1. def select_from_list(self, locator, *items):
  2. """Selects `*items` from list identified by `locator`
  4. If more than one value is given for a single-selection list, the last
  5. value will be selected. If the target list is a multi-selection list,
  6. and `*items` is an empty list, all values of the list will be selected.
  8. *items try to select by value then by label.
  10. It's faster to use 'by index/value/label' functions.
  12. An exception is raised for a single-selection list if the last
  13. value does not exist in the list and a warning for all other non-
  14. existing items. For a multi-selection list, an exception is raised
  15. for any and all non-existing values.
  17. Select list keywords work on both lists and combo boxes. Key attributes for
  18. select lists are `id` and `name`. See `introduction` for details about
  19. locating elements.
  20. """
  21. non_existing_items = []
  23. items_str = items and "option(s) '%s'" % ", ".join(items) or "all options"
  24. self._info("Selecting %s from list '%s'." % (items_str, locator))
  26. select = self._get_select_list(locator)
  28. if not items:
  29. for i in range(len(select.options)):
  30. select.select_by_index(i)
  31. return
  33. for item in items:
  34. try:
  35. select.select_by_value(item)
  36. except:
  37. try:
  38. select.select_by_visible_text(item)
  39. except:
  40. non_existing_items = non_existing_items + [item]
  41. continue
  43. if any(non_existing_items):
  44. if select.is_multiple:
  45. raise ValueError("Options '%s' not in list '%s'." % (", ".join(non_existing_items), locator))
  46. else:
  47. if any (non_existing_items[:-1]):
  48. items_str = non_existing_items[:-1] and "Option(s) '%s'" % ", ".join(non_existing_items[:-1])
  49. self._warn("%s not found within list '%s'." % (items_str, locator))
  50. if items and items[-1] in non_existing_items:
  51. raise ValueError("Option '%s' not in list '%s'." % (items[-1], locator))

方法名:select_from_list(self, locator, *items)


公共方法 选中所传入items,如果给了多个值,并且是single-selection list,则最后一值会被选中;如果是 multi-selection list,并且items为空,则所有options都会被选中


26行:使用_get_select_list(self, locator)方法,返回Select对象

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