



然后就考虑怎么求$SG$函数?于是就直接$SG(x)=mex\{SG(x-y),y\in Fib,x\ge y\}$就好鸭$QwQ$


using namespace std;
#define il inline
#define gc getchar()
#define ri register int
#define rb register bool
#define rc register char
#define rp(i,x,y) for(ri i=x;i<=y;++i) const int N=+;
int f[N],sg[N];
bool gdgs=,vis[N]; il int read()
rc ch=gc;ri x=;rb y=;
while(ch!='-' && (ch>'' || ch<''))ch=gc;
while(ch>='' && ch<='')x=(x<<)+(x<<)+(ch^''),ch=gc;
return y?x:-x;
il void pre()
rp(i,,){for(ri j=;f[j]<=i;++j)vis[sg[i-f[j]]]=;ri tmp=;while(vis[tmp])++tmp;sg[i]=tmp;for(ri j=;f[j]<=i;++j)vis[sg[i-f[j]]]=;}
} int main()
// freopen("1848.in","r",stdin);freopen("1848.out","w",stdout);
while(gdgs){ri m=read(),n=read(),p=read();if(!m && !n && !p)return ;printf(sg[m]^sg[n]^sg[p]?"Fibo\n":"Nacci\n");}
return ;

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