Splunk是机器数据的引擎。使用 Splunk 可收集、索引和利用所有应用程序、服务器和设备(物理、虚拟和云中)生成的快速移动型计算机数据 。从一个位置搜索并分析所有实时和历史数据。 使用 Splunking 处理计算机数据,可让您在几分钟内(而不是几个小时或几天)解决问题和调查安全事件。监视您的端对端基础结构,避免服务性能降低或中断。以较低成本满足合规性要求。关联并分析跨越多个系统的复杂事件。获取新层次的运营可见性以及 IT 和业务智能。







• Work closely with the product team to design and develop a variety of features and reusable components
• Implement the features that use groundbreaking technologies
• Writes production quality code for a contained complicate feature set or function area
• Analyze and optimize front-end and back-end codes, and pursue simplicity, efficiency, reliability and performance
• Use independent judgment to take existing code, understand its function and change/enhance as needed

• Solid foundation in computer science, with strong competences in operating systems, computer networks, data structures, algorithms and software design
• Excellent coding skills in C/C++, Java, or server side Python
• Excellent problem solving, collaboration and communication skills
• A demonstrated capability for creative thinking, intellectual and entrepreneurial exploration

• BS, MS or PhD in Computer Science or related engineering discipline



• Design and develop detailed automation test cases from test plans and feature specifications
• Create, maintain and extend testing framework and infrastructure
• Ensure high testing coverage and customer-friendly product usability
• Optimize testing process during software development lifecycle
• Research and investigate cutting-edge testing methodologies and apply them to daily work

• Basic knowledge of QA methodologies, troubleshooting and diagnostic skills
• Extensive knowledge of Unix/Linux administration. Knowledge of file system, storage, web service and Linux kernel is highly desirable
• Excellent coding skills in C/C++, Java, or server side Python
• Familiarity with scripting languages, such as Python, JavaScript, Shell
• Strong problem solving skills with ability to find out root cause
• Willingness to take challenges and learn new technologies
• Fluency in both oral and written English

Education: Got it!
• BS, MS or PhD in Computer Science or related engineering discipline


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  9. 使用oracle的大数据工具ODCH访问HDFS数据文件

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