I have an html file with a controller and a directive with a template url. I want to load/compile the directive conditionally in the controller:


app.controller('TestController', function TestController($http, $scope, $compile) {

$scope.loadData = function (pageId) {
var pUrl = <some url>
method: 'GET',
url: pUrl
}).success(function (data, status) {
$scope.pData = data;
var htm = '<test-directive></test-directive>';
var elm = angular.element("#id").append(htm);
}).error(function (data, status) {
}; $scope.loadData(); });


'use strict';

app.directive('testdirective', function ($http) {
var uDirective = {}; uDirective.restrict = 'E';
uDirective.templateUrl = 'js/directives/testdirective.html';
uDirective.controller = function ($scope, $element, $attrs) {
$scope.showDirectiveData(); $scope.showDirectiveData = function () {
$scope.directiveDataCollection = <get data>;
}; uDirective.compile = function (element, attributes) {
// do one-time configuration of element. var linkFunction = function ($scope, element, atttributes) {
}; return linkFunction;
}; return uDirective;

Template used in Directive

<div ng-repeat="directiveData in directiveDataCollection">

How do i get to compile the code in the TestController, load the directive dynamically, and finally load the content and append the content in scope?


Here is a general template for you to reference that abstracts and also demonstrates a few Angular concepts:


.directive('parentDirective', function(Resource, $compile){
return {
restrict: 'E',
link: function(scope, elem, attrs){
Resource.loadData().then(function(result){ =;
var htm = '<child-directive></child-directive>';
var compiled = $compile(htm)(scope);
.directive('childDirective', function(){
return {
restrict: 'E',
template: '<div>Content: {{data.key}}</div>'
.factory('Resource', function($http){
var Resource = {}; Resource.loadData = function(){
return $http.get('test.json');
} return Resource;


<body ng-app="myApp">

Notice that there is no controller code. This is because controllers should never manipulate the DOM- one reason is that it will make your code a PITA to test. So, I put everything in directives, where it should probably be in your case as well.

I also moved the $http service into a factory. Anything state/model related should be in a service. Among other reasons, by doing this, you can inject it almost anywhere (including inside of directives) to access your data without worrying about it disappearing when a controller unloads.


You should also consider the dissenting view of the dynamic loading approach in general in the accepted answer of Dynamically adding Angular directives

answered May 9 '14 at 4:43
Marc Kline


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