
using namespace std;
struct MyAttribute
 MyAttribute*  next;
 string m_strName;
 string m_strValue;
 void ReSet()
  m_strName = "";
  m_strValue = "";
  next = NULL;

MyAttribute& operator= (MyAttribute& rhs)
  if (this != &rhs)
   m_strName = rhs.m_strName;
   m_strValue = rhs.m_strValue;
   next = rhs.next;   
  return *this;   
class  MyHash
public :




#include "CssParser.h"
using namespace std;

#define STR_WRITE(x) x, sizeof(x) - 1
MyAttribute* pColorListHead = new MyAttribute();
MyAttribute* pImageListHead = new MyAttribute();

void DeleteMyAttribute(MyAttribute* del)
 if (!del)
  return ;
 delete del;

//0xEF, 0xBB, 0xBF,  UTF-8 标记BOM
bool InitializeColorCheckTable(MyAttribute* pHead, string path)
 ifstream inFile;
 string strEqualLeft = "";
 string strKey = "";
 string strValue = "";
 int index = -1;
 MyAttribute* pTail = pHead; 
 inFile.open(path.c_str(), ios::in); 
 if (NULL == inFile )
  printf("open file failed");
  return false;
 while (getline(inFile, strEqualLeft))
  if (strEqualLeft.length() >2
   && strEqualLeft[0] == 0xEF
   && strEqualLeft[1] == 0xBB
   && strEqualLeft[2] == 0xBF)
   strEqualLeft = strEqualLeft.substr(3, strEqualLeft.length());
  if (strEqualLeft.length() >0
   && strEqualLeft[0] == '#')
  index = (int)strEqualLeft.find_last_of('=') ;
  if (-1 == index)
  strKey = strEqualLeft.substr(0, index);   
  strValue = strEqualLeft.substr(index+1, strEqualLeft.length());

MyAttribute* pItem = new MyAttribute();
  if (!pItem)
   return false;
  pItem->m_strName = strKey;
  pItem->m_strValue = strValue;
  pTail->next = pItem;
  pTail = pTail->next;
  //cout<<"Key:"<<pItem->m_strName<<" Value:"<<pItem->m_strValue<<endl;

 return true;

string GetAttribute(string key)
 MyAttribute *pItem = pColorListHead;
 for ( ;
  pItem !=NULL;
  pItem = pItem->next)
  if (pItem->m_strName == key)
   return pItem->m_strValue;
 return "";

bool CssColorParser(string strDirectory, string outPath)
 ifstream inFile;
 ofstream  outFile;
 int index = 0; 
 int nend = 0; 
 string StrOneline = "";
 string ItemCss = "";  
 string strEqualLeft = "";
 string strIDName="";
 string strStyleName="";
 string strColorValue="";
 inFile.open(strDirectory.c_str(), ios::in); 
 outFile.open(outPath.c_str(), ios::out);//"./custom.css"
 if (NULL == inFile || NULL == outFile)
  printf("open file[%s] failed outPath[%s]-----\n", strDirectory.c_str(), outPath.c_str());
  return false;

InitializeColorCheckTable(pColorListHead, "./ColorCheckTable.cfg");

outFile.write(STR_WRITE("@charset \"utf-8\";\r\n"));

while (getline(inFile, StrOneline))
  strEqualLeft = "";
  strIDName = "";
  strStyleName = "";
  strColorValue = "";

if (StrOneline.length() >2
   && StrOneline[0] == 0xEF
   && StrOneline[1] == 0xBB
   && StrOneline[2] == 0xBF)
   StrOneline = StrOneline.substr(3, StrOneline.length());

if (StrOneline.length() >0
   && StrOneline[0] == '#')
  nend = (int)StrOneline.find_last_of('=') ;
  if(nend == -1)
  strEqualLeft = StrOneline.substr(0, nend);
  index = (int)strEqualLeft.find_last_of('.') ;
  strIDName = strEqualLeft.substr(0, index);  
  strIDName = GetAttribute(strIDName);
  if (strIDName == "")
  strStyleName = strEqualLeft.substr(index+1, strEqualLeft.length());
  strColorValue = StrOneline.substr(nend+1, StrOneline.length());
  int cutIndex = 0;
  cutIndex = strColorValue.find_last_of('\r');
  if (cutIndex != -1)
   strColorValue = strColorValue.substr(0, cutIndex);
  ItemCss = strIDName+"{\r\n"+strStyleName+":"+strColorValue+";\r\n}\r\n";

 return true;

bool CssImageParser(string strDirectory, string urlPath, string randNum, string outPath)
 ofstream  outFile;
 string strIDName="";
 string strStyleName="background-image";
 string strUrlValue="";
 string ItemCss = "";
 string filePath = "";

outFile.open(outPath.c_str(), ios::app);
 if (NULL == outFile)
  printf("open file[%s] failed  +++++\n", outPath.c_str());  
  return false;
 InitializeColorCheckTable(pImageListHead, "./ImageCheckTable.cfg");
 MyAttribute *p = pImageListHead->next;
 for( ;
  NULL != p ;
  p = p->next)
  filePath = strDirectory + p->m_strName;
  if(access(filePath.c_str(), F_OK) == 0)
   strIDName = p->m_strValue;
   strUrlValue = "url("+urlPath+p->m_strName+"?"+randNum+")";
   ItemCss = strIDName+"{\r\n"+strStyleName+":"+strUrlValue+";\r\n}\r\n";
 return true;

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
 if (argc == 0)

 else if(argc == 3)
  CssColorParser(argv[1], argv[2]);
 else if (argc == 6)
 return 0;


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