codeforces round 472(DIV2)D Riverside Curio题解(思维题)
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; #define _l long long +; int n,a[N],b[N]; _l ans=; bool flg[N]; struct T{int x,p;}h[N]; bool cmp(T A,T B){return A.x<B.x;} int main(){ scanf("%d",&n); ;_l sig=; ;i<=n;i++)scanf(; sort(h+,h++n,cmp); ;i--)b[h[i].p-]=max(b[h[i].p-],h[i].x); ;--i)b[i-]=max(b[i-],b[i]-); ;i<n;++i)b[i+]=max(b[i+],b[i]); ;i<=n;i++){ ; ){ tmp=a[i]+;flg[i]=;b[i]=;ans+=b[i];continue; } if(flg[i]){ b[i]=max(b[i],b[i-]+a[i]-tmp+); }]);tmp=max(tmp,b[i]); ans+=b[i]; } printf("%I64d",ans-(_l)n-sig); }
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