2014-03-20 01:14




 // 6.6 Given n lights, every time you toggle the switches of k-multiples. k goes from 1 to n.
// Assume they're all off at first, how many of them are on at last.
#include <cstdio>
using namespace std; // My solution:
// For a number m between 1~n, the key is total number of divisors of m, defined as num_div(m).
// The light m is toggled for num_div(m) times. If it is odd, light is on. Even and light is off.
// Only perfect square can be factorized, where every prime factor has even exponents.
// That is, m = p[0]^e[0] * p[1]^e[1] * ... * p[whatever]^e[whatever]
// num_div(m) = (e[0] + 1) * (e[1] + 1) * ... * (e[whatever] + 1)
// If num_div(m) is to be odd, every multiplier has to be odd, every e[i] has to be even.
// Thus m has to be a perfect square, if light m is on at last.
int main()
int n;
int i; while (scanf("%d", &n) == && n > ) {
for (i = ; i <= n / i; ++i) {
printf("%d ", i * i);
printf("%d light(s) is(are) on.\n", i - );
} return ;

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