


1.创建 AppExternalFileWriter 对象并传递context(上下文);

2.按照你的要求使用 writeDataToFile 或者 writeDataToTimeStampedFile 不同的方法;


4.如果你想创建一个下级目录,那么可以使用灵活的 createSubDirectory类型






8.用deleteDirectory方法删除整个目录。(注意:该方法之关心删除整个目录与它相关的上级目录,如果您想要检查目录是否为空并使用一些错误的消息,我推荐使用 File.delete() 方法。)



writeDataToFile(String fileName, byte[] data,boolean inCache);
writeDataToFile(String fileName, String data,boolean inCache);



writeDataToFile(File parent, String fileName, byte[] data);
writeDataToFile(File parent, String fileName, String data);


b1 writeDataToTimeStampedFile方法---没有父级路径

writeDataToTimeStampedFile(String extension, byte[] data,boolean inCache)
writeDataToTimeStampedFile(String extension, String data,boolean inCache)

b2 writeDataToTimeStampedFile方法----带有父级路径

writeDataToTimeStampedFile(String extension, byte[] data)
writeDataToTimeStampedFile(String extension, String data)


c1 createSubDirectory方法

createSubDirectory(File parent, String directoryName)


createSubDirectory(String directoryName,boolean inCache)



isDirectoryExists(String directoryName, boolean checkInCache)


isDirectoryExists(String directoryName, File parentDirectory)


a isFileExists 方法

isFileExists(String fileName, boolean checkInCache)

检查给予的文件名称是否存在在程序目录下(parentDirectory )

isFileExists(String fileName, File parentDirectory)


deleteDirectory(File directory)


一些好的建议(some goodies)

1.getAppDirectory() : 创建app目录的文件对象

2.getExternalStorageDirectory() : 获取外置存储目录文件对象

3.getExternalCacheDirectory() : 获取外置缓存目录对象


 package com.example.filewrite;

 import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException; import android.content.Context;
import android.os.Environment;
import android.os.StatFs;
import android.text.TextUtils; /**
* @author Prasham Trivedi
* @version 2.5
* <p>
* This class will create a directory having same name as your
* application. With all the states handled and reported back to
* developer.
* </p>
public class AppExternalFileWriter { private static final String canNotWriteFile = "Can not write file: ";
private static final String canNotCreateDirectory = "Can not create directory: ";
private final File externalStorageDirectory;
private final File externalCacheDirectory;
private Context context;
private File appDirectory;
private File appCacheDirectory; /**
* Creates external file writer
* @param context
* : Context
public AppExternalFileWriter(Context context) {
this.context = context;
externalStorageDirectory = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory();
externalCacheDirectory = context.getExternalCacheDir(); } private File createFile(String fileName, boolean inCache)
throws ExternalFileWriterException {
return createFile(fileName, getAppDirectory(inCache));
} /**
* Create a file in the app directory with given file name.
* @param fileName
* : Desired name of the file
* @param parent
* parent of the file
* @return : File with desired name
private File createFile(String fileName, File parent)
throws ExternalFileWriterException {
if (isExternalStorageAvailable(true)) {
try { if (parent.isDirectory()) { File detailFile = new File(parent, fileName);
if (!detailFile.exists())
else {
String messege = "File already there ";
return detailFile;
} else {
throwException(parent + " should be a directory");
} catch (IOException e) {
String errorMessege = "IOException " + e;
} catch (Exception e) {
String errorMessege = "Exception " + e;
return null;
} /** Creates app directory */
private void createAppDirectory() throws ExternalFileWriterException {
String directoryName = context
.getString(context.getApplicationInfo().labelRes); if (isExternalStorageAvailable(false)) { appDirectory = new File(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory()
.toString(), directoryName);
createDirectory(appDirectory); appCacheDirectory = new File(externalCacheDirectory, directoryName);
createDirectory(appCacheDirectory); } } private double getAvailableSpace() {
StatFs stat = new StatFs(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory()
double sdAvailSize = (double) stat.getAvailableBlocks()
* (double) stat.getBlockSize();
return sdAvailSize;
} private boolean isExternalStorageAvailable(boolean isForFile)
throws ExternalFileWriterException {
String errorStarter = (isForFile) ? canNotWriteFile
: canNotCreateDirectory; String storageState = Environment.getExternalStorageState(); if (storageState.equals(Environment.MEDIA_MOUNTED)) {
return true;
} else if (storageState.equals(Environment.MEDIA_BAD_REMOVAL)) {
+ "Media was removed before it was unmounted.");
} else if (storageState.equals(Environment.MEDIA_CHECKING)) {
+ "Media is present and being disk-checked, "
+ "Please wait and try after some time");
} else if (storageState.equals(Environment.MEDIA_MOUNTED_READ_ONLY)) {
throwException(errorStarter + "Presented Media is read only");
} else if (storageState.equals(Environment.MEDIA_NOFS)) {
throwException(errorStarter + "Blank or unsupported file media");
} else if (storageState.equals(Environment.MEDIA_SHARED)) {
+ "Media is shared with USB mass storage");
} else if (storageState.equals(Environment.MEDIA_REMOVED)) {
throwException(errorStarter + "Media is not present");
} else if (storageState.equals(Environment.MEDIA_UNMOUNTABLE)) {
+ "Media is present but cannot be mounted");
} else if (storageState.equals(Environment.MEDIA_UNMOUNTED)) {
throwException(errorStarter + "Media is present but not mounted");
} return false;
} private void throwException(String errorMessege)
throws ExternalFileWriterException {
throw new ExternalFileWriterException(errorMessege);
} private File createDirectory(File directory)
throws ExternalFileWriterException {
if (!directory.exists() || !directory.isDirectory()) {
if (directory.mkdirs()) {
String messege = "directory " + directory + " created : Path "
+ directory.getPath();
System.out.println(messege); } else {
if (directory.exists()) {
if (directory.isDirectory()) {
String messege = "directory " + directory
+ " Already exists : Path "
+ directory.getPath();
} else {
String messege = directory
+ "should be a directory but found a file : Path "
+ directory.getPath();
} }
return directory;
} /**
* Write byte array to file. Will show error if given file is a directory.
* @param file
* : File where data is to be written.
* @param data
* String which you want to write a file. If size of this is
* greater than size available, it will show error.
private void writeDataToFile(File file, String data)
throws ExternalFileWriterException {
byte[] stringBuffer = data.getBytes();
writeDataToFile(file, stringBuffer);
} /**
* Write byte array to file. Will show error if given file is a directory.
* @param file
* : File where data is to be written.
* @param data
* byte array which you want to write a file. If size of this is
* greater than size available, it will show error.
private void writeDataToFile(File file, byte[] data)
throws ExternalFileWriterException {
if (isExternalStorageAvailable(true)) {
if (file.isDirectory()) {
+ " is not a file, can not write data in it");
} else {
if (file != null && data != null) {
double dataSize = data.length;
double remainingSize = getAvailableSpace();
if (dataSize >= remainingSize) {
throwException("Not enough size available"); } else {
try {
FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(file);
} catch (IOException e) {
} catch (Exception e) {
} }
} private File getAppDirectory(boolean inCache) {
return (inCache) ? this.appCacheDirectory : this.appDirectory;
} /**
* Creates subdirectory in application directory
* @param directoryName
* name of subdirectory
* @return File object of created subdirectory
* @throws ExternalFileWriterException
* if external storage is not available
public File createSubDirectory(String directoryName, boolean inCache)
throws ExternalFileWriterException {
if (isExternalStorageAvailable(false)) { getAppDirectory(); File subDirectory = new File(getAppDirectory(inCache),
directoryName); return createDirectory(subDirectory);
} else
return null;
} /**
* Checks whether directory with given name exists in AppDirectory
* @param directoryName
* : Name of the directory to check.
* @return true if a directory with "directoryName" exists, false otherwise
public boolean isDirectoryExists(String directoryName, boolean checkInCache) {
File parentDirectory = (checkInCache) ? appCacheDirectory
: appDirectory;
return isDirectoryExists(directoryName, parentDirectory);
} /**
* Check whether file with given name exists in parentDirectory or not.
* @param fileName
* : Name of the file to check.
* @param parentDirectory
* : Parent directory where directory with "fileName" should be
* present
* @return true if a file with "fileName" exists, false otherwise
public boolean isFileExists(String fileName, File parentDirectory) {
File directoryToCheck = new File(parentDirectory, fileName);
return directoryToCheck.exists() && directoryToCheck.isFile();
} /**
* Checks whether file with given name exists in AppDirectory
* @param fileName
* : Name of the file to check.
* @return true if a file with "directoryName" exists, false otherwise
public boolean isFileExists(String fileName, boolean checkInCache) {
File parentDirectory = (checkInCache) ? appCacheDirectory
: appDirectory;
return isFileExists(fileName, parentDirectory);
} /**
* Check whether directory with given name exists in parentDirectory or not.
* @param directoryName
* : Name of the directory to check.
* @param parentDirectory
* : Parent directory where directory with "directoryName" should
* be present
* @return true if a directory with "directoryName" exists, false otherwise
public boolean isDirectoryExists(String directoryName, File parentDirectory) {
File directoryToCheck = new File(parentDirectory, directoryName);
return directoryToCheck.exists() && directoryToCheck.isDirectory();
} /**
* Creates subdirectory in parent directory
* @param parent
* : Parent directory where directory with "directoryName" should
* be created
* @param directoryName
* name of subdirectory
* @return File object of created subdirectory
* @throws ExternalFileWriterException
* if external storage is not available
public File createSubDirectory(File parent, String directoryName)
throws ExternalFileWriterException {
if (isExternalStorageAvailable(false)) { getAppDirectory(); if (!parent.isDirectory())
throwException(parent.getName() + " Must be a directory "); File subDirectory = new File(parent, directoryName); return createDirectory(subDirectory);
} else
return null;
} /**
* Deletes given directory with all its subdirectories and its files.
* @param directory
* : Directory to delete
public void deleteDirectory(File directory) {
if (directory != null) {
if (directory.isDirectory())
for (File child : directory.listFiles()) { if (child != null) {
if (child.isDirectory())
} directory.delete();
// return false;
} /**
* Get created app directory
* @return File object of created AppDirectory
public File getAppDirectory() throws ExternalFileWriterException {
if (appDirectory == null) {
return appDirectory;
} /**
* get External Cache directory
* @return File object of External Cache directory
public File getExternalCacheDirectory() {
return externalCacheDirectory;
} /**
* Get external storage directory
* @return File object of external storage directory
public File getExternalStorageDirectory() {
return externalStorageDirectory;
} /**
* Write data in file of a parent directory
* @param parent
* parent directory
* @param fileName
* desired filename
* @param data
* data
* @throws ExternalFileWriterException
* if external storage is not available or free space is less
* than size of the data
public void writeDataToFile(File parent, String fileName, byte[] data)
throws ExternalFileWriterException {
if (isExternalStorageAvailable(true)) {
getAppDirectory(); File file = createFile(fileName, parent); writeDataToFile(file, data);
} /**
* Writes data to the file. The file will be created in the directory name
* same as app.
* @param fileName
* name of the file
* @param data
* data to write
* @throws ExternalFileWriterException
* if external storage is not available or free space is less
* than size of the data
public void writeDataToFile(String fileName, String data, boolean inCache)
throws ExternalFileWriterException {
if (isExternalStorageAvailable(true)) {
getAppDirectory(); File file = createFile(fileName, inCache); writeDataToFile(file, data);
} /**
* Writes data to the file. The file will be created in the directory name
* same as app.
* @param fileName
* name of the file
* @param data
* data to write
* @throws ExternalFileWriterException
* if external storage is not available or free space is less
* than size of the data
public void writeDataToFile(String fileName, byte[] data, boolean inCache)
throws ExternalFileWriterException {
if (isExternalStorageAvailable(true)) {
getAppDirectory(); File file = createFile(fileName, inCache); writeDataToFile(file, data);
} /**
* Write data in file of a parent directory
* @param parent
* parent directory
* @param fileName
* desired filename
* @param data
* data
* @throws ExternalFileWriterException
* if external storage is not available or free space is less
* than size of the data
public void writeDataToFile(File parent, String fileName, String data)
throws ExternalFileWriterException {
if (isExternalStorageAvailable(true)) {
getAppDirectory(); File file = createFile(fileName, parent); writeDataToFile(file, data);
} /**
* Writes data to the file. The file will be created in the directory name
* same as app.
* <p>
* Name of the file will be the timestamp.extension
* </p>
* @param extension
* extension of the file, pass null if you don't want to have
* extension.
* @param data
* data to write
* @param inCache
* Pass true if you want to write data in External Cache. false
* if you want to write data in external directory.
* @throws ExternalFileWriterException
* if external storage is not available or free space is less
* than size of the data
public void writeDataToTimeStampedFile(String extension, String data,
boolean inCache) throws ExternalFileWriterException {
if (isExternalStorageAvailable(true)) {
getAppDirectory(); String fileExtension = (TextUtils.isEmpty(extension)) ? "" : "."
+ extension;
String fileName = System.currentTimeMillis() + fileExtension; File file = createFile(fileName, getAppDirectory(inCache)); writeDataToFile(file, data);
} /**
* Writes data to the file. The file will be created in the directory name
* same as app.
* <p>
* Name of the file will be the timestamp.extension
* </p>
* @param parent
* parent directory path
* @param extension
* extension of the file, pass null if you don't want to have
* extension.
* @param data
* data to write
* @throws ExternalFileWriterException
* if external storage is not available or free space is less
* than size of the data
public void writeDataToTimeStampedFile(File parent, String extension,
String data) throws ExternalFileWriterException {
if (isExternalStorageAvailable(true)) {
getAppDirectory(); String fileExtension = (TextUtils.isEmpty(extension)) ? "" : "."
+ extension;
String fileName = System.currentTimeMillis() + fileExtension; File file = createFile(fileName, parent); writeDataToFile(file, data);
} /**
* Writes data to the file. The file will be created in the directory name
* same as app.
* <p>
* Name of the file will be the timestamp.extension
* </p>
* @param extension
* extension of the file, pass null if you don't want to have
* extension.
* @param data
* data to write
* @throws ExternalFileWriterException
* if external storage is not available or free space is less
* than size of the data
public void writeDataToTimeStampedFile(String extension, byte[] data,
boolean inCache) throws ExternalFileWriterException {
if (isExternalStorageAvailable(true)) {
getAppDirectory(); String fileExtension = (TextUtils.isEmpty(extension)) ? "" : "."
+ extension;
String fileName = System.currentTimeMillis() + fileExtension; File file = createFile(fileName, getAppDirectory(inCache)); writeDataToFile(file, data);
} /**
* Writes data to the file. The file will be created in the directory name
* same as app.
* <p>
* Name of the file will be the timestamp.extension
* </p>
* @param parent
* parent directory path
* @param extension
* extension of the file, pass null if you don't want to have
* extension.
* @param data
* data to write
* @throws ExternalFileWriterException
* if external storage is not available or free space is less
* than size of the data
public void writeDataToTimeStampedFile(File parent, String extension,
byte[] data) throws ExternalFileWriterException {
if (isExternalStorageAvailable(true)) {
getAppDirectory(); String fileExtension = (TextUtils.isEmpty(extension)) ? "" : "."
+ extension;
String fileName = System.currentTimeMillis() + fileExtension; File file = createFile(fileName, parent); writeDataToFile(file, data);
} /**
* Exception to report back developer about media state or storage state if
* writing is not possible
public class ExternalFileWriterException extends Exception { public ExternalFileWriterException(String messege) {
} }


String test = "writer File class test";
if (testFolder == null) {
testFolder = writer.getExternalStorageDirectory();// 获取sd卡的根目录,testFolder和writer分别为File和AppExternalFileWriter(this)的实例
try {
writer.writeDataToFile(testFolder, "fileName.txt",
test.getBytes());// 注意对应的惨胡分别为存储目录,写入的文件名称,byte[]
} catch (ExternalFileWriterException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block


<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"/>


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