
百度上对这样的资料介绍很多,基本上都和这个页面是一个意思 http://www.w3school.com.cn/html5/att_input_type.asp :


<input type="value">


button 定义可点击的按钮(大多与 JavaScript 使用来启动脚本)
checkbox 定义复选框。
color 定义拾色器。
date 定义日期字段(带有 calendar 控件)
datetime 定义日期字段(带有 calendar 和 time 控件)
datetime-local 定义日期字段(带有 calendar 和 time 控件)
month 定义日期字段的月(带有 calendar 控件)
week 定义日期字段的周(带有 calendar 控件)
time 定义日期字段的时、分、秒(带有 time 控件)
email 定义用于 e-mail 地址的文本字段
file 定义输入字段和 “浏览…” 按钮,供文件上传
hidden 定义隐藏输入字段
image 定义图像作为提交按钮
number 定义带有 spinner 控件的数字字段
password 定义密码字段。字段中的字符会被遮蔽。
radio 定义单选按钮。
range 定义带有 slider 控件的数字字段。
reset 定义重置按钮。重置按钮会将所有表单字段重置为初始值。
search 定义用于搜索的文本字段。
submit 定义提交按钮。提交按钮向服务器发送数据。
tel 定义用于电话号码的文本字段。
text 默认。定义单行输入字段,用户可在其中输入文本。默认是 20 个字符。
url 定义用于 URL 的文本字段。


Controlling which iOS keyboard is shown →

Note: This is a minor update to a post I made last year, migrated from a previous blog.

One of my pet hates (there are many), is being presented with the incorrect keyboard, or having auto capitalisation forced upon me, when entering information into web forms on my iPhone or iPad.  This is something that’s very easy to control and can be done so with a little sprinkle of HTML5.  You don’t even have to worry about old browsers – I’ve tested this to work perfectly well even in IE6.

The screenshots used in this post are from a UK based iPhone 4S running iOS5; previous versions of iPhone OS and the iPad will differ.

Text keyboard

Your standard text input field code will look something like this:

<input type="text"></input> 

Telephone keyboard

In order to display the telephone keyboard, use this:

<input type="tel"></input> 

URL keyboard

For URLs you want this:

<input type="url"></input> 

Email keyboard

For email addresses, you want this:

<input type="email"></input> 

Numerical keyboard

And finally, for a simple numerical keyboard (similar to the telephone one but with no +, * and # key):

<input type="text" pattern="[0-9]*"></input> 

Other options

It’s also possible to control auto correct with the use of the following paramater:


Last, but by no means least, turning on or off auto capitalisation:


So the next time you’re creating a login field that takes an email address, use something like this:

<input type="email" autocorrect="off" autocapitalize="off"></input> 



function clientType(){
return “android”;
return “other”;


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