GLSL 中的光照计算
Iambdiff = Kd*Ia
其中Ia 表示环境光强度,Kd(0<K<1)为材质对环境光的反射系数,Iambdiff是漫反射体与环境光交互反射的光强。
Ildiff = Kd * Il * Cos(θ)
其中Il是点光源强度,θ是入射光方向与顶点法线的夹角,称入射角(0<=A<=90°),Ildiff是漫反射体与方向光交互反射的光强,若 N为顶点单位法向量,L表示从顶点指向光源的单位向量(注意顶点指向光源),则Cos(θ)等价于dot(N,L),故又有:
Ildiff = Kd * Il * dot(N,L)
Idiff = Iambdiff + Ildiff = Kd * Ia + Kd * Il * dot(N,L)
Ispec = Ks * Il * ( dot(V,R) )^Ns
其中Ks 为镜面反射系数,Ns是高光指数,V表示从顶点到视点的观察方向,R代表反射光方向。由于反射光的方向R可以通过入射光方向L(从顶点指向光源)和物体的法向量求出,
R + L = 2 * dot(N, L) * N 即 R = 2 * dot(N,L) * N - L
Ispec = Ks * Il * ( dot(V, (2 * dot(N,L) * N – L ) )^Ns
Ispec = Ks * Il * ( dot(N,H) )^Ns
其中N是入射点的单位法向量,H是光入射方向L和视点方向V的中间向量,通常也称之为半角向量(半角向量被广泛用于各类光照模型,原因不但在于半角向量蕴含的信息价值,也在于半角向量是很简单的计算:H = (L + V) / |L + V| )。
4.Rendering Equation(全局光照模型)
Rendering Equation 是Kajia在1986年提出的,
Lo(X, Wo) = Le(X, Wo) + ∫fr(X, Wi, Wo) Li(X, Wi) dot(N, Wi) dWi
其中X表示入射点,Lo(X, Wo)即从物体表面X点,沿方向Wo反射的光强,Le(X, Wo)表示从物体表面X以方向Wo 发射出去的光强,该值仅对自发光体有效,fr(X, Wi, Wo)为,入射光线方向为Wi, 照射到点X上,然后从Wo方向发射出去的BRDF值,Li(X, Wi)为入射方向为Wi照射到点X上的入射光强,N表示点X处的法向量,然后对入射方向进行积分(因为光线入射的方向是四面八方的,积分的意义是对每个方向进行一遍计算后相加),计算的结果就是全局光照的辐射率。
Lo(X, Wo) = fr(X, Wi, Wo) Li(X, Wi) dot(N, Wi)
Lo(X, Wo) = Idiff + frs(X, Wi, Wo) Li(X, Wi) dot(N, Wi)
其中Idiff表示漫反射分量,使用公式的计算方法,frs(X, Wi, Wo)表示镜面反射的BRDF函数,前面的Phong高光模型,其实是rendering equation在单一光源下针对理想镜面反射的特定推导,对于Phong高光而言:
frs(X, Wi, Wo) = Ks (dot(N, H)^Ns / dot(N, Wi)
// 在顶点着色器中处理光照计算(环境光+漫射光+镜面反射)
const char* ccPositionTextureColorForLight1_v = " \
uniform vec2 translate; \n\
attribute vec4 a_position; \n\
attribute vec4 a_color; \n\
attribute vec2 a_texCoord; \n\
attribute vec3 a_normal; \n\
#ifdef GL_ES \n\
varying mediump vec4 v_color; \n\
varying mediump vec2 v_texCoord; \n\
#else \n\
varying vec4 v_color; \n\
varying vec2 v_texCoord; \n\
#endif \n\
const vec3 lightAmbient = vec3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0); \n\
const vec3 lightDiffuse = vec3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0); \n\
const vec3 lightSpecular = vec3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0); \n\
const vec3 materialAmbient = vec3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0); \n\
const vec3 materialDiffuse = vec3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0); \n\
const vec3 materialSpecular = vec3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0); \n\
const int shininess = 8; // 0-128 \n\
const vec3 eyePosition = vec3(512.0, 128.0, 442.0); \n\
const vec3 lightDirection = vec3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0); \n\
void main() { \n\
vec4 position = CC_MVMatrix * a_position; \n\
position.x += translate.x; \n\
position.y += translate.y; \n\
gl_Position = CC_PMatrix * position; \n\
vec3 normal = (CC_MVMatrix * vec4(a_normal, 1.0)).xyz; \n\
vec3 n_normal = normalize(normal); \n\
vec3 n_lightDirection = normalize(lightDirection); \n\
float cosNL = max(dot(n_normal, n_lightDirection), 0.0); \n\
vec4 diffuse = vec4(lightDiffuse * materialDiffuse, 1.0) * cosNL; \n\
vec4 ambient = vec4(lightAmbient * materialAmbient, 1.0); \n\
vec3 n_eyePosition = normalize(eyePosition -; \n\
vec3 reflection = 2 * max(dot(n_normal, n_lightDirection), 0.0) * n_normal - n_lightDirection; \n\
vec4 specular = vec4(lightSpecular * materialSpecular * pow(max(dot(n_eyePosition, reflection), 0.0), shininess), 1.0); \n\
v_color = a_color * (diffuse + ambient + specular); \n\
v_texCoord = a_texCoord; \n\
} \n\
const char* ccPositionTextureColorForLight1_f = " \
#ifdef GL_ES \n\
precision lowp float; \n\
#endif \n\
varying vec4 v_color; \n\
varying vec2 v_texCoord; \n\
void main() { \n\
vec4 color = v_color * texture2D(CC_Texture0, v_texCoord); \n\
color.a = 1.0; \n\
gl_FragColor = color; \n\
} \n\
// 在片段着色器中处理光照计算(环境光+漫反射+镜面反射)
const char* ccPositionTextureColorForLight2_v = " \
uniform vec2 translate; \n\
attribute vec4 a_position; \n\
attribute vec4 a_color; \n\
attribute vec2 a_texCoord; \n\
attribute vec3 a_normal; \n\
#ifdef GL_ES \n\
varying mediump vec4 v_position; \n\
varying mediump vec4 v_color; \n\
varying mediump vec2 v_texCoord; \n\
varying mediump vec3 v_normal; \n\
#else \n\
varying vec4 v_position; \n\
varying vec4 v_color; \n\
varying vec2 v_texCoord; \n\
varying vec3 v_normal; \n\
#endif \n\
void main() { \n\
vec4 position = CC_MVMatrix * a_position; \n\
position.x += translate.x; \n\
position.y += translate.y; \n\
gl_Position = CC_PMatrix * position; \n\
v_position = position; \n\
v_color = a_color; \n\
v_texCoord = a_texCoord; \n\
v_normal = (CC_MVMatrix * vec4(a_normal, 1.0)).xyz; \n\
} \n\
const char* ccPositionTextureColorForLight2_f = " \
const vec3 lightAmbient = vec3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0); \n\
const vec3 lightDiffuse = vec3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0); \n\
const vec3 lightSpecular = vec3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0); \n\
const vec3 materialAmbient = vec3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0); \n\
const vec3 materialDiffuse = vec3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0); \n\
const vec3 materialSpecular = vec3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0); \n\
const int shininess = 8; // 0-128 \n\
const vec3 eyePosition = vec3(512.0, 128.0, 442.0); \n\
const vec3 lightDirection = vec3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0); \n\
#ifdef GL_ES \n\
precision lowp float; \n\
#endif \n\
varying vec4 v_position; \n\
varying vec4 v_color; \n\
varying vec2 v_texCoord; \n\
varying vec3 v_normal; \n\
void main() { \n\
vec4 color = v_color * texture2D(CC_Texture0, v_texCoord); \n\
color.a = 1.0; \n\
vec3 normal = v_normal; \n\
vec3 n_normal = normalize(normal); \n\
vec3 n_lightDirection = normalize(lightDirection); \n\
float cosNL = max(dot(n_normal, n_lightDirection), 0.0); \n\
vec4 diffuse = vec4(lightDiffuse * materialDiffuse, 1.0) * cosNL; \n\
vec4 ambient = vec4(lightAmbient * materialAmbient, 1.0); \n\
vec3 n_eyeDirection = normalize(eyePosition -; \n\
vec3 reflection = 2 * max(dot(n_normal, n_lightDirection), 0.0) * n_normal - n_lightDirection; \n\
vec4 specular = vec4(lightSpecular * materialSpecular * pow(max(dot(n_eyeDirection, reflection), 0.0), shininess), 1.0); \n\
//vec3 reflection = normalize(n_eyeDirection + n_lightDirection); \n\
//vec4 specular = vec4(lightSpecular * materialSpecular * pow(max(dot(n_normal, reflection), 0.0), shininess), 1.0); \n\
gl_FragColor = color * (ambient + diffuse + specular); \n\
} \n\
// 在片段着色器中处理光照计算(环境光+漫反射+镜面反射+衰减系数)
const char* ccPositionTextureColorForLight3_v = " \
uniform vec2 translate; \n\
attribute vec4 a_position; \n\
attribute vec4 a_color; \n\
attribute vec2 a_texCoord; \n\
attribute vec3 a_normal; \n\
#ifdef GL_ES \n\
varying mediump vec4 v_position; \n\
varying mediump vec4 v_color; \n\
varying mediump vec2 v_texCoord; \n\
varying mediump vec3 v_normal; \n\
varying float v_distance; \n\
#else \n\
varying vec4 v_position; \n\
varying vec4 v_color; \n\
varying vec2 v_texCoord; \n\
varying vec3 v_normal; \n\
varying float v_distance; \n\
#endif \n\
void main() { \n\
vec4 position = CC_MVMatrix * a_position; \n\
position.x += translate.x; \n\
position.y += translate.y; \n\
gl_Position = CC_PMatrix * position; \n\
v_position = position; \n\
v_color = a_color; \n\
v_texCoord = a_texCoord; \n\
v_normal = (CC_MVMatrix * vec4(a_normal, 1.0)).xyz; \n\
} \n\
const char* ccPositionTextureColorForLight3_f = " \
const vec3 lightAmbient = vec3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0); \n\
const vec3 lightDiffuse = vec3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0); \n\
const vec3 lightSpecular = vec3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0); \n\
const float lightAttenuationConst = 1.0; \n\
const float lightAttenuationLinear = 0.0002; \n\
const float lightAttenuationQuadratic = 0.000001; \n\
const vec3 materialAmbient = vec3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0); \n\
const vec3 materialDiffuse = vec3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0); \n\
const vec3 materialSpecular = vec3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0); \n\
const int shininess = 8; // 0-128 \n\
const vec3 lightPosition = vec3(1024.0, 512.0, 100.0); \n\
const vec3 eyePosition = vec3(512.0, 256.0, 442.0); \n\
#ifdef GL_ES \n\
precision lowp float; \n\
#endif \n\
varying vec4 v_position; \n\
varying vec4 v_color; \n\
varying vec2 v_texCoord; \n\
varying vec3 v_normal; \n\
varying float v_distance; \n\
void main() { \n\
vec4 color = v_color * texture2D(CC_Texture0, v_texCoord); \n\
color.a = 1.0; \n\
vec3 lightDirection = lightPosition -; \n\
float distance = length(lightDirection); \n\
float atten = 1.0 / (lightAttenuationConst + lightAttenuationLinear * distance + lightAttenuationQuadratic * distance * distance); \n\
vec3 normal = v_normal; \n\
vec3 n_normal = normalize(normal); \n\
vec3 n_lightDirection = normalize(lightDirection); \n\
float cosNL = max(dot(n_normal, n_lightDirection), 0.0); \n\
vec4 diffuse = vec4(lightDiffuse * materialDiffuse, 1.0) * cosNL; \n\
vec4 ambient = vec4(lightAmbient * materialAmbient, 1.0); \n\
vec3 n_eyeDirection = normalize(eyePosition -; \n\
vec3 reflection = 2 * max(dot(n_normal, n_lightDirection), 0.0) * n_normal - n_lightDirection; \n\
vec4 specular = vec4(lightSpecular * materialSpecular * pow(max(dot(n_eyeDirection, reflection), 0.0), shininess), 1.0); \n\
//vec3 reflection = normalize(n_eyeDirection + n_lightDirection); \n\
//vec4 specular = vec4(lightSpecular * materialSpecular * pow(max(dot(n_normal, reflection), 0.0), shininess), 1.0); \n\
float colorA = color.a; \n\
gl_FragColor = vec4(color.rgb * (ambient + diffuse + specular).xyz * atten, colorA); \n\
} \n\
// 在片段着色器中处理光照计算(环境光+漫反射+镜面反射+聚光灯+衰减系数)
const char* ccPositionTextureColorForLight4_v = " \
uniform vec2 translate; \n\
const vec3 spotlightPosition = vec3(512.0, 256.0, 120.0); \n\
const vec3 lightPosition = vec3(512.0, 256.0, 442.0); \n\
const vec3 eyePosition = vec3(512.0, 256.0, 442.0); \n\
attribute vec4 a_position; \n\
attribute vec4 a_color; \n\
attribute vec2 a_texCoord; \n\
attribute vec3 a_normal; \n\
#ifdef GL_ES \n\
varying mediump vec4 v_position; \n\
varying mediump vec4 v_color; \n\
varying mediump vec2 v_texCoord; \n\
varying mediump vec3 v_normal; \n\
varying mediump float v_distance; \n\
varying mediump vec3 v_lightDirection; \n\
varying mediump vec3 v_spotlightDirection; \n\
#else \n\
varying vec4 v_position; \n\
varying vec4 v_color; \n\
varying vec2 v_texCoord; \n\
varying vec3 v_normal; \n\
varying float v_distance; \n\
varying vec3 v_lightDirection; \n\
varying vec3 v_spotlightDirection; \n\
#endif \n\
void main() { \n\
vec4 position = CC_MVMatrix * a_position; \n\
position.x += translate.x; \n\
position.y += translate.y; \n\
gl_Position = CC_PMatrix * position; \n\
v_position = position; \n\
v_color = a_color; \n\
v_texCoord = a_texCoord; \n\
v_normal = (CC_MVMatrix * vec4(a_normal, 1.0)).xyz; \n\
vec3 lightDirection = lightPosition -; \n\
vec3 spotlightDirection = spotlightPosition -; \n\
v_distance = length(lightDirection); \n\
v_lightDirection = normalize(lightDirection); \n\
v_spotlightDirection = normalize(spotlightDirection); \n\
} \n\
const char* ccPositionTextureColorForLight4_f = " \
const vec3 lightAmbient = vec3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0); \n\
const vec3 lightDiffuse = vec3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0); \n\
const vec3 lightSpecular = vec3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0); \n\
const float lightAttenuationConst = 1.0; \n\
const float lightAttenuationLinear = 0.001; \n\
const float lightAttenuationQuadratic = 0.000001; \n\
const vec3 materialAmbient = vec3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0); \n\
const vec3 materialDiffuse = vec3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0); \n\
const vec3 materialSpecular = vec3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0); \n\
const int shininess = 8; // 0-128 \n\
const int lightSpotExponent = 1; \n\
const float lightSpotCosCutoff = cos(45.0 / 180.0 * 3.1415926); \n\
const vec3 lightPosition = vec3(512.0, 256.0, 442.0); \n\
const vec3 eyePosition = vec3(512.0, 256.0, 442.0); \n\
#ifdef GL_ES \n\
precision lowp float; \n\
#endif \n\
varying vec4 v_position; \n\
varying vec4 v_color; \n\
varying vec2 v_texCoord; \n\
varying vec3 v_normal; \n\
varying float v_distance; \n\
varying vec3 v_lightDirection; \n\
varying vec3 v_spotlightDirection; \n\
void main() { \n\
vec4 color = v_color * texture2D(CC_Texture0, v_texCoord); \n\
color.a = 1.0; \n\
// vec3 lightDirection = lightPosition -; \n\
vec3 n_spotDirection = normalize(lightPosition - vec3(512.0, 256.0, 0.0)); \n\
vec3 n_spotlightDirection = normalize(v_spotlightDirection); \n\
// float distance = length(lightDirection); \n\
float atten = 1.0 / (lightAttenuationConst + lightAttenuationLinear * v_distance + lightAttenuationQuadratic * v_distance * v_distance); \n\
vec3 normal = v_normal; \n\
vec3 n_normal = normalize(normal); \n\
vec3 n_lightDirection = normalize(v_lightDirection); \n\
float cosNL = max(dot(n_normal, n_lightDirection), 0.0); \n\
vec4 diffuse = vec4(lightDiffuse * materialDiffuse, 1.0) * cosNL; \n\
vec4 ambient = vec4(lightAmbient * materialAmbient, 1.0); \n\
vec3 n_eyeDirection = normalize(eyePosition -; \n\
vec3 reflection = 2 * max(dot(n_normal, n_lightDirection), 0.0) * n_normal - n_lightDirection; \n\
vec4 specular = vec4(lightSpecular * materialSpecular * pow(max(dot(n_eyeDirection, reflection), 0.0), shininess), 1.0); \n\
//vec3 reflection = normalize(n_eyeDirection + n_lightDirection); \n\
//vec4 specular = vec4(lightSpecular * materialSpecular * pow(max(dot(n_normal, reflection), 0.0), shininess), 1.0); \n\
float cosSpot = dot(-1 * n_spotDirection, -1 * n_spotlightDirection); \n\
if (cosSpot > lightSpotCosCutoff) \n\
{ \n\
float spotEffect = pow(cosSpot, lightSpotExponent); \n\
atten += spotEffect; \n\
} \n\
float colorA = color.a; \n\
gl_FragColor = vec4(color.rgb * (ambient + diffuse + specular).xyz * atten, colorA); \n\
} \n\
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