BEC listen and translation exercise 43
Reach for the stars so if you fall you land on a cloud.
Anyway, exam failure can lead to worrying changes in the way you normally behave.
You may have left a lot of what you might call unfinished business back in your own country.
In fact, trees and planting of various kinds can be used to make city streets actually less dangerous in particular areas.
I guess the best place to start is the Cathedral and then the Castle.
Trees can have a significant impact on our cities.
And we do ask that you sign up three days in advance, so we know we've got enough people interested to run it.
I have been asked today to talk to you about the urban landscape.
And it was because of this fast flowing water, that this site was a natural place for manufacturing works.
They're unaware that they've been victims of a crime.
So here, really, we're talking about the links between power and crime.
Well, they are all useful. But I don't expect anyone to read them all, because a number of them deal with the same issues.
I've been to the library several times and all the books are out.
He's an architect and he's spending four weeks travelling around Europe.
Besides help with academic problems, you may also need personal counselling.
And if you fail a subject or drop out of a course because it's too difficult, then your self-esteem can suffer.
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