or
var query =
.Where(c => c.X % 2 == 1);This is translated to the following MongoDB query:
{ X : { $mod : [2, 1] } }
! (Not operator)
The ! operator is used to reverse the sense of a test.
var query =
from c in collection.AsQueryable<C>()
where !(c.X > 1)
select c;
// or
var query =
.Where(c => !(c.X > 1));This is translated into the following MongoDB query:
{ X : { $not : { $gt : 1 } } }
!(c.X > 1) is not equivalent to (c.X <= 1) in cases where c.X is missing or does not have a numeric type.
Numeric comparisons (==, !=, <, <=, >, >=)
Numeric fields or properties can be compared using any of the above operators.
var query =
from c in collection.AsQueryable<C>()
where c.X == 0 && c.Y < 100
select c;
// or
var query =
.Where(c => c.X == 0 && c.Y < 100);This is translated into the following MongoDB query:
{ X : 0, Y : { $lt : 100 } }
|| (Or operator)
Sub-expressions can be combined with the || operator to test whether any of them is true.
var query =
from c in collection.AsQueryable<C>()
where c.X > 0 || c.Y > 0
select c;
// or
var query =
.Where(c => c.X > 0 || c.Y > 0);This is translated to the following MongoDB query:
{ $or : [{ X : { $gt : 0 } }, { Y : { $gt : 0 } }] }
StartsWith (string method)
This method is used to test whether a string field or property of the document starts with a particular substring.
var query =
from c in collection.AsQueryable<C>()
where c.S.StartsWith("abc")
select c;
// or
var query =
.Where(c => c.S.StartsWith("abc"));This is translated to the following MongoDB query (using regular expressions):
{ S : /^abc/ }
ToLower, ToLowerInvariant, ToUpper, ToUpperInvariant (string method)
These methods are used to test whether a string field or property of the document matches a value in a case-insensitive manner.
var query =
from c in collection.AsQueryable<C>()
where c.S.ToLower() == "abc"
select c;
// or
var query =
.Where(c => c.S.ToLower() == "abc"); This is translated to the following MongoDB query (using regular
expressions): .. code-block:: javascript { S : /^abc$/i }
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原文链接 http://www.mongodb.org/display/DOCS/CSharp+Driver+Quickstart?showComments=true&showCommentA ...
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MongoDB 是一个基于分布式文件存储的数据库.由 C++ 语言编写.旨在为 WEB 应用提供可扩展的高性能数据存储解决方案. MongoDB 是一个介于关系数据库和非关系数据库之间的产品,是非关系 ...
- Android 退出app,后台推送的服务也停止了,怎么可以做到不停止后台服务呢?
service粘性等的那4种方式试了,三星的可以,小米老款手机可以,新款不行,华为新款也不行,还有魅族什么的,都不行,新款的手机上都有一个安全中心,只有在安全中心里面添加上允许app自启动才可以 怎么 ...
- RouteOS软路由HotSpot热点认证网关添加白名单和黑名单
1.添加白名单和黑名单地址池 白名单IP地址池 黑名单IP地址池 2.添加IP网关 白名单网关 黑名单网关 1 ...
- .NET中常见对象类型
.NET中六大内置对象:1.Response 2.Request 3.Session 4.Appliction 5.Server 6.Cookie System.Web.HttpCo ...
- 在CDialog::OnInitDialog设置DEFAULT-BUTTON的注意事项
如果你的Dialog是在资源编辑器里面创建的,那么你首先要去资源编辑器把对应的Button的Default Button选项设置为True 另外,如果你使用GotoDlgCtrl,那么记得OnInit ...
- ios判断点击的坐标点
-(void)touchesBegan:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event { NSSet *allTouches = [event allTouc ...
- SqlServer:传递超长字符串参数时,参数被自动换行。
declare @ids nvarchar(max); set @ids=N'5936593066,5936556893,59366 00375,5936594808,59 36624757,5936 ...
- IntelliJ IDEA 下的版本控制介绍
不管是个人开发或是团队开发,版本控制都是可以很好地被使用的,目前我找不到任何开发者不使用版本控制的理由.而且对于 IDE 来讲,集成版本控制的本身就是它最大的亮点之一,很多开发者也是为此而使用它. 在 ...
- mysql的binlog安全删除
理论上,应该在配置文件/etc/my.cnf中加上binlog过期时间的配置项,expire_logs_days = 10 但是如果没有加这一项,随着产生越来越多的binlog,磁盘被吃掉了不少.可以 ...
- 背包九讲 附:USACO中的背包问题
附:USACO中的背包问题 USACO是USA Computing Olympiad的简称,它组织了很多面向全球的计算机竞赛活动. USACO Trainng是一个很适合初学者的题库,我认为它的特色是 ...
- javascript创建对象的方法总结
Javascript创建对象 最简单的方法:创建object实例. var person=new Object(); person.name="Joey";person.age=2 ...