1. % script to perform adaptive quadrature
  2. clear all, close all
  4. global pts
  6. % function to be integrated defined in routine f
  7. f = 'integrand';
  8. a = 1; b = 3;
  9. pts = [a;b];
  11. tol = input('Enter error tolerance: ');
  13. % this is just to plot the graph
  14. % it's usually a good idea to look at the integrand
  15. % if possible before you try to integrate it
  16. ezplot(f,[1,3])
  17. disp('Hit any key to continue')
  18. pause
  19. hold on
  21. fa = feval(f,a);
  22. fb = feval(f,b);
  24. Sf_old = simp(a,b,f,fa,fb);
  26. Sf = adaptiveSimpson(a,b,f,fa,fb,tol,Sf_old)
  28. qpts = sort(pts);
  29. plot(qpts,zeros(length(pts),1),'rx')
  31. disp('number of function evaluations')
  32. disp(length(pts))
  33. disp('Hit any key to continue')
  34. pause
  36. % now compare result with straight Simpson's rule
  37. % using the same number of points
  38. sum = 0;
  39. h = (b-a)/(length(pts)-1);
  40. for i=0:length(pts)-1,
  41. fxi = feval(f,a+i*h);
  42. if i == 0 | i == length(pts)-1,
  43. sum = sum + fxi;
  44. elseif mod(i,2) == 1,
  45. sum = sum + 4*fxi;
  46. else
  47. sum = sum + 2*fxi;
  48. end
  49. end
  50. disp('Simpson''s rule with the same number of points')
  51. sum = h/3*sum
  53. % compute exact solution
  54. % anti-derivative of integrand is 10*cos(10/x)
  55. % so ...
  56. exactSolution = 10*(cos(10/b)-cos(10/a));
  58. errorAdaptiveSimpson = exactSolution - Sf
  59. errorUniformSimpson = exactSolution - sum

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