The cornerstone of test automation is the premise that the expected application behavior is known. When this is not the case, it is usually better not to automate.


Unstable design


There are certain applications that are
inherently unstable by design.For example, a weather-mapping system or one that
relies on real-time data will not demonstrate sufficiently predictable results
for automation. Unless you have a simulator that can control the
inputs,automation will be difficult because the expected results are not


Also, if you can’t control the application
test environment and data,then automation will be almost impossible. The
investment required to develop and maintain the automated tests will not be
offset by the benefits, since repeatability will be doubtful.


If your application is highly configurable,
for example, or has other attributes that make its design variable, then either
forget automation or focus on implementing only selected configuration profiles.
Whatever you do, don’t try to reproduce all of the configurability of the
application into the test library, otherwise you will end up with excessive
complexity, high probability of test failure, and increased maintenance


Inexperienced testers


If the person(s) automating the test are
not sufficiently experienced with the application to know the expected behavior,
automating their tests is also of doubtful value. Their tests may not accurately
reflect the correct behavior, causing later confusion and wasted
effort.Remember, an automated test is only as good as the person who created


If you have inexperienced testers who are
new to the team, they make the best manual testers because they will likely make
the same mistakes that users will. Save automation for the experts.


Temporary testers


In other cases, the test team may be
comprised primarily of personnel from other areas, such as users or consultants,
who will not be involved over the long term. It is not at all uncommon to have a
“testfest” where other departments contribute to the test effort. But because of
the initial investment in training people to use the test tools and follow your
library design, and the short payback period of their brief tenure, it is
probably not time or cost effective to automate with a temporary team. Again,
let them provide manual test support while permanent staff handles
automation.Again, let them provide manual test support while permanent staff
handles automation.




If you don’t have enough time
or resources to get your testing done manually in the short term, don’t expect a
tool to help you. The initial investment for planning, training and
implementation will take more time in the short term than the tool can save you.
Get through the current crisis, then look at automation for the longer


Keep in mind that automation is a strategic
solution, not a short term fix.


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