【DWM1000】 code 解密2一 工程初始化代码分析
instance_init 函数追下去,绝大多数的代码都在初始化如下结构体
- typedef struct
- {
- INST_MODE mode; instance_init -ANCHOR //instance mode (tag or anchor)
- INST_STATES testAppState ; int instance_init_s(int mode) TA_INIT //state machine - current state
- INST_STATES nextState ; //state machine - next state
- INST_STATES previousState ; //state machine - previous state
- int done ; //done with the current event/wait for next event to arrive
//configuration structures- dwt_config_t configData ; //DW1000 channel configuration
- dwt_txconfig_t configTX ; //DW1000 TX power configuration
- uint16 txantennaDelay ; //DW1000 TX antenna delay
- uint16 rxantennaDelay ; //DW1000 RX antenna delay
- uint8 antennaDelayChanged;
- // "MAC" features
- uint8 frameFilteringEnabled ; //frame filtering is enabled
- // Is sleeping between frames enabled?
- uint8 sleep_en; instance_init 1
- //timeouts and delays
- int tagSleepTime_ms; instancesettagsleepdelay 500//in milliseconds
- int tagBlinkSleepTime_ms; instancesettagsleepdelay 1000
- //this is the delay used for the delayed transmit (when sending the ranging init, response, and final messages)
- uint64 rnginitReplyDelay ;
- uint64 finalReplyDelay ;
- uint64 responseReplyDelay ;
- int finalReplyDelay_ms ;
- // xx_sy the units are 1.0256 us
- uint32 txToRxDelayAnc_sy ; // this is the delay used after sending a response and turning on the receiver to receive final
- uint32 txToRxDelayTag_sy ; // this is the delay used after sending a poll and turning on the receiver to receive response
- int rnginitW4Rdelay_sy ; // this is the delay used after sending a blink and turning on the receiver to receive the ranging init message
- int fwtoTime_sy ; //this is final message duration (longest out of ranging messages)
- int fwtoTimeB_sy ; //this is the ranging init message duration
- uint32 delayedReplyTime; // delayed reply time of delayed TX message - high 32 bits
- uint32 rxTimeouts ; instanceclearcounts 0
- // - not used in the ARM code uint32 responseTimeouts ;
- // Pre-computed frame lengths for frames involved in the ranging process,
- // in microseconds.
- uint32 fl_us[FRAME_TYPE_NB];
- //message structures used for transmitted messages
- #if (USING_64BIT_ADDR == 1)
- srd_msg_dlsl rng_initmsg ; // ranging init message (destination long, source long)
- srd_msg_dlsl msg ; // simple 802.15.4 frame structure (used for tx message) - using long addresses
- #else
- srd_msg_dlss rng_initmsg ; // ranging init message (destination long, source short)
- srd_msg_dsss msg ; // simple 802.15.4 frame structure (used for tx message) - using short addresses
- #endif
- iso_IEEE_EUI64_blink_msg blinkmsg ; // frame structure (used for tx blink message)
- //messages used in "fast" ranging ...
- srd_msg_dlss rnmsg ; // ranging init message structure
- srd_msg_dsss msg_f ; // ranging message with 16-bit addresses - used for "fast" ranging
- //Tag function address/message configuration
- uint8 eui64[8]; // devices EUI 64-bit address
- uint16 tagShortAdd ; // Tag's short address (16-bit) used when USING_64BIT_ADDR == 0
- uint16 psduLength ; // used for storing the frame length
- uint8 frame_sn; instanceclearcounts 0 // modulo 256 frame sequence number - it is incremented for each new frame transmittion
- uint16 panid ; instance_init 0 xdeca // panid used in the frames
- uint8 relpyAddress[8] ; // address of the anchor the tag is ranging with
- //64 bit timestamps
- //union of TX timestamps
- union {
- uint64 txTimeStamp ; // last tx timestamp
- uint64 tagPollTxTime ; // tag's poll tx timestamp
- uint64 anchorRespTxTime ; // anchor's reponse tx timestamp
- }txu;
- uint64 anchorRespRxTime ; // receive time of response message
- uint64 tagPollRxTime ; // receive time of poll message
- //32 bit timestamps (when "fast" ranging is used)
- uint32 tagPollTxTime32l ; // poll tx time - low 32 bits
- uint32 tagPollRxTime32l ; // poll rx time - low 32 bits
- uint32 anchorRespTxTime32l ; // response tx time - low 32 bits
- uint32 anchResp1RxTime32l ; // response 1 rx time - low 32 bits
- //application control parameters
- uint8 wait4ack ; instance_init 0 // if this is set to DWT_RESPONSE_EXPECTED, then the receiver will turn on automatically after TX completion
- uint8 instToSleep; instance_init 0 // if set the instance will go to sleep before sending the blink/poll message
- uint8 stoptimer; instance_init 0 // stop/disable an active timer
- uint8 instancetimer_en; instance_init 0 // enable/start a timer
- uint32 instancetimer; // e.g. this timer is used to timeout Tag when in deep sleep so it can send the next poll message
- uint32 instancetimer_saved;
- // - not used in the ARM code
- //uint8 deviceissleeping; // this disabled reading/writing to DW1000 while it is in sleep mode
- // (DW1000 will wake on chip select so need to disable and chip select line activity)
- uint8 gotTO; // got timeout event
- uint8 responseRxNum; // response number
- //diagnostic counters/data, results and logging
- int32 tof32 ;
- int64 tof ; instance_init 0
- double clockOffset ; instance_init 0
- uint32 blinkRXcount ; instcleartaglist 0
- int txmsgcount; instanceclearcounts 0
- int rxmsgcount; instanceclearcounts 0
- int lateTX; instanceclearcounts 0
- int lateRX; instanceclearcounts 0
- double adist[RTD_MED_SZ] ;
- double adist4[4] ;
- double longTermRangeSum ; instanceclearcounts 0
- int longTermRangeCount ; instanceclearcounts 0
- int tofindex ; instance_init 0 instanceclearcounts 0
- int tofcount ; instance_init 0 instanceclearcounts 0
- int last_update ; // detect changes to status report
- double idistmax; instanceclearcounts 0
- double idistmin; instanceclearcounts 1000
- double idistance ; // instantaneous distance
- int newrange;
- int norange;
- int newrangeancaddress; //last 4 bytes of anchor address
- int newrangetagaddress; //last 4 bytes of tag address
- // - not used in the ARM code uint32 lastReportTime;
- int respPSC;
- //if set to 1 then it means that DW1000 is in DEEP_SLEEP
- //so the ranging has finished and micro can output on USB/LCD
- //if sending data to LCD during ranging this limits the speed of ranging
- uint8 canprintinfo ;
- //devicelogdata_t devicelogdata;
- uint8 tagToRangeWith; instcleartaglist 0//it is the index of the tagList array which contains the address of the Tag we are ranging with
- uint8 tagListLen ; instcleartaglist 0
- uint8 anchorListIndex ; int instance_init_s(int mode) 0
- uint8 tagList[TAG_LIST_SIZE][8]; instcleartaglist 0
- //event queue - used to store DW1000 events as they are processed by the dw_isr/callback functions
- event_data_t dwevent[MAX_EVENT_NUMBER]; instance_clearevents 0 //this holds any TX/RX events and associated message data
- event_data_t saved_dwevent; //holds an RX event while the ACK is being sent
- uint8 dweventIdxOut; instance_clearevents 0
- uint8 dweventIdxIn; instance_clearevents 0
- uint8 dweventPeek; instance_clearevents 0
- uint8 monitor; instance_init 0
- uint32 timeofTx ;
- int dwIDLE;
- } instance_data_t ;
- if(s1switch & SWS1_ANC_MODE)
- {
- instance_mode = ANCHOR;
- led_on(LED_PC6);
- }
- else
- {
- instance_mode = TAG;
- led_on(LED_PC7);
- //Set this instance role as the Tag, Anchor or Listener
- void instancesetrole(int inst_mode)
- {
- // assume instance 0, for this
- instance_data[0].mode = inst_mode; // set the role
- }
后面是初始化init 结构体
- int instance_init_s(int mode)
- {
- int instance = 0 ;
- instance_data[instance].mode = mode; //上面已经设定过了 // assume anchor,
- instance_data[instance].testAppState = TA_INIT ; //后面状态机会用到这个。
- // if using auto CRC check (DWT_INT_RFCG and DWT_INT_RFCE) are used instead of DWT_INT_RDFR flag
- // other errors which need to be checked (as they disable receiver) are
- //dwt_setinterrupt(DWT_INT_TFRS | DWT_INT_RFCG | (DWT_INT_SFDT | DWT_INT_RFTO /*| DWT_INT_RXPTO*/), 1);
- //暂时不看具体寄存器设定
- //this is platform dependent - only program if DW EVK/EVB
- dwt_setleds(3) ; //configure the GPIOs which control the LEDs on EVBs
- //非常重要,这个是两个回调函数
- dwt_setcallbacks(instance_txcallback, instance_rxcallback);
- //非常重要,这个应用层主要函数
- instance_setapprun(testapprun_s);
- instance_data[instance].anchorListIndex = 0 ;
- //sample test calibration functions
- //xtalcalibration();
- //powertest();
- return 0 ;
- }
- void dwt_setcallbacks(void (*txcallback)(const dwt_callback_data_t *), void (*rxcallback)(const dwt_callback_data_t *))
- {
- dw1000local.dwt_txcallback = txcallback;
- dw1000local.dwt_rxcallback = rxcallback;
- }
- void instance_setapprun(int (*apprun_fn)(instance_data_t *inst, int message))
- {
- int instance = 0 ;
- instance_localdata[instance].testapprun_fn = apprun_fn;
- }
设定这些函数,只是提供入口,此时还不会执行。但是RX TX 回调函数是通过中断触发的,设定后可能会立马执行,这个我们后续看代码分析。 接着返回函数上层追踪
- instance_init_s(instance_mode);
- dr_mode = decarangingmode(s1switch);
- //NOTE: Channel 5 is not supported for the non-discovery mode
- int decarangingmode(uint8 s1switch)
- {
- int mode = 0;
- if(s1switch & SWS1_SHF_MODE)
- {
- mode = 1;
- }
- if(s1switch & SWS1_64M_MODE)
- {
- mode = mode + 2;
- }
- if(s1switch & SWS1_CH5_MODE)
- {
- mode = mode + 4;
- }
- return mode;
- }
- instConfig.channelNumber = chConfig[dr_mode].channel ;
- instConfig.preambleCode = chConfig[dr_mode].preambleCode ;
- instConfig.pulseRepFreq = chConfig[dr_mode].prf ;
- instConfig.pacSize = chConfig[dr_mode].pacSize ;
- instConfig.nsSFD = chConfig[dr_mode].nsSFD ;
- instConfig.sfdTO = chConfig[dr_mode].sfdTO ;
- instConfig.dataRate = chConfig[dr_mode].datarate ;
- instConfig.preambleLen = chConfig[dr_mode].preambleLength ;
- instance_config(&instConfig) ; // Set operating channel etc
根据上面按键sw 确定某一种模式,然后将chConfig 全局变量的一部分提取出来,放到instConfig中,然后调用instance_config配置,这些都是DWM1000 工作必须配置,需要配合datasheet 查看,具体我们这里就不解释了,我们注重的逻辑
调用instance_config我们就认为RF 相关的参数已经正确配置到DWM1000了。
- instancesettagsleepdelay(POLL_SLEEP_DELAY, BLINK_SLEEP_DELAY); //set the Tag sleep time(500,1000)
- // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // function to set the tag sleep time (in ms)
- //
- void instancesettagsleepdelay(int sleepdelay, int blinksleepdelay) //sleep in ms
- {
- int instance = 0 ;
- instance_data[instance].tagSleepTime_ms = sleepdelay ;
- instance_data[instance].tagBlinkSleepTime_ms = blinksleepdelay ;
- }
Inittestapplication 最后一个函数instance_init_timings
- // Pre-compute frame lengths, timeouts and delays needed in ranging process.
- // /!\ This function assumes that there is no user payload in the frame.
- void instance_init_timings(void)
现在我们就基本分析完了inittestapplication, 正如它的名字一样,这个主要是init, 一些关键参数的值我们在上面的结构体中也有标注
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