
cc.director.preloadScene("sceneName", function () {



在Cocos creator 2.0版本之前,我们可以使用下面这样的方法:

cc.loader.onProgress = function (completedCount, totalCount, item){
this.loading.progress = completedCount/totalCount;
this.loadLabel.string = Math.floor(completedCount/totalCount * 100) + "%";
}.bind(this); cc.director.preloadScene("sceneName", function () {


Cocos creator升级到2.0版本后,onProgress貌似就无法使用了,所以上述那个方法无法获取到加载进度,但是在cc.director.preloadScene这个函数中新增了一个参数:


cc.director.preloadScene("sceneName", this.onProgress.bind(this), function(){
}) onProgress :function(completedCount, totalCount, item){
this.loading.progress = completedCount/totalCount;
this.loadLabel.string = Math.floor(completedCount/totalCount * 100) + "%";



preloadScene: function (sceneName, onProgress, onLoaded) {
if (onLoaded === undefined) {
onLoaded = onProgress;
onProgress = null;
} var info = this._getSceneUuid(sceneName);
if (info) {
this.emit(cc.Director.EVENT_BEFORE_SCENE_LOADING, sceneName);
cc.loader.load({ uuid: info.uuid, type: 'uuid' },
function (error, asset) {
if (error) {
cc.errorID(1210, sceneName, error.message);
if (onLoaded) {
onLoaded(error, asset);
else {
var error = 'Can not preload the scene "' + sceneName + '" because it is not in the build settings.';
onLoaded(new Error(error));
cc.error('preloadScene: ' + error);


proto.loadResDir = function (url, type, progressCallback, completeCallback) {
var args = this._parseLoadResArgs(type, progressCallback, completeCallback);
type = args.type;
progressCallback = args.onProgress;
completeCallback = args.onComplete; var urls = [];
var uuids = resources.getUuidArray(url, type, urls);
this._loadResUuids(uuids, progressCallback, function (errors, assetRes, urlRes) {
// The spriteFrame url in spriteAtlas will be removed after build project
// To show users the exact structure in asset panel, we need to return the spriteFrame assets in spriteAtlas
let assetResLength = assetRes.length;
for (let i = 0; i < assetResLength; ++i) {
if (assetRes[i] instanceof cc.SpriteAtlas) {
let spriteFrames = assetRes[i].getSpriteFrames();
for (let k in spriteFrames) {
let sf = spriteFrames[k];
if (urlRes) {
completeCallback && completeCallback(errors, assetRes, urlRes);
}, urls);
proto._loadResUuids = function (uuids, progressCallback, completeCallback, urls) {
if (uuids.length > 0) {
var self = this;
var res = uuids.map(function (uuid) {
return {
type: 'uuid',
uuid: uuid
this.load(res, progressCallback, function (errors, items) {
if (completeCallback) {
var assetRes = [];
var urlRes = urls && [];
for (var i = 0; i < res.length; ++i) {
var uuid = res[i].uuid;
var id = this._getReferenceKey(uuid);
var item = items.getContent(id);
if (item) {
// should not release these assets, even if they are static referenced in the scene.
self.setAutoReleaseRecursively(uuid, false);
if (urlRes) {
if (urls) {
completeCallback(errors, assetRes, urlRes);
else {
completeCallback(errors, assetRes);
else {
if (completeCallback) {
callInNextTick(function () {
if (urls) {
completeCallback(null, [], []);
else {
completeCallback(null, []);



var info = cc.director._getSceneUuid(this.sceneName);
var self = this;
if (info) {
cc.loader.load({ uuid: info.uuid, type: 'uuid' }, function(completedCount, totalCount, item){
  cc.log("已完成Items:" + completedCount);
  cc.log("全部Items:" + totalCount);
  cc.log("当前Item:" + item.url);
  self._loadingNextStep = parseInt(completedCount / totalCount * 100);
  cc.log("加载进度:" + self._loadingNextStep);
}, function(error, asset){
if (error) {
cc.errorID(1210, this.sceneName, error.message);
} else {

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