- [root@localhost bin]# newman run -h
- Usage: run <collection> [options]
- URL or path to a Postman Collection.
- Options:
- -e, --environment <path> Specify a URL or Path to a Postman Environment.
- -g, --globals <path> Specify a URL or Path to a file containing Postman Globals.
- --folder <path> Specify folder to run from a collection. Can be specified multiple times to run multiple folders (default: [])
- -r, --reporters [reporters] Specify the reporters to use for this run. (default: ["cli"])
- -n, --iteration-count <n> Define the number of iterations to run.
- -d, --iteration-data <path> Specify a data file to use for iterations (either json or csv).
- --export-environment <path> Exports the environment to a file after completing the run.
- --export-globals <path> Specify an output file to dump Globals before exiting.
- --export-collection <path> Specify an output file to save the executed collection
- --postman-api-key <apiKey> API Key used to load the resources from the Postman API.
- --delay-request [n] Specify the extent of delay between requests (milliseconds) (default: )
- --bail [modifiers] Specify whether or not to gracefully stop a collection run on encountering an errorand whether to end the run with an error based on the optional modifier.
- -x , --suppress-exit-code Specify whether or not to override the default exit code for the current run.
- --silent Prevents newman from showing output to CLI.
- --disable-unicode Forces unicode compliant symbols to be replaced by their plain text equivalents
- --global-var <value> Allows the specification of global variables via the command line, in a key=value format (default: [])
- --color <value> Enable/Disable colored output. (auto|on|off) (default: "auto")
- --timeout [n] Specify a timeout for collection run (in milliseconds) (default: )
- --timeout-request [n] Specify a timeout for requests (in milliseconds). (default: )
- --timeout-script [n] Specify a timeout for script (in milliseconds). (default: )
- --ignore-redirects If present, Newman will not follow HTTP Redirects.
- -k, --insecure Disables SSL validations.
- --ssl-client-cert <path> Specify the path to the Client SSL certificate. Supports .cert and .pfx files.
- --ssl-client-key <path> Specify the path to the Client SSL key (not needed for .pfx files)
- --ssl-client-passphrase <path> Specify the Client SSL passphrase (optional, needed for passphrase protected keys).
- -h, --help output usage information
- <collection>是指单个请求或者从postman导出的集合文件(也就是json格式的脚本)
- options是一些组合参数,介绍下我用到的几个参数
- () -e 指定环境变量,把在postman中设置的环境变量导出,然后再把路径填写到这里即可
- () -g 指定全局变量,把在postman中设置的全局变量导出,然后再把路径填写到这里即可
- () -n 指定迭代次数,即运行n次脚本
- () --timeout-request 指定请求的超时时间
- () -r 指定运行报告的格式,可以为json格式、html格式,默认为cli格式,即在命令行展示运行结果
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