之前空余时间想玩玩html5, 于是使用2.2.2的cocos2d-html5 制作了个简单的足球射门游戏 ,美术是自己在纸上画完用手机拍下再ps扣的图,哈哈,赞一下自己的创意。
在我的主页可以玩这个游戏: http://www.jd85.net/ballfoot/
很简单的几个类,就不在这里讲解了。附件里有完整项目源码和cocostudio项目可在本人发布在cocoachina论坛里的帖子内下载: http://www.cocoachina.com/bbs/read.php?tid=213943
- var c = {
- COCOS2D_DEBUG:2, //0 to turn debug off, 1 for basic debug, and 2 for full debug
- box2d:false,
- chipmunk:false,
- showFPS:false,
- frameRate:60,
- loadExtension:false,
- renderMode:0, //Choose of RenderMode: 0(default), 1(Canvas only), 2(WebGL only)
- tag:'gameCanvas', //the dom element to run cocos2d on
- // engineDir:'../cocos2d/',
- SingleEngineFile:'Cocos2d-html5-v2.2.2.min.js',
- appFiles:[
- 'src/resource.js',
- // 'src/myApp.js'//add your own files in order here
- 'src/GameScene.js',
- 'src/StartLayer.js',
- 'src/GameLayer.js',
- 'src/GameOverLayer.js',
- 'libs/CCNotificationCenter.js',
- 'libs/MD5.js'
- ]
- };
- /**
- * Created by JiaDing on 14-4-19.
- */
- var StartLayer = cc.Layer.extend({
- init:function()
- {
- if(this._super())
- {
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- },
- onEnter:function()
- {
- this._super();
- var uiLayer = ccs.UILayer.create();
- this.addChild(uiLayer);
- var widget = ccs.GUIReader.getInstance().widgetFromJsonFile(s_exportJson_StartPanel);
- widget.setPositionX(widget.getPositionX() + 100);
- uiLayer.addWidget(widget);
- var titleAction = ccs.ActionManager.getInstance().getActionByName("StartPanel.ExportJson","Animation0");
- if(titleAction)
- {
- titleAction.play();
- }
- var startBtn = uiLayer.getWidgetByName("Button_25");
- startBtn.addTouchEventListener(function(object,touchType){
- if(touchType == cc.TOUCH_ENDED)
- {
- cc.AudioEngine.getInstance().playEffect(s_sound_btn,false);
- cc.NotificationCenter.getInstance().postNotification("changeToGameLayer");
- }
- }.bind(this) ,this);
- },
- onExit:function()
- {
- this._super();
- }
- });
- StartLayer.create = function()
- {
- var obj = new StartLayer();
- if(obj && obj.init())
- {
- return obj;
- }
- return null;
- }
- var s_pic_bg = "res/bg.png";
- var s_pic_dashBoard = "res/dashBoard.png";
- var s_pic_arrow = "res/arrow.png";
- //var s_pic_transitbg = "res/transitbg.png";
- var s_pic_transitbg = "res/transitbg.png";
- var s_pic_door = "res/door.png";
- var s_sound_win = "res/win.mp3";
- var s_sound_lose = "res/lose.mp3";
- var s_sound_kick = "res/kick.mp3";
- var s_sound_btn = "res/btn.mp3";
- var s_sound_bg = "res/bg.mp3";
- var s_exportJson_FootMan = "res/FootMan/FootMan.ExportJson";
- var s_plist_FootMan = "res/FootMan/FootMan0.plist";
- var s_pic_FootMan = "res/FootMan/FootMan0.png";
- var s_exportJson_LosePanel = "res/Panel/LosePanel.ExportJson";
- var s_exportJson_StartPanel = "res/Panel/StartPanel.ExportJson";
- var s_exportJson_WinPanel = "res/Panel/WinPanel.ExportJson";
- var s_plist_Panel = "res/Panel/Panel0.plist";
- var s_pic_Panel = "res/Panel/Panel0.png";
- var s_exportJson_RoundBall = "res/RoundBall/RoundBall.ExportJson";
- var s_plist_RoundBall = "res/RoundBall/RoundBall0.plist";
- var s_pic_RoundBall = "res/RoundBall/RoundBall0.png";
- var g_resources = [
- //image
- {src:s_pic_bg},
- {src:s_pic_dashBoard},
- {src:s_pic_arrow},
- {src:s_pic_transitbg},
- {src:s_pic_door},
- {src:s_sound_win},
- {src:s_sound_lose},
- {src:s_sound_kick},
- {src:s_sound_btn},
- {src:s_sound_bg},
- {src:s_exportJson_FootMan},
- {src:s_plist_FootMan},
- {src:s_pic_FootMan},
- {src:s_exportJson_LosePanel},
- {src:s_exportJson_StartPanel},
- {src:s_exportJson_WinPanel},
- {src:s_plist_Panel},
- {src:s_pic_Panel},
- {src:s_exportJson_RoundBall},
- {src:s_plist_RoundBall},
- {src:s_pic_RoundBall}
- //plist
- //fnt
- //tmx
- //bgm
- //effect
- ];
- /**
- * Created by JiaDing on 14-4-19.
- */
- var GameScene = cc.Scene.extend({
- TAG_CurrentView:1,
- onEnter:function()
- {
- this._super();
- var winSize = cc.Director.getInstance().getWinSize();
- var w = winSize.width;
- var h = winSize.height;
- var bg = cc.Sprite.create(s_pic_bg);
- bg.setAnchorPoint(0,0);
- this.addChild(bg,0);
- var startLayer = StartLayer.create();
- this.addChild(startLayer,1,this.TAG_CurrentView);
- cc.AudioEngine.getInstance().preloadSound(s_sound_bg);
- cc.AudioEngine.getInstance().preloadSound(s_sound_btn);
- cc.AudioEngine.getInstance().preloadSound(s_sound_kick);
- cc.AudioEngine.getInstance().preloadSound(s_sound_lose);
- cc.AudioEngine.getInstance().preloadSound(s_sound_win);
- cc.AudioEngine.getInstance().playMusic(s_sound_bg,true);
- cc.NotificationCenter.getInstance().addObserver(this,this.changeToGameLayer,"changeToGameLayer");
- cc.NotificationCenter.getInstance().addObserver(this,this.gameOver,"gameOver");
- },
- changeToGameLayer:function()
- {
- this.removeChildByTag(this.TAG_CurrentView,true);
- var gameLayer = GameLayer.create();
- this.addChild(gameLayer,1,this.TAG_CurrentView);
- },
- gameOver:function(isWin)
- {
- this.removeChildByTag(this.TAG_CurrentView,true);
- var overLayer = GameOverLayer.create(isWin);
- this.addChild(overLayer,1,this.TAG_CurrentView);
- }
- });
- /**
- * Created by JiaDing on 14-4-20.
- */
- var GameOverLayer = cc.Layer.extend({
- isWin:false,
- init:function(isWin)
- {
- if(this._super())
- {
- this.isWin = isWin;
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- },
- onEnter:function()
- {
- this._super();
- var uiLayer = ccs.UILayer.create();
- this.addChild(uiLayer);
- if(this.isWin)
- {
- cc.AudioEngine.getInstance().playEffect(s_sound_win,false);
- var widget = ccs.GUIReader.getInstance().widgetFromJsonFile(s_exportJson_WinPanel);
- widget.setPositionX(widget.getPositionX() + 100);
- uiLayer.addWidget(widget);
- var titleAction = ccs.ActionManager.getInstance().getActionByName("WinPanel.ExportJson","QiuJInLe");
- if(titleAction)
- {
- titleAction.play();
- }
- var startBtn = uiLayer.getWidgetByName("Button_35");
- startBtn.addTouchEventListener(function(object,touchType){
- if(touchType == cc.TOUCH_ENDED)
- {
- cc.AudioEngine.getInstance().playEffect(s_sound_btn,false);
- cc.NotificationCenter.getInstance().postNotification("changeToGameLayer");
- }
- }.bind(this) ,this);
- }
- else
- {
- cc.AudioEngine.getInstance().playEffect(s_sound_lose,false);
- var widget = ccs.GUIReader.getInstance().widgetFromJsonFile(s_exportJson_LosePanel);
- widget.setPositionX(widget.getPositionX() + 100);
- uiLayer.addWidget(widget);
- var titleAction = ccs.ActionManager.getInstance().getActionByName("LosePanel.ExportJson","Animation0");
- if(titleAction)
- {
- titleAction.play();
- }
- var startBtn = uiLayer.getWidgetByName("Button_35_Copy0");
- startBtn.addTouchEventListener(function(object,touchType){
- if(touchType == cc.TOUCH_ENDED)
- {
- cc.AudioEngine.getInstance().playEffect(s_sound_btn,false);
- cc.NotificationCenter.getInstance().postNotification("changeToGameLayer");
- }
- }.bind(this) ,this);
- }
- },
- onExit:function()
- {
- this._super();
- }
- });
- GameOverLayer.create = function(isWin)
- {
- var obj = new GameOverLayer(isWin);
- if(obj && obj.init(isWin))
- {
- return obj;
- }
- return null;
- }
- /**
- * Created by JiaDing on 14-4-20.
- */
- var GameLayer = cc.Layer.extend({
- TAG_MAN:1,
- TAG_Ball:2,
- TAG_DashBoard:3,
- havePcMouseDown:false,
- rotationSpeed:11,
- MIN_ROTATION: - 135,
- init:function()
- {
- if(this._super())
- {
- var winSize = cc.Director.getInstance().getWinSize();
- var door = cc.Sprite.create(s_pic_door);
- var scale = 0.7;
- door.setScale(scale);
- door.setAnchorPoint(cc.p(0,1));
- door.setPosition(cc.p((winSize.width + 30 - door.getContentSize().width * scale)/2,
- winSize.height-150));
- this.addChild(door);
- door.setTag(this.TAG_DOOR);
- var dashBoardBg = cc.Sprite.create(s_pic_dashBoard);
- dashBoardBg.setAnchorPoint(cc.p(0.5,0));
- dashBoardBg.setScale(0.7);
- dashBoardBg.setPosition(cc.p(winSize.width - dashBoardBg.getContentSize().width * dashBoardBg.getScale()/2,dashBoardBg.getContentSize().height / 2 + 300));
- this.addChild(dashBoardBg);
- dashBoardBg.setTag(this.TAG_DashBoard);
- var arrow = cc.Sprite.create(s_pic_arrow);
- arrow.setAnchorPoint(cc.p(0,0.5));
- arrow.setScale(0.55);
- arrow.setPositionX(dashBoardBg.getContentSize().width/2);
- arrow.setRotation(-90);
- dashBoardBg.addChild(arrow);
- arrow.setTag(1);
- ccs.ArmatureDataManager.getInstance().addArmatureFileInfo(s_exportJson_FootMan);
- ccs.ArmatureDataManager.getInstance().addArmatureFileInfo(s_exportJson_RoundBall);
- var man = ccs.Armature.create("FootMan");
- man.setAnchorPoint(cc.p(0,0));
- man.setPosition(cc.p(100,20));
- this.addChild(man);
- man.setTag(this.TAG_MAN);
- var ball= ccs.Armature.create("RoundBall");
- ball.setScale(0.6);
- ball.setPosition(cc.p(winSize.width/2,200));
- this.addChild(ball);
- ball.setTag(this.TAG_Ball);
- var label = cc.LabelTTF.create("你认为我会告诉你鼠标按着不动瞄准,\n松开射门这句话么?","Microsoft Yahei Font",25);
- label.setPosition(cc.p(winSize.width/2,70));
- label.setColor(cc.c3b(255,0,0));
- this.addChild(label);
- if( 'touches' in sys.capabilities )
- this.setTouchEnabled(true);
- else if ('mouse' in sys.capabilities )
- this.setMouseEnabled(true);
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- },
- touchenable:true,
- haveMobileTouch:false,
- onTouchesBegan:function()
- {
- if(!this.touchenable)
- {
- this.haveMobileTouch = false;
- return false;
- }
- this.touchenable = false;
- this.haveMobileTouch = true;
- this.ready();
- return true;
- },
- onMouseDown:function (event)
- {
- if(!this.touchenable)
- {
- this.havePcMouseDown = false;
- return;
- }
- this.touchenable = false;
- this.havePcMouseDown = true;
- this.ready();
- },
- onTouchesEnded:function()
- {
- if(this.haveMobileTouch)
- {
- this.run();
- }
- },
- onMouseUp:function()
- {
- if(this.havePcMouseDown)
- {
- this.run();
- }
- },
- ready:function()
- {
- this.schedule(this.update,0.016);
- },
- update:function()
- {
- var arrow = this.getChildByTag(this.TAG_DashBoard).getChildByTag(1);
- var rot = arrow.getRotation();
- if(rot <= -135 || rot >= -45)
- {
- this.rotationSpeed = this.rotationSpeed * -1;
- }
- arrow.setRotation(rot + this.rotationSpeed);
- },
- run:function()
- {
- this.unschedule(this.update);
- var man = this.getChildByTag(this.TAG_MAN);
- man.getAnimation().playWithIndex(0);
- var action = cc.Sequence.create(
- cc.MoveBy.create(2,cc.p(150,50)),
- cc.DelayTime.create(0.3),
- cc.CallFunc.create(function(){
- this.kick();
- }.bind(this),this)
- );
- man.runAction(action);
- },
- kick:function()
- {
- var man = this.getChildByTag(this.TAG_MAN);
- man.getAnimation().playWithIndex(1);
- man.getAnimation().setMovementEventCallFunc(function(armature, movementType, movementID){
- if (movementType == ccs.MovementEventType.complete)
- {
- cc.AudioEngine.getInstance().playEffect(s_sound_kick,false);
- var ball = this.getChildByTag(this.TAG_Ball);
- ball.getAnimation().playWithIndex(0);
- var arrow = this.getChildByTag(this.TAG_DashBoard).getChildByTag(1);
- var rotation = arrow.getRotation();
- var door = this.getChildByTag(this.TAG_DOOR);
- var doorWidth = door.getContentSize().width * door.getScale();
- var doorHeight = door.getContentSize().height * door.getScale();
- var doorLeftX = door.getPositionX();
- var doorRightX = door.getPositionX() + doorWidth;
- var minX = doorLeftX - 300;
- var maxX = doorRightX + 300;
- var targetX = (rotation + (this.MIN_ROTATION * -1)) / (this.MAX_ROTATION + (this.MIN_ROTATION * -1)) * (maxX - minX) + minX;
- var action = cc.Sequence.create(
- cc.MoveTo.create(1,cc.p(targetX,door.getPositionY() - doorHeight + 30)),
- cc.CallFunc.create(function(){
- var win = false;
- if(targetX > doorLeftX && targetX < doorRightX)
- {
- win = true;
- }
- this.gameOVer(win);
- }.bind(this),this)
- );
- ball.runAction(action);
- }
- }.bind(this),this);
- },
- gameOVer:function(isWin)
- {
- cc.NotificationCenter.getInstance().postNotification("gameOver",isWin);
- }
- });
- GameLayer.create = function()
- {
- var obj = new GameLayer();
- if(obj && obj.init())
- {
- return obj;
- }
- return null;
- };
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