OpenCASCADE Ring Type Spring Modeling

Abstract. The general method to directly create an edge is to give a 3D curve as the support(geometric domain) of the edge. The curve maybe defined as a 2D curve in the parametric space of a surface: PCurve. When you understand the pcurve, you can modeling some interesting shapes, such as bottle neck thread, helix spring, ring type spring. Etc. The paper is focus on the Ring Type Spring Modeling in OpenCASCADE Draw Test Harness by Tcl script.

Key Words. Spring, Helix, Tcl/Tk, 环形弹簧

1. Introduction


Figure 1.1 Ring Type Spring




根据pcurve的定义:The curve may be defined as a 2d curve in the parametric space of a surface. 可以看出pcurve的两个特点:

v pcurve是一条二维曲线;

v 与曲面相关;


Figure 2.1 Torus in OpenCASCADE Draw Test Harness

在Draw Test Harness中生成一个圆环面还是很简单的,只需要以下几条命令:

pload ALL
torus t 0.3
mkface f t
vdisplay f

根据利用圆柱面来对普通弹簧造型的方法“Make Helix Curve in OpenCASCADE” ,是否可以利用圆环面来生成圆环弹簧呢?实践是检验真理的唯一标准,随便尝试,反正失败了也没有什么损失。要利用pcurve就要找出曲面及其参数空间的一条二维曲线,现在初步确定了曲面为torus面,下面再来寻找pcurve。根据《OpenCASCADE BRep Format》中对于Torus的参数表示方程为:


Figure 2.2 PCurve of Torus Face


Figure 2.3 Torus curves when u=0 and v=0


# make helix torus in OpenCASCADE.
# Shing Liu(
# 2016-02-20 21:00
# pload MODELING VISUALIZATION # use torus surface.
torus aTorus set aSlope 0.05
line aLine2d $aSlope
trim aSegment aLine2d *pi # make edge by the pcurve.
mkedge aHelixEdge aSegment aTorus *pi/$aSlope # there is no curve 3d in the pcurve edge.
# so need this to approximate one.
mkedgecurve aHelixEdge 0.01 # display the edge.
vdisplay aHelixEdge


Figure 2.4 Torus Curve made by pcurve


Figure 2.5 Torus Spring


3.Modeling in Draw Test Harness

将上述放在一起来实现一个环形弹簧的造型,为了便于测试,主要是在Draw Test Harness中使用Tcl脚本来测试效果。使用Tcl脚本来测试效果有很多好处,主要就是不需要编写C++代码,也不用编译,可以实时检验结果。而且OpenCASCADE的Tcl脚本也可以很方便地翻译成C++代码。所以学习一下Tcl脚本还是有很多好处的,如Tcl具有跨平台的特性,通过使用脚本,可以对参数化有更进一步的理解等。言归正传,下面给出环形弹簧造型的Tcl脚本:

# make helix torus(Ring Type Spring) in OpenCASCADE.
# Shing Liu(
# 2016-02-20 21:00
# pload MODELING VISUALIZATION # use torus surface.
torus aTorus set aSlope 0.05
line aLine2d $aSlope
trim aSegment aLine2d *pi # make edge by the pcurve.
mkedge aHelixEdge aSegment aTorus *pi/$aSlope # there is no curve 3d in the pcurve edge.
# so need this to approximate one.
mkedgecurve aHelixEdge 0.01 wire aHelixWire aHelixEdge # make the profile.
circle aProfile 0.3
mkedge aProfile aProfile
wire aProfile aProfile
mkplane aProfile aProfile # display the profile.
vdisplay aProfile aHelixEdge # loft the circle along the helix curve.
pipe aSpring aHelixWire aProfile # display the result.
vdisplay aSpring
#vsetmaterial aSpring steel
vzbufftrihedron set ray tracing
if { ! [catch {vrenderparams -raytrace -shadows -reflections -fsaa -rayDepth }] } {
vtextureenv on


下图是使用Ray Tracing后显示的效果,感觉不错:

4. Conclusion

综上所述,理解了pcurve后可以对一些规则的有趣的曲线进行造型。另外学会在Draw Test Harness中使用Tcl脚本来尝试自己的想法,将会感觉到脚本的便利性。其实在OpenCASCADE的官网上也是提倡使用Tcl脚本来报告bug。

5. References

1. OpenCASCADE BRep Format

2. Shing Liu. Make Helix Curve in OpenCASCADE.

3. ZW3D community topic:

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