这个是ionic1的, 推荐使用ionic2开发, 或者ionic-native

Issue & solution

直接使用ionic的css动画, 页面数据较多的时候简直卡成翔了, 使用分页加载也没有太大的改善.



# npm
npm install ionic-native-transitions --save # Using Ionic CLI
ionic cordova plugin add # 报错Probably this is either a connection problem, or plugin spec is incorrect.
# 使用--nofetch来成功安装
cordova plugin add --save --nofetch


可以将ionic-native-transitions目录copy到www\lib下, 再在index.html中引入

<script src="lib/ionic-native-transitions/dist/ionic-native-transitions.min.js"></script>


angular.module('yourApp', [
]) .config(function($ionicNativeTransitionsProvider){
duration: 400, // in milliseconds (ms), default 400,
slowdownfactor: 4, // overlap views (higher number is more) or no overlap (1), default 4
iosdelay: -1, // ms to wait for the iOS webview to update before animation kicks in, default -1
androiddelay: -1, // same as above but for Android, default -1
winphonedelay: -1, // same as above but for Windows Phone, default -1,
fixedPixelsTop: 0, // the number of pixels of your fixed header, default 0 (iOS and Android)
fixedPixelsBottom: 0, // the number of pixels of your fixed footer (f.i. a tab bar), default 0 (iOS and Android)
triggerTransitionEvent: '$ionicView.afterEnter', // internal ionic-native-transitions option
backInOppositeDirection: false // Takes over default back transition and state back transition to use the opposite direction transition to go back
}); $ionicNativeTransitionsProvider.setDefaultOptions({
duration: 400, // in milliseconds (ms), default 400,
slowdownfactor: 4, // overlap views (higher number is more) or no overlap (1), default 4
iosdelay: -1, // ms to wait for the iOS webview to update before animation kicks in, default -1
androiddelay: -1, // same as above but for Android, default -1
winphonedelay: -1, // same as above but for Windows Phone, default -1,
fixedPixelsTop: 0, // the number of pixels of your fixed header, default 0 (iOS and Android)
fixedPixelsBottom: 0, // the number of pixels of your fixed footer (f.i. a tab bar), default 0 (iOS and Android)
triggerTransitionEvent: '$ionicView.afterEnter', // internal ionic-native-transitions option
backInOppositeDirection: false // Takes over default back transition and state back transition to use the opposite direction transition to go back
type: 'slide',
direction: 'left'
type: 'slide',
direction: 'right'




if you are using Crosswalk > 1.3 please add the following to your config.xml

<preference name="CrosswalkAnimatable" value="true" />


我们不期望tab也出现这个切换效果, 禁用tab先的动画

.state('home', {
url: '/home',
nativeTransitions: null,
templateUrl: "templates/home.html"


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