软件工程 week 02
(1)wf -c 文件名 进入直接读取txt方法,并顺序输出词频;
(2)wf -f 文件路径 进入读取文件夹的方法,再读取按照字典排序最靠前的txt文件,并按照字典排序输出单词词频;
(3)wf -c 文件名 -n 数量 进入直接读取txt方法,并按照词频和字典排序输出;
(4)wf -n 数量 -c 文件名 进入直接读取txt方法,并按照词频和字典排序输出;
(5)wf -f 文件路径 -n 数量 进入读取文件夹的方法,再读取按照字典排序最靠前的txt文件,并按照词频和字典排序输出;
(6)wf -n 数量 -f 文件路径 进入读取文件夹的方法,再读取按照字典排序最靠前的txt文件,并按照词频和字典排序输出.
2、此处实现附加功能:在小程序中,可以任意输入多次,永久判断;输入格式中的首位单词 wf 即是保存该小程序的文件夹名,若将其放入不同的文件夹,只需将 wf 变为文件夹名即可。
Jagger类 :JaggerFormat():判断输入格式,主要是逻辑
sortMap(Map map):按字典顺序输出txt文件单词词频
sortMap(Map map,int num):先按词频排序,再按字典顺序排序
Compare类: compare():实现Comparator接口,重写Compare方法,指定排序方法
函数间的逻辑关系:JaggerFormat()----[directoryToTxt()]----txtToString()----orderPrint()/sortMap(Map map)/[sortMap(Map map,int num)----compare()]
- import java.io.IOException;
- import java.util.*;
- /**
- * Class main
- * Author: houst
- * Date: 2018/9/17
- * Time: 15:50
- */
- public class Test {
- /**
- * Main Method
- * @param args args
- * @throws IOException
- */
- public static void main(String args[]) throws IOException {
- while (true) {
- Scanner scanner = new Scanner(System.in);
- String order= scanner.nextLine();//Input format
- //Judging the input format,entering different processing methods.
- Jagger jagger = new Jagger();
- jagger.JaggerFormat(order);
- }
- }
- }
2、Jagger 类中 JaggerFormat()方法:判断输入格式
- import java.io.File;
- import java.util.ArrayList;
- import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
- import java.util.StringTokenizer;
- /**
- * Jagger Class
- * Author: houst
- * Date: 2018/9/20
- * Time: 20:15
- * Judging input
- */
- public class Jagger {
- /**
- * Judging the input format, entering different processing methods.
- * @param order order
- */
- public void JaggerFormat(String order){
- //Use stringTokenizer split input format string,deposit in list.
- StringTokenizer stringTokenizer = new StringTokenizer(order, " \n");
- ArrayList<String> list = new ArrayList<String>();
- while (stringTokenizer.hasMoreElements()) {
- list.add(stringTokenizer.nextToken());
- }
- //Judging whether the first word in the input format is the same as the item name.
- String project = System.getProperty("user.dir");
- project = project.substring(project.lastIndexOf('\\') + 1, project.length());
- if (!list.get(0).equals(project)) {
- System.out.println("Input format error, please input again!");
- } else {
- LinkedHashMap<String, Integer> map = new LinkedHashMap<String, Integer>();
- SortMap sortMap = new SortMap();
- //Function one or two
- if (list.size() == 3) {
- String fileName = list.get(2);
- File file = new File(fileName);//File name or folder name
- String suffix = fileName.substring(fileName.lastIndexOf(".") + 1);//Suffix name
- //Function one: number of non repeated words in statistical documents
- // Judging input format -c File name.txt
- if (list.get(1).equals("-c") && suffix.equals("txt")) {
- //Determine whether text files exist.
- if (file.isFile() && file.exists()) {
- //Read text file (.txt), statistics all word frequency, sequential output.
- ReadTxt readTxt = new ReadTxt();
- map = readTxt.txtToString(file);//Read txt and return to LinkedHashMap type.
- sortMap.orderPrint(map);//order output
- } else{
- System.out.println("There is no such file!");
- }
- //Function two: Specify the file directory, count the number of words
- // that are not duplicated in the most advanced text file in the dictionary order.
- // Judging input format -f file path
- } else if (list.get(1).equals("-f") && !fileName.contains(".")) {
- //Determine whether a folder exists.
- if (file.isDirectory() && file.exists()) {
- //Read the most prioritized text file (.txt) sorted by dictionary in the folder
- // and count all word frequencies.
- ReadTxt readTxt = new ReadTxt();
- map = readTxt.directoryToTxt(file);
- if(!map.isEmpty()){
- sortMap.sortMap(map);//Word frequency sorting
- }
- } else System.out.println("No folder exists!");
- } else {
- System.out.println("Input format error, please input again!");
- }
- //Function three or four
- } else if (list.size() == 5) {
- String fileName = null;//File name or folder name
- String num = null;//input n
- String type = null;//input -c or -f symbol
- //Judging input format type:(-c file name.txt -n number) 或 (-f folder name -n number)
- if ((list.get(1).equals("-c") && list.get(3).equals("-n")) || (list.get(1).equals("-f") && list.get(3).equals("-n") )) {
- type = list.get(1);
- fileName = list.get(2);
- num = list.get(4);
- //Judging input format type:(-n number -c file name.txt) 或 ( -n number -f folder name)
- } else if ( (list.get(1).equals("-n")) && (list.get(3).equals("-c"))|| list.get(1).equals("-n") && (list.get(3).equals("-f") )) {
- type = list.get(3);
- fileName = list.get(4);
- num = list.get(2);
- }
- int no = Integer.parseInt(num);//input num = no
- String suffix = fileName.substring(fileName.lastIndexOf(".") + 1);//get suffix name
- File file = new File(fileName);
- //Function three: the most frequent occurrences of the first N words in statistical documents.
- //Judging input format -c file name.txt -n number
- if (type.equals("-c") && suffix.equals("txt") && num.matches("^[0-9]*$")) {
- //Judging whether text files exist.
- if (file.isFile() && file.exists()) {
- //Read txt and count the top n high-frequency words.
- ReadTxt readTxt = new ReadTxt();
- map = readTxt.txtToString(file);//Read txt and return to LinkedHashMap type.
- sortMap.sortMap(map,no);//Word frequency sorting with numbers.
- } else System.out.println("不存在此文件!");
- //Function 3: Specify the file catalog, count the first N words in the text file
- // with the highest number of non-repetitions in the dictionary order.
- // Judging input format -f File path -n number
- } else if (type.equals("-f") && !fileName.contains(".") && num.matches("^[0-9]*$")) {
- //Judging whether a folder exists.
- if (file.isDirectory() && file.exists()) {
- //Read the file name in the folder sorted by dictionary first file (. txt),
- // and statistics the first n high-frequency words, sorting output
- ReadTxt readTxt = new ReadTxt();
- map = readTxt.directoryToTxt(file);//read folder
- if(!map.isEmpty()){
- sortMap.sortMap(map,no);//word frequency sorting with numbers
- }
- } else System.out.println("No folder exists!");
- } else {
- System.out.println("Input format error, please input again!");
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
3、ReadTxt类中 txtToString():读取txt文件,一行一行读取处理
- /**
- * Read (.Txt) files with behavior units
- * @param file file
- * @return return
- * Return type:LinkedHashMap
- */
- public LinkedHashMap<String,Integer> txtToString(File file) {
- BufferedReader reader = null;
- LinkedHashMap<String, Integer> map = new LinkedHashMap<String, Integer>();
- try {
- String string = null;
- reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file));
- //Read txt files from line to line
- while ((string = reader.readLine()) != null) {
- //Convert non alphanumeric symbols into spaces, case sensitive,
- // and intercept words by spaces.
- string = string.replaceAll("[^a-zA-Z0-9]", " ");
- string = string.toLowerCase();
- StringTokenizer stringTokenizer = new StringTokenizer(string, " ");
- //Then use the LinkedHashMap to store words and word frequency.
- while (stringTokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) {
- String word = stringTokenizer.nextToken();
- //Intercept the first letter of a word. Does a regular expression determine whether it is a number
- String first = word.substring(0, 1);
- if (!first.matches("[0-9]{1,}")) {
- //Statistical word frequency
- if (!map.containsKey(word)) {
- map.put(word, new Integer(1));
- } else {
- int newNum = map.get(word).intValue() + 1;
- map.put(word, new Integer(newNum));
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if(map.isEmpty()){
- System.out.println("The content of the text file (.txt) is empty.");
- }
- } catch (IOException e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- }
- return map;
- }
4、ReadTxt类中 directoryToTxt():读取文件路径,选择按字典排序最靠前的txt文件,进而调用txtToString()读取txt文件内容
- /**
- * Find the most advanced text file in the folder according to the dictionary order (.txt).
- * @param file file
- * @return return
- */
- public LinkedHashMap<String,Integer> directoryToTxt(File file){
- ArrayList<String> list = new ArrayList<String>();
- // //方法一 file.list()
- // String[] fileList = file.list();
- // for(int i=0;i<fileList.length;i++){
- // String fileName = file.getPath()+"\\"+fileList[i];
- // System.out.println("111"+fileName);
- // File mFile = new File(fileName);
- // String suffix = fileList[i].substring(fileList[i].lastIndexOf(".") + 1);
- // System.out.println("222"+suffix);
- // if(!mFile.isDirectory()&&suffix.equals("txt")){
- // System.out.println("333"+mFile.getPath());
- // list.add(mFile.getPath());
- // }
- // }
- //方法二 file.listFiles()
- //list folder
- File[] fileList = file.listFiles();
- for(int i=0;i<fileList.length;i++){
- String fileName = fileList[i].getName();
- String suffix = fileName.substring(fileName.lastIndexOf(".") + 1);
- //Is it a .txt file to add txt files to list?
- if(!fileList[i].isDirectory()&&suffix.equals("txt")){
- list.add(fileList[i].getAbsolutePath());
- }
- }
- LinkedHashMap<String,Integer> map = new LinkedHashMap<String,Integer>();
- if(!list.isEmpty()){
- Collections.sort(list);
- File finallyFile = new File(list.get(0));
- map = txtToString(finallyFile);
- return map;
- }
- else {
- System.out.println("There is no txt file in this folder!");
- return map;
- }
- }
5、SortMap类中 orderPrint() : 顺序输出txt文件单词词频
- /**
- * Function one :output
- * txt file order
- * @param map map
- */
- public void orderPrint(HashMap map){
- //HashMap type data is converted to collection type, and map iterator is obtained.
- Iterator iterator = map.entrySet().iterator();
- System.out.println("total " + map.size());
- System.out.println();
- while(iterator.hasNext()){
- //Instantiate the Map.Entry object, and then output the word frequency.
- Map.Entry word = (Map.Entry) iterator.next();
- System.out.printf("%-12s",word.getKey());
- System.out.printf("%5d\n",word.getValue());
- }
- System.out.println();
- }
6、SortMap类中 sortMap(Map map):按字典顺序输出txt文件单词词频
- /**
- * Function two : output
- * txt files are sorted in dictionaries.
- * @param map map
- */
- public void sortMap(Map map){
- //Remove the words from map and put them in list.
- Collection<String> keys = map.keySet();
- List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(keys);
- Collections.sort(list);
- //sort out output frequency by dictionaries
- System.out.println("total " + list.size() + " words");
- for(int i=0;i<list.size();i++){
- System.out.printf("%-12s",list.get(i));
- System.out.printf("%5d\n",map.get(list.get(i)));
- }
- System.out.println();
- }
sortMap(Map map)
7、SortMap类中 sortMap(Map map,int num):先按词频排序,再按字典顺序排序
- /**
- * Function three
- * txt file sorting
- * @param map map
- * @param num num
- */
- public void sortMap(Map map,int num){
- List<MyMap<String,Integer>> list = new ArrayList<MyMap<String,Integer>>();
- //HashMap type data is converted to collection type, and map iterator is obtained.
- Iterator iterator = map.keySet().iterator();
- while (iterator.hasNext()){
- //The words in the Map iterator are stored in list by using MyMap class.
- MyMap<String,Integer> word = new MyMap<String,Integer>();
- String key = (String) iterator.next();
- word.setKey(key);
- word.setValue((Integer) map.get(key));
- list.add(word);
- }
- //sort
- Collections.sort(list,new Compare());
- //Output word frequency
- System.out.println("Total words is " + list.size());
- System.out.println("------------------");
- //Output the specified top n word frequency.
- for(int i=0;i<num;i++){
- MyMap<String,Integer> word = list.get(i);
- System.out.printf("%-12s",word.getKey());
- System.out.printf("%5d\n",word.getValue());
- }
- System.out.println();
- }
sortMap(Map map,int num)
这三类排序方法对应功能一、功能二、功能三四的排序方法,难点在sortMap(Map map,int num) 。共花了最多时间,一直再改改改,大概15个小时,因为是几天的时间。
8、Compare类中 compare():实现Comparator接口,重写Compare方法,指定排序方法
- /**
- * override First compare word frequency, the same word frequency, and then follow the dictionary order.
- * @param o1 01
- * @param o2 02
- * @return return
- */
- public int compare(MyMap<String, Integer> o1, MyMap<String, Integer> o2) {
- if(o1.getValue().equals(o2.getValue())){
- return o1.getKey().compareTo(o2.getKey());
- }else{
- return o2.getValue()-o1.getValue();
- }
- }
sp2.1 | 任务内容 | 计划共完成需要时间(min) | 实际完成需要的时间(min) |
Planing | 计划 | 2160 | 4080 |
Estimate | 估计这个任务需要多少时间,并规划大致工作步骤 | 2160 | 3480 |
Development | 开发 | 1860 | 3660 |
Analysis | 需求分析 | 300 | 480 |
Design Spec | 生成设计文档 | 0 | 0 |
Design Review | 设计复审(和同事审核设计文档) | 0 | 0 |
Coding Standard | 代码规范()为目前的开发制定合适的规范 | 0 | 0 |
Design | 具体设计 | 300 | 480 |
Coding | 具体编码 | 900 | 1200 |
Code Review | 代码复审 | 120 | 300 |
Test | 测试(自我测试,修改代码,提交修改) | 240 | 1200 |
Reporting | 报告 | 300 | 420 |
Test Report | 测试报告 | 180 | 300 |
Size Measurement Postmortem & Process Improvement Plan |
计算工作量,事后总结,并提出过程改进计划 | 120 | 120 |
功能模块 | 具体阶段 | 预计时间(min) | 实际时间(min) |
功能一 |
具体设计 具体编码 测试完善 |
30 120 150 |
80 150 400 |
功能二 |
具体设计 具体编码 测试完善 |
120 200 300 |
180 450 500 |
功能三 |
具体设计 具体编码 测试完善 |
150 200 290 |
220 600 600 |
以上只是我大概估计,因为是好几天才做出来的,难免有些不准确,但通过上面两个表格对比,能够看出,我的写代码能力真的是...... 效率太低下啦!这样子的人,有哪个公司敢要呀?即使是期间夹杂着自学,理解函数的时间,也不应该花这么多时间做作业呀。再次证明,缺实践!!!
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